I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 175 - Knocking On Doors-III

The day ended without a hitch for Seoyeon. After making a round to the management team and sorting the problem which stacked up for the week, she then saw an ambulance passing by the road from the window. It reminded her of her uncle's wound and the death of the men who kidnapped her. Seoyeon wondered whether her life would still be peaceful after what happened yesterday. To her, it was just the beginning.

"You are done?" asked Jung Hwa when Seoyeon walked out of the building to see Jung Hwa opening the car door for her. "Let's get going now before the fortune teller run from us."

Seoyeon somewhere wondered if the fortune teller had run in the afternoon as they had time to do so and by going there they wouldn't fine anything. "I think you left plenty of time for the fortune teller to run."

"I am seeing some actions from you now. Are you afraid you will lose the tail you caught?" asked Jung Hwa as he start the car to drive.

"It is the tail that you caught," she corrected to have him laugh. "Whose past do you think I am dreaming of? It now dawn to me that maybe the past that I dream happened very long time ago."

"How long are we talking about?" Jung Hwa question, his eyes leaving the street to look at her eyes. "A hundred, two hundred?"

"No, maybe four or five hundred years ago," replied Seoyeon who then pursed her lips that Jung Hwa noticed. "I am sounding weird again but I have a feeling that it maybe it was around that time."

"Only a feeling or was it the clues you gather too?" questioned Jung Hwa.

"Feeling. I don't know what to say maybe it was the clues too." Seoyeon wished she would have a better look at everything at that time but it was her first time which was why she had failed to see the details in the complete picture.

"It's often said that the past one dream is their own past, some times of people who you know or are close to you but I don't have such a past," replied Jung Hwa as if claiming he was the closest person to her and Seoyeon notice but didn't rebuke as he was correct.

Seoyeon turned her face at him suddenly, "I forget to tell you while I was in the dream, they said they were burying 'her' and I think the person inside the coffin is a woman."

Jung Hwa's eyes narrowed but subtly. He didn't know what power Seoyeon hold. The secret of her past was a large mystery and somewhere Jung Hwa could tell the mystery was to hide the power she had.

Reaching the place where the fortune teller was mentioned, Seoyeon looked from the window the large wall which was made out of stones. The wall was built tall and she wasn't able to see whether there was a house inside with the height.

"We are here," said Jung Hwa when they both stepped out from the car. "Let's talk about our least damage first, should I kill the fortune teller?" He asked as if to revive her permission before diving down to action.

Seoyeon didn't know what she should reply, "Just make sure not to kill but if the person is dangerous and harm you or me, I don't think we have any choice." Killing wasn't something Seoyeon could agreed upon. She grew up in environment where killings were seen as wrong but Jung Hwa was the opposite.

"Got it. Let's enter," said Jung Hwa, placing his hand on Seoyeon's back as they went toward the wooden gate. From where she stood at, Seoyeon could hear the sounds of cries from the cries which sounded as if a hundred of them were around the gate walls, making the silent night to become more uncanny for Seoyeon.

When Jung Hwa was about to kick the door down like what he often did, he saw how the door was unlocked and one push of his finger was all it took for him to open the gate.

"How careless," Jung Hwa dropped a remark and they both entered the place to see a house built in a traditional structure which was small compared to the wideness of the front yard.

Seoyeon saw a light coming from the house, "There is someone here." It seemed that her uncle and aunt hadn't call the fortune teller and told them of how they would be visiting the place.

When Seoyeon was about to walk closer to the building, Jung Hwa pulled her hands, "Wait, we can walk freely without knowing if they lay trap on the place. I'll go first," Jung Hwa took one step forward and Seoyeon stopped him.

"What if the trap laid for you? You are not immortal, right?" Jung Hwa had come this far for her, she didn't want him to die because of her.

His lips Jung Hwa pulled to a smile stopped before it went further. Seeing how Seoyeon didn't worry about herself but also put him in the same scale of herself had him in delight. "The we should walk together?" he asked and she nodded at his idea.

They entered the house terrace, when Jung Hwa raised his feet to place one step on the entrance of the house, he noticed there wasn't anything wrong with the house, there was no spell he could detect or killing intent.

Seoyeon look around the place, her eyes noticing how tattered the wooden ceiling was and the floor that creak unevenly. When she pushed her feet to take one step forward, the sound freaked and it should signal the person inside the house even though Seoyeon meant to come in silence.

"There is someone here, alone," Jung Hwa announced her to make less surprised and when she nodded, Seoyeon reached out her hand to open the door of the house. A woman sat with his back facing the door. A table was placed in front of her that was leveled to her waist.

Her hair was long and let scattered on the ground. Seoyeon took note of the large painting behind the woman where the entire wall was colored red and a Chinese writing was written vertically. As if the drawing of a demon's face with malice on the wall wasn't spooky enough, the candlesticks which was red began to flicker, giving a shadow of some sort of face when Seoyeon opened the door.

"I have been waiting for you," said the woman whose face was still looking on the wall instead of facing the new guest who had come for her. Judging by the words said, it's as if the woman was waiting for her for a long time.

"Did my aunt told you that I will be coming here?" asked Seoyeon as she entered the place wearily and Jung Hwa took more steps than her.

"Aunt?" asked the woman as if to remember what Seoyeon meant and her lips painted in a glossy red pulled higher. "That wasn't what I meant to say but my words could be taken and decipher as you would like to take. Please take a seat everywhere you would like and Mr. Vampire you don't have to be weary or prepare your nails to kill me. I am not going to harm anyone."

Hearing how the woman knows Jung Hwa was a vampire and knew what he was preparing to do, an expression of astound came to Seoyeon's face. She took a look at Jung Hwa whose smile was laced with wicked thought.

"My nails are not to protect me but for preparation in case I would want to kill you," Jung Hwa didn't miss the woman's words and he spoke, "If you didn't know we will come here from her aunt, you must have waited for us to come long before this. No. You are waiting for Seoyeon to come and meet you."

Seoyeon turned her face from staring at Jung Hwa to the woman whose face she still couldn't see as her back face them. "But I don't know you."

"You did," the woman used a past tense and Seoyeon narrowed her eyes. "Please take a seat, we could have a talk." The woman repeated and Seoyeon put her unrest feeling to sit down on the floor while Jung Hwa leaned his back on the wall after closing the door. He made sure the distance between him and Seoyeon was close without keeping any single strand of her hair out from his perspective.

"Do you know me?" asked Seoyeon as soon as she took a seat on the wooden floor. It was what Jung Hwa said and she agreed. Her question could sound in two meaning where the fortune teller had waited for her appearance after receiving a word from her aunt and uncle or that she had seen Seoyeon before.

"I do, we talked before, briefly. You don't seem to remember that we talked and you somehow look very different than what I remembered," the woman hummed. But she hadn't seen her, thought Seoyeon. Since she entered the fortune teller's body was facing to the wall and there should be no way she could see her or Jung Hwa when there was no mirror in the room either.

"What do you mean by different?" came Jung Hwa's question who had been watching the woman's back intensely under his skepticism.

The fortune teller raised her hand before placing it on her table and spoke, "You have become more like a human but it is staring to fall apart."

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