I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 190 - As He Said-III

Seoyeon stood in silence making herself unseen by standing behind the wall where it was enough for her to see the older vampiress standing in front of the entrance with Jung Hwa. A smile decorated the woman's face that was beautiful regardless of the fact that she could perhaps be a decade or two older than Jung Hwa.

"Come here," said Jung Hwa and he turned his head toward her. "Seoyeon," he added to make sure his human girl know who he was talking of. 

Inwardly Seoyeon sighed. From what she learned Jung Hwa and his aunt didn't have a great relationship than why should she go? Being in an awkward position with her around would instead turn the mood for worse but Jung Hwa want her to stay with him.

It took one good minute and Valerie who was confused by who Jung Hwa had called casually put a laugh, "I didn't know you were having a guest. A human guest," Valerie corrected herself when Seoyeon appeared and walk toward Jung Hwa.

She saw his hand and went beside him so his hand settled on her back. Seoyeon wondered if she should greet the woman who had stopped to seize her figure and face from top to bottom a hum could be heard from the woman's mouth. 

"You have met her before, this is Seoyeon," Jung Hwa named and his grin widened with a hint of evilness. "This is my aunt Valerie."

Seoyeon learned that people could be disrespectful and it should be her who respect others as she didn't want to become the person who don't know manner. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Valerie."

"Hmph, I thought you were resting I didn't know you were busy drinking blood. It is not a written rule from the Associate that a vampire could not drink blood directly from a human but be careful Hwa. You don't want to get careless and drink the girl by accident," the woman said with her eyes still judging Seoyeon and she noticed the woman didn't remember her even though they had met once. 

It was either the woman had a very bad memory or she thought that remembering human's face wasn't an importance, thought Seoyeon and she kept her thought on her own but turning her face, she met eyes with Jung Hwa who was grinning as if he knows well what she thought. 

"She looks very weak and thin," The woman crossed her hands, looking unwelcoming to the human who was called to the conversation.

"I think you mean delectable and delicate. Seoyeon may seem weak but she could lift me on her own, right?" Jung Hwa asked her and Seoyeon didn't reply but smile. Silence is golden, thought Seoyeon. 

"My, is that so?" Aunt Valerie sounded impressed but her expression betrayed her words. "Would you let me inside now?"

"I do not think you should, aunt Valerie," Jung Hwa didn't want his aunt to enter his room in one reason because he didn't like people like her to intrude on his room. 

His words had Valerie to lift her brows, "Surely dear you would not want to tell your aunt that had come far to stand here until night only to talk with you, don't you? It was your mother's wish that I should often visit you if you are ever alone. Some times I think your mother could see the future, you know. She always able to predict things like the words she said to me," her aunt said, "Your mother told me this a day before her death."

"If she does she would prevent her own death," replied Jung Hwa almost tonelessly, "If she is alive I would tell her that she shouldn't worry about the living if she has died. It would only be a burden if she leaves words like that to you," the words he said was sharp and detached. Not only Seoyeon was surprised by the lack of emotion he hinted, when she turn her eyes to look at his aunt, a look of baffeled came as Valerie didn't expect this.

It was known by how hell bent Jung Hwa wanting to find the killer of his mother that he love his mother but then how words sounded like he doesn't.

Seoyeon look at him who was still with a smile that didn't come from happiness to his aunt. There was the dynamic between Jung Hwa and his close family who had passed away. She didn't know whether they had a good relationship or a sour one and whether there was a rift between them. 

It's hard to put to finger. To what Seoyeon know, Jung Hwa loves his mother and maybe his brother that come after but she wasn't sure. She knows almost nothing about his father but that he has one.

It took Valerie a good two second to pull her smile and her thinly drawn brows raised, "I don't think it is a burden. Your mother really care about you Hwa and maybe she doesn't really show it," murmured Valerie with a pity expression that Seoyeon caught and she also noticed the woman looked somewhat smiling while saying the words that had her to frown. "You should not think like that I am sure she is just worried about you."

Unable to resist, Jung Hwa chuckled and his head slanted toward the side of his shoulders, "I don't mean that my mother's words is wrong of course she is correct as a mother she must have felt worried to me if one day came when she died like now... I just mean that it would be a burden if you come."

"Your mother and I are close even if we aren't related by blood, I don't think it is a burden," Valerie replied and she looked inside the house, making it obvious so Jung Hwa would take a hint and let her inside his house, wanting to enter as she could not understand why she should not enter.

"Again you are wrong," Jung Hwa chuckle to put his explanation to better words as it seemed his aunt was yet to learn. "I mean it is a burden to me that you come you know how bothersome it is to stop when you are having a good time don't you? I hope you could come again with a knowledge and consideration that I could be here doing something very productive but had to be stopped because of one bell." Seoyeon felt Jung Hwa tightening his hold on her waist to pull he as if to sign his aunt what kind of 'productive' activity he was doing.

Can't he do something else than rubbing salt to his aunt's face while pulling her in to make as if she was his partner in crime?

"Is she your partner?" Valerie questioned with a bolder words. The way her eyes stared down at Seoyeon make her uncomfortable.

Jung Hwa who didn't want to explain any longer shifted his hand from Seoyeon's back to her shoulder. "Yes and you would not be able to enter the house because we made a little mess earlier. You can come back later auntie or maybe not at all. I would be happy if you chose the latter."

Seoyeon breathed out in relief thinking this was the end to their conversation when Valerie shrug crossed her hand and shook her head as her reply.

Seoyeon saw the woman whose face still thick even after receiving blows from Jung Hwa's words. "I don't mind if it's dirty I just came to ask you to help us a little," Finalky she revealed what she came for, thought Jung Hwa. "Alfred should be here he could clean the time while we take other room. Of course not all room is messy, right?" and the woman's eyes fell on Seoyeon as if the question was hers to answer.

Seoyeon didn't meet Valerie's eyes for too long as she felt her shoulder tapped by Jung Hwa's fingers. Looking up her eyes met his black ones that were casual. Despite the friction, Jung Hwa was someone who could smile while giving sarcasm. 

"Seoyeon please tell Alfred that my aunt is here," said Jung Hwa to her when their eyes meet with a softer tone and she felt his hand moved from her shoulder. "Come in auntie." Jung Hwa offered.

He could tell that his aunt didn't come for a simple reason of wanting to see if he was doing alright. He knows how his aunt thought of him as displeasure like how he sees her to be one. 

Before Seoyeon left she saw the two one last time. They really didn't look like aunt and nephew by their conversation but Seoyeon had the same conversation when she met her aunt and uncle where only sarcasm left her lips with smile that didn't reflect their inner thoughts.

When she saw Alfred, Seoyeon went to call the butler, "Alfred," her voice gathered Alfred's eyes who was cleaning the cupboards from dusts even though there wasn't a spec of dust on the surface, "Jung Hwa's aunt is here."

On her announcement she saw Alfred's lips were set on a straight line and a look came on his face that didn't stay for long as he nodded, "I will tend them. Miss Seoyeon I think it would be better if you stay not at the same room as the two if they are talking."

"Why not?" she asked curiously.

"Well, you would not want to be there but if Master Hwa call for you I will call you," said the housekeeper.

"Okay.." Seoyeon then watched the housekeeper left the place.

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