I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 192 - Doubt Seeding-II

Mrs. Valerie smile and she brought her shoulders up, with a sweet smile, "Gu Manyeong has a pureblood father and I don't want to deny my dear daughter's wish," she then uncrossed her legs, ignoring Seoyeon as if she was the air. "Also don't you need someone to settle with, Gu Manyeong has a close cousin-"

"I think that is enough tea for you today," Jung Hwa interjected, his eyes stared at the cup that was empty on Mrs. Valerie's hand, "How about walking now, auntie of course to the door," Jung Hwa got up from his seat with Seoyeon, knowing that if he didn't move, his aunt would not move either, "A clear drop of words from me, Auntie. I need no one to tell me who settle with and I don't like to do what other request of me. You know how I always betray other's expectation, right? I might by accident drop Barbara's bad pasts."

"Hwa you can't do that to your own sister," Mrs. Valerie advise, a threaten lurking underneath her words.

"My sister? She is my cousin worse, without a drop of blood that almost mean she is t my cousin at all. I have to tell you of how you are a stranger to me including your daughter," Seoyeon saw the woman's expression hardened, the cup she held had crack sharply as his aunt was in foul mood. "Take care."

Jung Hwa pulled Seoyeon's hand to leave the room and Seoyeon could feel the glare directed from his aunt. When they passed by the room she asked, "What was going on?"

"You don't understand yet?" he questioned and she shook her head. Jung Hwa took the chance to enlighten his sweet but a little naive black cat, "My aunt is about to exchange me."

She was slightly taken aback by his reply and it took her a moment to process his words and ask, "What is she going to exchange you with?"

"Barbara wants to be with Gu Manyeong but in exchange Gu Manyeong's cousin would get close to me. I don't like leech around me so I refused," Jung Hwa explained her what had taken place in the room. While shrugging his shoulder he let go of her hands, letting her to have a free space that stayed only for a second as Jung Hwa took one step forward for their face to come close. "But I love kitten."

Seoyeon felt her heart jolted and she took one step to see Jung Hwa's shoes stepped forward. Somewhere she realized this would be a game of forward and backward and stopped her feet, letting Jung Hwa to stop with her. 

She looked away, and murmured, "L... Like Halsteed."

It was hard for Jung Hwa to resist and laugh at her. He nodded his head, "Like him and you."

"Do you like to call me cat because I am similar to Halsteed?" asked Seoyeon, wanting to bring the conversation away. This was Jung Hwa's house and she knows how many traps he could put on her. 

But Jung Hwa wasn't going to let her shift the conversation. As if he was pulling her back, he asked, "Like the way you always resist me even though you have fallen for me?"

Being stubborn, Seoyeon questioned, "Did Halsteed liked you?" 

"No which is why he ran away from me," acknowledged Jung Hwa and somewhere it had a sympathetic effect to Seoyeon who know he was all alone now. Sensing Seoyeon's expression of sympathy Jung Hwa continued, "But half reason why he hold run away because I didn't chase for him. I could but I didn't. I told you because I respected his wish and didn't want to chase him. But there is another reason."

Alluding his words, Jung Hwa waited for Seoyeon to ask, "Another reason of why you didn't? You worked hard to get him from your mother. I thought you liked him."

Halsteed maybe a cat but Seoyeon could tell it was not a simple cat where Jung Hwa could let it run away freely. She could tell Halsteed was maybe a symbol to him of his loneliness and somewhere despite his words, she could tell Jung Hwa held an attachment to the cat.

"The cat loves my brother. If you think of it, maybe I was the one who had stolen him from where he was. The part where he ran away could be his way to spite me. That's why, I don't want you to run away," he held Seoyeon's hand pulling her to catch her back, "Be mine. It's simple all you have to do is accept me. You are doing it and I know you are giving your best by shedding everything to be closer to me. I could feel it. But my patience is paper thin, I don't want to force you because you will run away but at the same time I want to. You are making me crazy and I can't describe it anymore by words."

"But you are not the only one," she whispered her eyes looking down, not meeting his eyes before it braven to look up and stare at him. 

"You are making me crazy too." She replied and in an instance. She felt her chin tipped, her lips were envelope with a warmer lips. She could feel how Jung Hwa's emotion surged after her words with the kiss and somewhere, she could feel it was turning dangerous when his hand traveled on her back, slowly going down.

It was hard for any men to hold back when they heard the woman they pursue began to talk the way she did. The words were dangerous as it was very close to her admitting she accepted him. 

Jung Hwa pushed her back, arriving to the counter of the kitchen where they had been talking at. His hand pulled Seoyeon's hand to the surface of the table, hoisting her up to push her leg and have her seated on the counter.

With their lips parted, Jung Hwa admired her face, seeing her lips that were dewy because of him and her eyes that were teary. Her chest huffed up and down fast as if she had run a mile and she did because of his words.

"You know you are pushing my button," Jung Hwa informed her, an expression that was fierce appeared on his face and it darkened as he continued to look at her.

"I didn't-" Seoyeon was interjected when his finger stopped in her lips. 

"Be a good cat and never do that again unless you are ready to what come next," seeing Seoyeon's eyes darting away from him, Jung Hwa's grin was pulled higher. "Do I have tell you on details on what I am thinking to do know to you?" his hand slipped to her thighs, sliding to the smooth skinned Seoyeon's breaths hitched. "The only reason why I am not doing it yet is because I don't only want your body but your feeling."

"How kind," Seoyeon whispered, the word left her lips in panic as his hand continue to push the long skirt she was wearing.

"I am but not for long." When Jung Hwa leaned forward, Seoyeon closed her eyes tightly, thinking he was going to kiss her when she felt his hand pushing the hair on her forehead and her eyes flew open. Jung Hwa kissed her forehead before pulling back with his smile wide. "You have to say the three magic words before anything between us could progress. I will go back, what about you?"

"I will later," Seoyeon quickly pushed herself from the table, wiping her cheeks that felt hit and her eyes look on the floor when she noticed the red stain. 

"Okay." Jung Hwa's voice brought her eyes away from the blood stain on the carpet and she saw him left. Seoyeon stayed on her spot before leaving to her room when she saw Valerie stepping out from the same room she was in. Did Mrs. Valerie stayed in the room even after they left.

"You seem to be making quite a home here, aren't you?" said Mrs. Valerie before Seoyeon could leave the place and avoided the woman.

"Hwa has been kind to let me stay in his house as I am in a trouble," replied Seoyeon. Their first meeting and the conversation that came after were not a good one but Seoyeon didn't want to be disrespectful. She replied briefly to not converse with the woman for too long.

"Oh, how kind. But you should not forget, my nephew who killed his own mother and brother, are cold blooded. I advise you to leave because this place isn't necessarily safe for you. Or maybe you think it wouldn't happen to you? If so, that is foolish," the woman dropped a remark. 

Seoyeon frowned at the woman's nonsense. What was she saying that Jung Hwa had killed his mother and brother? She could tell how beaten Jung Hwa was on their death that every time he mention about his family, his expression would fell to gloom.

"Hwa's mother died with a dagger in her back because of a witch." Seoyeon defended Jung Hwa who was currently not present in the room.

"Oh?" Valerie began to laugh and she look at the woman confused. "You think know much but you don't know of the truth. Do you he told you everything truthfully? I will tell you poor girl, it wasn't the witch who stabbed my sister it was her own son. Can you imagine about it? A son killing his own mother and brother killing brother.. It's abhorrent."

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