I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 188 - As He Said-I

Seoyeon who had nothing to do stared at the large window that had a balcony but she sat inside with her eyes staring at the sky in a daze. To keep herself from her mind, she tried to do a few housework but Alfred had done everything around the house and he would be troubled if she was the to clean the house.

In the end, Seoyeon had nothing to do but reading the book that Jung Hwa gave her. The last book was about Hunters. Unlike vampires or witches, Hunters were said to be the humans that were blessed. Even though humans don't usually have power that could match a vampire, hunters had a strong body.

"Would you like a tea, Miss?" 

Seoyeon closed the book and turn her face to Alfred who smiled at her with his hand together. "No thank you, I would be fine. The breakfast was delicious, thank you Alfred."

"It is my job to cook and I am happy that there is someone who would appreciate my cooking as Master Hwa does not eat. He only ate a few times that I can't remember any longer," said the vampire.

"I didn't know that vampire could cook," Seoyeon heard of how Jung Hwa said food was not necessary for vampires than blood that gave them nutritions. She wondered how do they know whether the food are tasty or not if they don't eat?

Alfred put on a smile, "Even though we could not be the same nutritions like what we could get from drinking blood, we could still taste food and how delicious it would be. And as a half vampire myself, the sense of human's taste is stronger for us." Alfred than look at the book Seoyeon was reading, the title was enough to let him know what the girl was reading of.

"Hunters until now still work according to their blood line. As it is extremely rare for hunters that are blessed with power different than humans, the descendants of the hunters that work in the past are put to the same work their ancestors have," explained Alfred to her who still stood straight.

Seoyeon truthfully thought there would only be vampires. At first she thought only humans were in the world until she came to meet Jung Hwa. It was hard to believe that creatures like vampires or witches live amongst them and that she was a part of them.

"I see that would means hunters are a minority."

"Not necessarily, hunters are much more than you think they would be. Humans who lost their families to hollowed vampires took on their fights by being a hunter," informed Alfred, "I have seen hunters myself and they don't look different than a human but their strength was extraordinary. They could fight on hollowed vampires alone without getting a wound or scratch."

It sounded to Seoyeon's ears that hunters were special and strong. She had tried to move her hand when Jung Hwa caught a hold of it and he didn't budge. The contrast of power between vampires and humans were clear and for humans to be able to fight on vampires head on was even more surprising to her. "That's awesome."

She then look around the place and casually put a question, "I don't see any picture frames in the house," usually in a house there should be one or two but there was none in Jung Hwa's house that had her wondered if he didn't like pictures?

"Picture frames," mumbled Alfred who paused for a good two second as if forming what to say, "Have you heard about Master Hwa's family, Miss?" There was a careful tone he asked with that Seoyeon took note of.

"A little from him about his mother and his older brother." That reminds Seoyeon Jung Hwa could easily tell about his mother and brother but not about his father. There had been no mention about his father and somewhere Seoyeon wondered if Jung Hwa doesn't like to speak about him.

"I see," whispered Alfred whose eyes then turn around the house, "The house is built long ago but as I have said before, Master Hwa rarely visited the house. I don't think he would bring any picture frame here when he has many in his grandfather's house."

Seoyeon was know curious about his father and unable to hold her curiosity she asked, "I never heard about his father, do you know anything about him?"

Before he replied Alfred questioned her, "May I ask to what point you know about Master Hwa's mother?"

"A few about how she died on the hands of witch," said Seoyeon but that was the only extent of her knowledge about his mother. There was still many things she was yet to learn from Jung Hwa and she wondered if she slowly peel the story about him, she would get closer to his core and see the real him? But then Jung Hwa always appeared transparent to her.

"I cannot say much as I think it would be better if you ask Master Hwa about it yourself. To hear the story from a second person will not tell what it needs to be tell and this is to avoid misunderstandings," the man was wise with his words and although curious, Seoyeon thought that the man's words were correct. It wasn't as if she ask Jung Hwa the man would not reply on his own. 

"Master Hwa may come off as overbearing to others but he is a person with kind heart. He never use violence unless it is needed," she heard Alfred praise Jung Hwa and a smile appeared on her lips.

"I think 'unless it is needed' often come as reason." Seeing that Jung Hwa broke one's finger she doubt that was the first time he had done it to another vampire.

"It does, the world vampires live in is very different compared to humans as someone who had lived as a human myself, I can tell this for sure. I don't know what you have perceive and seen by your eyes but I am sure you haven't seen the worse," said Alfred with a thoughtful look on his face. He knew now how much Jung Hwa treasured her. 

"Worse?" questioned Seoyeon. What could be worse than what she had seen? Thinking back, vampires were frightening and she learn more about her statement when she entered the Associate's building. Although it was frightening it wasn't to the point it was horrible because she didn't saw anything that could turn her blood cold. 

Is it because the vampire on her side was Jung Hwa? She didn't know about what he did but her feeling told her that what Jung Hwa did was not only to this extent.

"Yes. Master Hwa wasn't the person to use words but you could tell with his actions. If you look closely upon it. He became the person he is to survive. When a little tiger was placed on the forest alone without parents, they would grew fiercer than a baby tiger of their age. This is to protect themselves," Seoyeon saw a look of attachment was on Alfred face. "I hope that there would be someone to stay beside the tiger even if they are a herbivore."

"Who are you calling a tiger?" came Jung Hwa's voice from behind that surprised the two to look at him who was standing with his upper clothes had taken off, leaving only one gray shirt on his body with the top three buttons opened. "I thought it wasn't your job to speak."

Seoyeon was the one to spoke, "How was it? I heard you went to the Associate." After her words, Alfred quickly went to leave the two alone. 

"Nothing much a body was found in the graveyard of the Church," explained Jung Hwa who took a seat next to her. Even though there were many chairs around them, he had to chose the one right beside Seoyeon and she didn't know if this was his way to get close to her but she didn't mind either, knowing that Jung Hwa wouldn't do anything.

"Don't all graveyard have body?" asked Seoyeon to see Jung Hwa laughing on her words.

"Yes but old body that should have turn to skeleton," Jung Hwa's hand nimbly touched her hair, pulling and smoothening her hair with his fingers going through her long black hair. "Yet someone in the early night dragged a new body and bury near there as if they were thinking to replace the old corpses to a new one. A fabulous act, right?"

"I don't think it is," Seoyeon because conscious with the distance and her eyes look away on the other three chair, "You know there is a chair in front of me now."

"So what of it?" asked Jung Hwa with his eyes still settled on her, as if not wanting to leave and he took the littlest expression Seoyeon saw. It was endearing to see how Seoyeon became fidgety around him. She was getting conscious after what he did everyday.. Because deep down Seoyeon realized that Jung Hwa didn't only want her to stay at his house but to devour her.

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