I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 184 - Findings-III

The next day, Jung Hwa arrived at the Associates' building alone. Seoyeon had took a rest as it was weekend and he didn't want to wake up the sleeping beauty who deserve the sleep after what she had went through. To add, the matter today was not important enough for her to take care.

Unlike his usual route to enter the building, Jung Hwa took a turn to walk over toward the backyard of the building. There were people gathering at one place where it was near a large tree. Deok Ji Hyeang was there along with some others associates member and Yu Sheen who when noticing Jung Hwa sighed.

"You seem unhappy that I came, Yu Sheen," Jung Hwa never forget to push a remark to make the half vampire felt awkward.

Yu Sheen mustered a smile and quickly waved his hand on the front of his face. "Of course not, Mr. Jung I am very happy to see that you have-"

"I will hear you sang me praises later," Jung Hwa cut in to have Yu Sheen confused with his expression stiffening. "On what condition did you found him?" He asked to Deok Ji Hyeang.

"His heart was taken out from his body, we currently only found his body here," answered Deok Ji Hyeang, "the body is still on the ground and his heart was found somewhere else; they were buried in separate places."

Jung Hwa looked around the places to lay his sight on the body that was placed on the hole that had been dug. It was the body of the same person who he had broken the finger, from the expression and how the corpse had a wide eye even when he had already died, he seemed to die in the state of surprised.

"I didn't know we will meet faster," mumbled Jung Hwa when from a far he heard sobbings. Turning his face, he saw the vampiress that came to the scene. Her face was drenched with tears, in thunderstruck after hearing her son's death.

"What happened to my son! The killer they must be here somewhere!" shouted the woman in hysteric to Deok Ji Hyeang who was not too far from where Jung Hwa was standing at.

"We are still currently searching for the killer, Mrs. Chu, please wait for the further notice and proceed with calmness," said Deok Ji Hyeang apathetically. He didn't know who had been stupid enough to let the news come to the family's ears before they could find any clues to the murder yet.

"How could you expect me to be calm! Don't you see how my son died and on what fashion he was forced to?! My dear son!" The woman walked toward where the body of his son was buried and to see the surprised expression from his son's face broke her heart. Jung Hwa coolly watched their expression, including the older brother of Chu Sunji, Gu Manyeong who was currently holding to his mother's hand so the woman would not faint on spot.

Mrs. Chu couldn't accept the death of her son. She clutched to Gu Manyeong's hand, her eyes flaring with anger. "You have to find the killer and no matter what I want them to be dead! You are the only one I could entrust you this, Manyeong."

"Kill would be a little too much, don't you think?" came Jung Hwa's voice to take Mrs. Chu's attention on him. "Unless and until the Associates edict any punishment, we as the associates member doesn't have any authority, including your elder son."

Yu Sheen watched how all eyes now fell on Jung Hwa and in his mind, the half vampire question, What was the crazy vampire saying? He had killed shared much more kill than Go Manyeong and he didn't bother to hide his killings but here, he spoke as if he was a saint.

Mrs. Chu wasn't feeling pleased that someone had cut in the conversation she had with her son and her eyes moved to frown at Jung Hwa that stopped when the woman noticed the different shade of red color Jung Hwa had when he turned his eyes to red.

"Excuse me but who are you?" asked the older woman with an expression of confused as she dabbed her handkerchief to wipe her face stricken tears.

Jung Hwa made eye contact with Gu Manyeong. It was clear how the older brother doesn't feel the least sadness for the death of his younger brother who was lying next to him lifeless. They didn't seem to be blood related to his eyes.

"I am sorry for your loss, Mrs. Chu. My name is Jung Hwa, the associate member that will be working to find the killer of your son," said Jung Hwa it the woman, forming a sympathetic expression that had the woman's tears to fall again.

"I know Sunji a little while back. We started at the wrong foot but we immediately hit off after that. He had forgiven my mistake like how I did to him. To hear that he had been killed with his heart pulled from his body is a very heartbreaking news to me," Jung Hwa patted the woman's back while Deok Ji Hyeang didn't comment despite knowing how Jung Hwa meant no single words from his mouth.

"Please find his killer! He is a very good boy and for this to happen to my dear son," the woman sobbed again.

"I will see to my upmost capability to serve the justice Sunji needed, please take a rest. Sunji would be sad if he knows how his mother was crying non stop for him up there," and his words managed to persuade the old woman to leave the scene.

Jung Hwa then turned his face to Yu Sheen, "Next time this should not happen again. The worse thing that would hinder our work is the family coming to us crying," and Deok Ji Hyeang nodded in agreement.

Yu Sheen hesitate before speaking in his defense, "I had made sure for no words to come to Mrs. Chu or the family. I think it is Mr. Gu who told the news of the death to his mother."

"Blaming others on your first day of investigation, are you Yu Sheen?" Jung Hwa raised his eyebrow at his assistant to see the man shaking his head in fear. "Whether it was Mr. Gu who had told his mother or not, the fact that you let them in will not slide."

"Yes sir," replied Yu Sheen who turned small. He thought about Jung Hwa's words to find that he was correct. With the appearance of the dead family member to the crime scene it would make a hitch to the investigation.

"In what state was he found?" asked Jung Hwa while crouching down to the ground to have a better look at the brownish red headed man who now had died. There was a hole carved on the vampire's body. Most vampires would die once their heart or head led their body in Chu Sunji's situation, his heart had been plucked out from his body and only vampires would do this. If hunter had killed the vampire, Chu Sunji's body would now have turn to ashes, leaving no trace.

"He was buried here and the heart was buried over there. The man who found the body is the caretaker of the graveyard." It was Yu Sheen who replied while Deok Ji Hyeang took seat under the tree, pulling his cigarette to lit the flame.

"Call him here and the guard. There must be someone who saw who entered the place," ordered Jung Hwa and Yu Sheen quickly left to do what Jung Hwa ordered him to like the responsible assistant he was.

Jung Hwa thought that his pick to the vampire who was a bit less bright but was able to have his mind work wasn't a bad choice. He seemed responsible with his work to Jung Hwa. Although the matter of trust is a different one. In the vampire society, it was better not to get attached or too trustful to others and that was how Jung Hwa lived his life.

Jung Hwa's eyes tailed on the man's body. His clothes seemed to be used to go out, there was no sign of struggle and the surprised expression the corpse had was enough to tell that Chu Sunji knew the killer but didn't expect them to kill him. The man when Jung Hwa first saw him was clear a man with many enemies not as much as him but he wasn't able to protect himself after seeing how he was no lifeless under the ground.

The body had turned brown from the mud and Jung Hwa's eyes fell on the man's neck. Everyone was still in the dark on who could have killed Chu Sunji and buried the body in the graveyard of the Associates. It was a stupid thing to bury the person they killed near the Associates' building but Jung Hwa knew the person who killed the vampire had done it so no one would suspect them.

Jung Hwa hovered his hand over Chu Sunji's chest where it was hollow. Compared to the hole in Chu Sunji's body, his hand was considerably larger. He doubted the killer was a strong one after seeing they had made the kill silently, surprising Chu Sunji to death. And that's not all.

If Jung Hwa made a hole on the man's body, it would make a wider cave and there was no male's hand that could fit to the small cavity. The wound proof that the killer's hand was not only small but slender and possibly belong to a vampiress. Receiving the answer, Jung Hwa stood up with a grin on his lips.

"Did you find anything?" asked Deok Ji Hyeang while walking toward him.

"Hm, I have to say I enjoy my first case," Jung Hwa hummed, the puzzle had solved and what he need to pin point the killer.

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