I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 176 - I Am Confused-I

Seoyeon didn't know what to make out from the woman's words. She could take that the woman meant to say she wasn't a human and act as one. But all this time she didn't act. She had thought she was a human like no others. It was only a few days ago did Seoyeon learned she was not the human she lived like for twenty years if her life.

"What do you mean by falling apart?" questioned Seoyeon at the woman, like Jung Hwa, she stared at the woman's back. Since they had entered, the woman didn't face them as she talk and Seoyeon guessed it was a rule she made as a fortune teller. If the fortune teller didn't saw her face, does the woman know her by her voice?

"You are turning back to the real you. To the you that was not right and it is slowly crumbling your human nature," the woman pressed her tone somewhere as she said this. "I am afraid this will happen soon. Even though this could never happen."

"What will happen soon and what is Seoyeon's real nature?" asked Jung Hwa from the place he was. This was a good chance to find more about Seoyeon. He knew something about her was amiss but the problem should be solved when they know she was a witch. Yet it didn't seem like that was all she had in her that was unknown. There was still something.

"She is a witch," the woman stated what Jung Hwa and Seoyeon already know and she the continued with what they don't know of, "But she didn't not any witch. She is a catalyst. She doesn't belong anywhere. Dark or white witch, vampire or hunter, or human; she doesn't have anywhere she belongs to. It was their fault, not yours but someone else's fault for not being able to take on what they was faced with, resulting to you becoming more dangerous than you already are."

"Dangerous?" Seoyeon furrowed her brows while she questioned the woman. The words she said were cryptic, just like what she had said that they had to decipher the meaning on their own. But it was too vague.

"I am guessing that because she is dangerous, a catalyst of something that you told her aunt and uncle to kill her?" Jung Hwa interrogate the woman, his voice falling dry and stale.

"I had advise them no such things. I merely tell what they wanted and needed; the rest is up to the listener to make their choice. In this, they try to kill her," the woman dropped her head and raised her hand to her face as if to wipe her tears but from behind, Seoyeon wasn't sure if she was correct. There was no reason for the woman to cry for her or in the situation.

"It makes no difference to me that you advise them to kill Seoyeon. You said she is a bringer of misfortune and because of this Seoyeon was tried to kill for eleventh times. Fortunately she is saved but I doubt she would continue be lucky." Jung Hwa was trying to get answer the fortune teller because she was the one holding the key answer to Seoyeon's past. "To tell someone to kill by doing it indirectly, must be easy isn't it?"

The woman's hand slammed the table, "I had done nothing you mentioned. They questioned whether a bringer of bad luck is in their house and replied with a yes. I have never mentioned it would be her."

"But they tried to kill me. That's not all the reason there it is?" questioned Seoyeon to the woman, and she saw how the woman grew silent. "I know they were hiding from me. Apart from the fact I speak languages others don't know."

"The catalyst. Is that what makes Seoyeon dangerous and different from others?" Jung Hwa asked the woman's words. He knew there was a hole somewhere in her aunt and hncle's words. For one to kill others only to end misfortune was stupid and foolish thing to do.

Her aunt and uncle may not be smart but they were cowards. Unless it was for a reason that lead to a disaster, he could tell they wouldn't want to kill Seoyeon. Not because they love her but because they were cowards who was afraid to kill.

"This wasn't supposed to happen. Her family have tried to find solutions to fix everything, making it like how it had to be but they failed-" the woman failed to continue her words as Jung Hwa's hand had caught her neck, raising her body from the floor.

"Hwa!" Seoyeon walked over him, she saw the woman woman's face was covered by a viel tied from her forehead which was black in color, covering her entire face and Jung Hwa's hand took hostage of her neck.

"The solution was to kill her?" Jung Hwa's eyes shifted slowly to Seoyeon being careful with his gaze before he turned again to the fortune teller, "You don't know how painful it is to be killed or kill your own family, do you? Well now, you have make Seoyeon understood the pain of betrayal."

The woman struggled, seeming as if she needed to say something and Jung Hwa loosened his finger slightly. "The catalyst, it shouldn't be in this world but I didn't tell anyone to kill her," the woman said in a hurry, "I don't know her aunt and uncle would kill her. I had no rules over my own words. I have said as I was told to say. There are people whispering words to my heads, telling the future and it is how I have get by for being a fortune teller. Her parents, not her real parents came to me and asked me of this."

"What did they ask?" Seoyeon wondered why her foster parents would come here. Her aunt and uncle mentioned how the fortune teller was trusted by the family and it was possible that all of them had come to ask for every of their children's future. Including hers even if she wasn't their real child.

Since her childhood, her parents who took her in were the kindest people she had ever seen and she doubt they had come to ask if she was the bringer of misfortune and try to kill her like how her aunt and uncle did.

"They ask what to do to stop you. To stop you from becoming something dangerous; but death stopped them from doing anything and your relatives chose to kill you, thinking it was the solution." Jung Hwa tightened his hold and the woman's head moved back.

"Please Hwa, wait for her to speak," said Seoyeon to him. If she dies, Seoyeon was afraid she would never know anything about herself.

Jung Hwa stared at Seoyeon with his face exempted from smile, looking unimpressed. There was a thin line where Jung Hwa would never allow people to talk about Seoyeon like the woman did. The death of Seoyeon was never a solution to him.

"I am making it easier for her to speak. When death is over one's eyes, their lips will become loose," Jung Hwa stated as if he was doing the right thing while enlightening Seoyeon but she could tell his eyes were holding the glint of murderous.

Seeing Seoyeon's eyes on him, protesting as she knew how much he would like to kill the fortune teller who whispered her relatives to kill her, Jung Hwa released his hand, throwing the woman on the floor. "What is the catalyst? What do you mean by Seoyeon is dangerous?"

The woman gasped for breaths with her hand shooting to her neck as if to rub and ease her throat to draw in for breaths. "Catalyst is the start it also could be the end. In the past five or six hundred years ago there was also a catalyst. They are the start of fight between witches, humans, and vampires. She is the reason for the war. Arousing hatred from people whether she had done it conscious or not. The catalyst of six hundred years ago decided to kill people with the power she had and it killed almost all dark witches that were on the land."

"So the dark witches didn't went extinct, they were killed by the catalyst," said Seoyeon and the woman nodded her head. "That is why there was no record about how the dark witches disappeared. They didn't suddenly went extinct but killed." The dark witches they had seen before was then lucky people who avoided the killings.

"Then what happen to the catalyst?" asked Jung Hwa to the woman who took her steps back out of fear he would catch her neck again.

"They died," answered the woman briefly but then she added, "Some say she killed herself or someone killed her. There was never a story told after the death of the catalyst."

"If what you say is the truth and Seoyeon is the catalyst. There had been no record of the catalyst ending the dark witches'. If they did, it would have been there in the history. Yet the vampires don't know of this," said Jung Hwa who was curious why he had never heard anything about the catalyst.

"No, the head of the associates, the elders, and some of the pureblood they know about the catalyst. But as the previous catalyst had died, they had no fear as they believe it will never happen again," the woman's face then turn to Seoyeon although Seoyeon couldn't see her expression she felt the woman's gaze was piercing at her. "You cannot turn to the dark side, Seoyeon. If you do. This time the entire world will ruin over you. The sky would turn dark, the world will be filled with fires and smokes, the crops in the land would wither and at long last every humans would disappear from the face of the Earth. That is your future.. If you take the wrong step."

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