I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 178 - I Am Confused-III

The woman stood straighter and she placed her hands on the table in between them. She looked at Seoyeon or at least that was what Seoyeon thought she was doing. Without seeing her face as it was covered by a veil, she wasn't sure of it.

"Tell me your full name, your birthday, and your blood type," said the woman and she looked down to add, "put your hands on the table both of them."

Was blood type part of a fortune teller's question? Seoyeon didn't know but she thought to answer.

Seoyeon placed her hands on the side of the tables, doing what the woman ordered and heard whispers from the woman but this time it was louder. It was not only the woman's voice that she heard but also the other's voice which Seoyeon at first thought she was hearing it wrong to now realize she wasn't. The voices spoke fast, almost like a wind and the woman's lips also moved as fast as the sound.

"Tell me," said the woman when the voices calmed down.

"My full name is Han Seoyeon, thirteen January, AB type," and on her replied, the woman hold her hands. Jung Hwa was standing idle to Seoyeon's eyes when she look at the corner of her eyes to check his presence. He didn't said anything but she knew he had spoke necessary to hold himself from killing the fortune teller.

Jung Hwa didn't leave her alone. His blood although Seoyeon couldn't see was right beside the woman's neck. Ready to slash the fortune teller's neck in case she began to act weirdly. No one was stupid enough to let the woman they love to someone who had become the reason why her relatives would kill her.

It had Jung Hwa to question about her foster parents. If they were trying to find solution while knowing everything about the catalyst, it would mean they knew about vampires. But that could be otherwise seeing how her relatives didn't seem to know vampire at all. They only thought catalyst was bringer of misfortune. This was their part of mistake when deciphering the fortune teller's words.

But her step parents were the question. If they have been searching about another solution to lock the catalyst inside Seoyeon why wouldn't they clear the misunderstanding between her uncle and aunt? It would have prevent them from killing Seoyeon.

From her relatives' words it was clear they had a talked about Seoyeon's being a bringer of misfortune and that was when they suppose to fix them but they don't or maybe they did but her relatives were fearful enough not to believe them?

Jung Hwa thought there was a good thing in letting her relatives live a little longer. If he had question such as now, he could drop a visit and question them with or without Seoyeon. Jung Hwa could tell after what happen, they will be more than pleased to answer him.

His eyes continued to watch Seoyeon and her serious expression. Seoyeon was nervous with her fortune. All this time she had to say for herself that her bad luck was the source of her problem. She had too many troubles in her life that stopped her from having a smooth life and she wondered to herself if she was cursed.

The fortune teller's whispers stopped when she took something from the metallic case placed on the side of the table. Taking it, she whispered before throwing the things she had on her hands and clattering sounds came to the wooden table.

Seoyeon saw that it was coins but it was closed as the tail was shown and on the side of the copper coins, she saw a pattern of clouds as if it was a coin the woman modeled for herself.

"You can choose some coins, three of them," said the fortune teller and Seoyeon randomly pulled some to her side.

The fortune teller than put the coin she took aside and pulled the rest of seven coins to her hands. Bringing it up, the woman then threw the coins with all her might, leaving some to fail reaching the wooden table. At the moment, Jung Hwa had come closer beside Seoyeon to see what future was unfolding by the the woman's power.

Seoyeon saw faintly from the woman's veil how her brows were furrowed. Taking her chin down, she saw the woman flipping one of the four coins she had left. Seoyeon noted that the first coin she opened had a carving of a chain. She was unable to see the rest as the light was scarce inside the house.

"I thought you will be seeing the coins that I picked," said Seoyeon because isn't that how most fortune teller do?

"The coins you pick is the catalyst's as I said earlier you have no hold over it. The power control you," replied the woman, "The first is about chain."

"About the catalyst being chained?" questioned Seoyeon, the same question Jung Hwa had in his mind. An unsettling feeling come in her chest as she learn more about the catalyst.

"I would like to say that, but what I am wanting to know is your future. The catalyst chained happened in the past. Some times the coins have meanings but ones that people cannot understand," replied the woman, "In your case, the chain come first in order and they are facing the opposite side. The chain symbolizes sin but yours could also be memories."

Seoyeon furrowed her brows with the words the woman's said that were vague, "I don't understand what does that mean?"

"I can take two meanings here. The opposite of sin is virtue. You did a very grateful thing for others and that person you saved will forever hold a grateful feeling for you. One day they could be your greatest ally," replied the woman this time, her meaning was clearer. "The other meaning, your memories start to come back about the past possibly the ones that I didn't locked but the memory you locked yourself."

At that time, Jung Hwa took one step forward, "We actually have a question about that, Seoyeon last night dreamt about the past possibly five hundred years ago. Could this be related to what you are saying?"

The woman seemed surprise and Seoyeon could hear her gasp, "What did you see?"

"People searching for a coffin, I don't know whose body was in there," replied Seoyeon to the woman's question. "Do you think this dream is real?"

The woman answered, "There are dreams that is usually a representation of one's imagination or some times cryptic message to tell the dreamer of how dangerous their future would come to them but they would be far fetched. Like the sun turning black, world splitting into two with the sky, or animals begin to talk and cry. But your dream tells everything clearly in sequence. I have to say you dreamt of the past. Someone's past because at that time you are not suppose to be alive."

While Seoyeon was questioning whose dream it was, the fortune teller continued, "The second is a scale; usually to weigh between two choices. It means you would have to make a very important choice and by choosing one of them you will make two possibilities in the future. Last is sword." The woman swept her eye from the coins and the carved sword on the metal that goes to Seoyeon's side. "The edge of the sword usually point toward me."

"Will it change the meaning?" questioned Seoyeon and the woman nodded her head. "What does it mean?" she asked as the woman seemed to be hesitating to tell her.

"You will be killed," said the woman briefly and she gulped her throat to feel the very sharp sense over her neck, knowing well this was Jung Hwa's power and saw how the woman came toward them.

Jung Hwa seated himself beside Seoyeon and he took her hands to hold her palms tighter. "Is that all you have to say?"

"I will decode a little further, explaining more what I could tell and see," said the woman to Seoyeon and Jung Hwa. "No one knows what the future would hold. I am but a fortune teller yet my power had never been the most perfect because everything I say doesn't clear out a single meaning. Right now you are in the beginning of your future. You are changing to what you are which is the catalyst and I say you have no hold over the power but there is a way."

"And the way is in the book the dark witches hold?" questioned Jung Hwa and he felt Seoyeon's hand tightening on his hold.

"No. In the past the holder of the catalyst was able to hold her power but there had been no record how she did that. You are going to soon pick your path. One that could avoid the disaster and the other which would turn the world to chaos... It is what you have to pick. I tell you this even if you tell yourself you will choose the good, if you are destined not to, you will never be able to avoid the chaos."

Seoyeon didn't know what to say. It was only a few days ago she learned that she was a witch, yesterday she found out that her family tried to kill her and now she learn that she was the catalyst that would end the world.. The power the woman said felt intangible to her because she never felt the tremendous power the woman said and she didn't know if this was good or not.

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