I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 172 - Mystic Dream-III

Jung Hwa took a hold of her sole. His fingertips rubbed on the wound of her feet and her eyes squint in pain. Seoyeon cried, her tears filling her eyes in reflex of the sudden pain she felt. Jung Hwa watched her wounds. He didn't want to focus on the smell of blood filling the room now but he did.

How was her feet wounded? Unless it happened in her dream but then the wounds were exactly similar to what she felt in her dream. The thought was intangible. How could the wound she received in her dream appear to her reality? Seoyeon felt chill running on her back and goosebumps arriving on her skin.

It was hard to resist Seoyeon's blood that smelled sweet. Jung Hwa felt his fangs aching, the fragrance had him to feel his mouth watering from the thirst. Last night he had to drink twenty blood packs to curb his hunger but now served with smell of blood in the morning was maddening.

His hand swipe on her sole bringing his thumb to take a trace of her blood and placed it over his tongue, "What are you doing?" said Seoyeon in alarmed seeing Jung Hwa licking his thumb after he had touched her feet. "My feet is dirty."

"Even though you didn't run in the wild and wash yourself yesterday?" asked Jung Hwa and Seoyeon's eyes slightly widened at the mention of running in the wild. "What happened?" came his question and his eyes turned red when his eyes met her inky ones. "I don't remember smelling any blood from yesterday, when did you hurt yourself? and why didn't she told me you hurt your feet?" Jung Hwa questioned her without bringing pressure, wanting to sort out the problem.

"I don't know... Last night it was fine," Seoyeon answered. If it was someone else, Jung Hwa wouldn't believe their words before checking their heartbeat but hearing Seoyeon's words, he had faith on her immediately.

Was this Seoyeon's power? asked Jung Hwa to himself. Witches went extinct centuries ago, it was hard to tell if this was the side effect of her power or not with the lack of information they have.

"Hwa, I think I may sound delirious," Seoyeon called his name and his eyes settled on her with a serious look before he pulled her an assuring smile.

"I don't mind hearing your delirious words, tell me," Jung Hwa pulled the cupboard, taking the first aid kit he placed inside the lower drawer of the cupboard which came in handy.

Seoyeon watched him tending her wound, "But I think first I will tend my own wound."

"We have would have very less time to work if you wish to tend your wound than talk," he replied without looking at her, opening the cap of the medicine to chuckle when he stare at her eyes, "I'm joking, we can be late. Let me handle your wound and you tell me the delirious words you didn't managed to say."

"I dreamt of something very odd, the nightmare I woke up from earlier," replied Seoyeon. Would it make sense? She wondered to herself but only Jung Hwa would hear her words. She pursed her lips opening it with doubt, "I don't know if it was a fictional imagination I made in my mind or if it is true. It feels really weird."

Jung Hwa dabbed the cotton that was wet with the medicine to her wounded feet, "Why do you think it is your imagination or if it is real?"

"The wound..." She said to catch Jung Hwa's eyes narrowing over her, "In my dream I found myself in a forest. It was a very dark forest at the time of the night. I didn't know where I was and I continue to walk without shoes and maybe my legs stepped on sharp dry branches or stones along the way. It felt hurts just like now."

"Do you think the wounds you have know comes from the dream you had?" Jung Hwa asked and she nodded.

"Maybe. I don't know does it sounds weird?" asked Seoyeon, wondering what Jung Hwa would think.

"It is weird to others, however, I don't think so; and it is not completely far fetched," replied Jung Hwa as he used a clean bandage to wrap her feet, "We live in the world where witches and vampires are, I could tell there are some other beings out there we are yet to know and possibilities this world could bring that sometimes seen as impossible."

"What do you think about my wounds?" questioned Seoyeon to him, wanting to hear his hypothesis, "I didn't hurt myself before I sleep and I don't think I hurt it in my sleep. Maybe it is the dream?"

"It could also be your power as a witch," saying this, Jung Hwa was Seoyeon's expression marred with worries. He raised his hand, touching her cheeks gently as if he was brushing to wipe tears that weren't there on her face. "Don't worry, if it is your power I don't think it will harm you. Power is born to protect one's self not to damaged. There are many occasion when they harm the person but I doubt your power is one."

"Why do you think so?" asked Seoyeon and Jung Hwa smiled wider.

"An instinct. I always relay on it and it works wonder every time. It is my most trusted side after you," He chuckled, and Seoyeon watched how he had neatly bandage her feet as if he was used to do so.

"And it never betrays you? I thought at some points even instinct would fail," Seoyeon answered him. This was perhaps the most calmest conversation she had with Jung Hwa even when her heart was uneasy.

"You know because of my instinct I was able to save you many times and maybe I am lucky that I have had my instinct fail on me," He moved her feet to take the other one, repeating the same process fast but gentle. "Tell me about your dream, do you remember how it went?"

"I think I found myself sleeping on the ground of the forest." Seoyeon found gathering her words seemed hard. As she woke up from her dream she felt as if the dream and the memory fading subtly like a haze. Fortunately, the parts she felt she had to remember stayed in her mind. "I didn't know where I was going so I went without direction. I then saw people dressed in a black long coat with a hood covering their heads. They were holding swords with them, all of the men."

Jung Hwa raised his brows, "Long swords or knifes?" He asked for her confirmation, stopping the hand which was tidying the bandage.

"Long swords and large like a saber. They were also holding torches and seemed to be searching for something that was buried in the ground, they seem frantic and fear that they wouldn't be able to find what they hid there," Seoyeon answered, "I think it was because they receive an order from the Queen, one of the man stated that."

Queen, Jung Hwa noted in his mind. "Did you see what they were searching?"

"It was a coffin. Someone's body was buried there and they were searching for it by digging the ground. The odd thing was the people were scared of the coffin. Before they opened the lid, the men pointed their swords to the coffin," Seoyeon ended her story and she watched Jung Hwa's expression, "As expected, it sounds very weird isn't it?"

"A little," replied Jung Hwa being frank with his words as he didn't see the need to hide his thought in front of Seoyeon, "The Queen they call and the swords, doesn't it sound like in the past? Did you see what clothes they wore?"

"I don't. They were covered from to to bottom to black, I can't see their faces well either," she responded before asking, "Can I dream of the past?"

"There are witches who were said could dream of the future or the past, I thought maybe it is your power doing you. As currently we still don't know what you are capable of." Finding Seoyeon's brows pulled in worry, Jung Hwa added, "No matter what power you'll have it surely wouldn't be worse than mine so you ought to be fine. Don't worry for what would happen in the future, worry about now. You will fell less pressured that way."

"But now and the future keeps me in the dark," everything she recently pick up felt very hard for her to wrap her mind to but she had to swallow the reality and the secrets she knew was there under her but yet to know.

"Even of you walk in the dark you will never lose your way." Jung Hwa ripped the bandage with his sharp teeth, before he rolled her legs and bind the bandage.

Noticing where their conversation was directed to, Seoyeon find herself laughing despite the situation she was in. "Because I have you an you are my light?"

"You get it, good girl," Jung Hwa praised soundly his lips were smiling when Seoyeon finally took notice of his eyes which were red. "Did you find out who was buried in the coffin?"

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