I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 189 - As He Said-II

Jung Hwa should have get a clue to what she was saying but he didn't and it make Seoyeon to sigh. "Fine, you can sit here and I will go." It was childish to settle at a place, hoping for Jung Hwa to be the one to move when she had legs she could walk on with. 

Just as her body was about to stand up Jung Hwa lightly pulled her hand. His movements were considered the very gentle as it didn't hurt Seoyeon but vampire's strength was much more stronger than a human. One light pull of Jung Hwa's hand resulted to her view tilting. Seoyeon resist to scream and she fell on his chest. It took her a moment of pause to understand that she had landed on Jung Hwa's body and her heart began to drum aloud next to her ears.

Seoyeon lifted her head up to meet Jung Hwa's black eyes to see he was smiling at her with a wide grin. Quickly, Seoyeon pushed her hands on his chest to stand up but Jung Hwa's hands on her waist were like an iron hold. It was hard for Seoyeon to move away from him and her tries to stand up ends up in failure.

She turned her face to find a smug expression from Jung Hwa's face that had her to frown. He continued to watch Seoyeon trying to get away from him that ends after a good two minutes of trying.

"Done trying?" He asked her with a light tone while taking in the frown between her eyebrows.

"Done hugging?" Seoyeon retorted back without a thought to feel Jung Hwa pulling her upper back toward her which became tighter instead of letting her go.

"Not yet," Jung Hwa watched how her lips curled in protest that she didn't voice out. "You were getting curious about me, don't you. Did you think by asking Alfred you will get a little tale about me?"

"I was just curious," she whispered and tried pushed herself again. "Didn't you promise not to touch me?" It was the reason why she agreed to stay in his house in the first place but here Jung Hwa was going against his words boldly.

Jung Hwa pulled an oblivious expression, "Did I?" and at the same time his hand slowly moved on her back brushing that pulled her shirt from her back that made her eyes that were looking at him widened in alarm.

"Don't!" What was this pureblood doing! and Jung Hwa seemed to be very happy that he could hug her.

"Don't what? You know you are blessed with a very beautiful lips that taste delicious," Jung Hwa saw his words taking effect on Seoyeon as she blushed, thinking of the kiss they did before. "Use it to speak."

Seoyeon pursed her lips to say, "Don't rub my back like that!" when his skin rubbed slowly, she felt ticklish and with her heartbeat, it was more than tickle that she felt.

"Like what? I told you to speak clearly didn't I?" There was no response coming from Seoyeon as she looked at him with a defiant gaze. "Rather than asking Alfred you have me to ask what you need to know. I am the source for your curiosity."

"I was thinking to do that if you didn't pull me like this," she replied. After a few more times trying, in the end, she gave up and let herself to be hold on his chest. With her head pressing to his chest, somewhere Seoyeon could hear his heartbeat that was very slow beating. "I thought vampires don't have heartbeat."

"That is for vampires I am a pureblood so I am closer to humans in term of appearance and behavior. Not in power though," Jung Hwa told her and his hand moved from her back but was not enough to let her go. "A dark witch came to the Associate building today."

"What?" Seoyeon gasped and she frowned. "How could they enter there? I thought the building is guarded heavily."

"Not everything that is guarded heavily could stop anyone from entering. Dark witches are sly compared to other beings. To enter the Associate's Building must be a cakewalk to them. I will put a words to hang the guards who let the dark witches later," there was no drop of emotion contained on his words and Seoyeon thought it was a joke. "But rye dark witch didn't managed to enter the room with the help of put trustful white witch."

Seoyeon kept down her expression that blushed harder when she felt her body pressed on him and likewise, trying to compose her expression that failed when her eyes met Jung Hwa's. 

Ignoring her thundering heartbeats, she raised her eyebrow, "Min Beomgyu? How could he fight a dark witch using spell?" she curiously want to know how the white witch managed to stop the dark witches from entering the rooms in the building. Maybe in contrary to Min Beomgyu's appearance he was strong when it comes for fight?

"He can't like how he look he is weak to the point of no return," joked Jung Hwa. "He put a potion on a door knob that prevent dark witch to touch them if they do their hands would get burnt," he replied to then ask, "Did you touch the door knob?" 

"I didn't." Maybe if she did she could find out what type of witch she is. "Next time I will touch it."

"No we will be searching for another method. If you touch it and it proof you as a dark witch worse, you will lose a finger as an effect of the potion. We can't let that to happen to your hands," he said while taking her fingers and pressed his lips lightly and Seoyeon felt that the room turn hot before her. 

"The white witch offered himself if you need help to find out about your origin. How are you?" Jung Hwa asked her with his voice turning gentle. "Not everyone could stay sane like you after knowing that they are a witch or catalyst."

"I don't think anyone would stay sane when knowing there are vampires in the world they live in either."

"But not you, my strong black cat," whispered Jung Hwa next to his ears and she felt that the paart that turn hot was not only her ears but deeper. "You know staying together like this make me feel peaceful, isn't that how you feel too?" Seoyeon pursed her lips not replying to his words. Instead of calm, her heart was about to burst and perhaps the only one who was the calmest was Jung Hwa. "I don't like hugs but I like it when it comes to you. Many about me changes after meeting you for the good, of course."

His words touched her heart and she was somewhere very delighted that she had helped him ease the loneliness that settled inside his heart.

"Tell me about your family," Seoyeon inquired. She didn't feel uncomfortable at first laying over Jung Hwa's chest but slowly she complied and felt that the warm was assuring and comforting. 

"My father?" Jung Hwa questioned her in exchange, his hand pulling her hair and trailed it around his hair. "It is not a good story to hear but you still want to know?"

"If I could," Seoyeon think about how there was no picture frames on the house. Alfred could be saying the truth or maybe half the truth. Maybe Jung Hwa didn't want anything that could remind him of the past. He was alone after all, no father, with his mother and dearest brother dead. Speaking about his father must be hard and she carefully touched the topic.

"You could but as I say it is not a very amusing story to be heard. People that heard said that it instead a bad one to hear. I don't mind telling you about it," Jung Hwa said.

"You don't have to tell if it brings you bad memories," she said and he chuckled over her.

"I don't have bad memories. Once everything passes, she called it as memories it is something that can't be change and I don't dwell on it for a long time." He explained when she felt Jung Hwa letting go of her back. She didn't know what made the pureblood's mind to change from hugging her because her words didn't affect him. She took notice of how his eyes slightly narrowed.

"Stay here," Jung Hwa told her when he stood up from the couch and Seoyeon fixed her hair to stay like what Jung Hwa told her to but after a minute, she decided to stand up and walk toward the entrance where Jung Hwa had walked to, her head slightly inclined to see it was Valerie, Jung Hwa's aunt she remembered to have seen in the Associates's building before.

Surprisingly like Jung Hwa's words, they really did come to his apartment but not when Seoyeon was alone in the house.

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