I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 194 - Suspicions-I

Jung Hwa twisted his lips from Seoyeon's words. Seojun was about to come here and it seemed like the hunter boy was acting as if he hadn't come here or know who he is. Seoyeon, on the other hand, who still doesn't know anything about her own younger brother being a hunter was trying to hide the fact that he is a vampire. 

"Why would your brother come here?" he lifted his brows, his head inclined as if he doesn't know anything about Seojun. As her brother was going to play off as a person who had just met him, he would do the same. Not to comply to the hunter's play but to turn the tides. It was easy to tell that the hunter came in order to expose him to Seoyeon but there was nothing Jung Hwa hadn't expose to her. 

"It's a long story," she replied not wanting to get in details as she was in a hurry. Seojun had always been fast to come to her house. In any second he could come here and before that she had to reach to an agreement with Jung Hwa. "Please, can you do me a favor?" 

"Okay," Jung Hwa agreed faster than Seoyeon thought and she exhaled breath that stopped halfway when he continued, "In exchange promise me that you would do me a favor. You know that I don't do things for free. How about it?"

"But you say you will never ask me anything in exchange," Seoyeon replied, narrowing her eyes. She knew at times Jung Hwa could be tricky to handle with. She didn't know what he want her to do for him in exchange but somewhere she knew it wouldn't be an easy favor. 

After the conversation she had with his aunt, Seoyeon honestly didn't know how to react to him. She had to ask him and to clear the cloudy questions that appeared because of Mrs. Valerie, but she doesn't know where or how to start questioning him. 

She had come in a hurry and now that the thought came, her eyes that stared at him lingered longed before it finally moved. Jung Hwa noticed the slight change of Seoyeon's expression. 

His hand moved from her chin, "This and that is different. I will protect you and people you hold dear without any repayment needed but this request is different."

"What is the favor?" It was foolish not to know what she would be exchanging with before agreeing and knowing him, she had to take precautions.

"I will think of it later," and at the same time, Alfred came behind them. The sound of Alfred's footsteps were light that Seoyeon didn't notice the man had come. She had thought about it since she meet Alfred. He barely make a sound every time he walk and maybe it was a trait he got for being a vampire's as Jung Hwa had almost no sound when he walk either. 

"Master, there is a boy who came, saying that he wish to meet Miss Seoyeon. Should I chase him away?" questioned the housekeeper. Being someone who knows about Jung Hwa since he was a little, the man know how much he loves his treasure to the point he wouldn't share it to others. It was the case to Seoyeon. If there was a man coming to her, Jung Hwa would be the first to push the man away and he thought the new guest have to be chase out. 

"No, that is my brother, Alfred. Thank you," saying the words, Seoyeon left the place and Jung Hwa drew his brows when noticing the odd behavior of Seoyeon.

"Did Seoyeon met Valerie before she leaves?" asked Jung Hwa without looking at Alfred who he asked. He knew something was fishy with her behavior and it wouldn't happen without a reason. And if there was one, it would be his aunt who came a few hours ago.

"I remember Mrs. Valerie left soon after that," Alfred replied, without knowing that they have met.

"I see," murmured Jung Hwa in silence, "Alfred, prepare some good quality of snack and tea. The best you could find. Today's guest would be the pickest you ever seen."

When Seoyeon arrive at the door, like a lightning, Seojun had stood in front of the door with his face smiling. "Sister!" Over seeing Seoyeon, Seojun quickly jumped to hug her.

Jung Hwa then walked behind and while hugging Seoyeon, Seojun stared at Jung Hwa with his gaze tepid and his smile had fallen. Jung Hwa could now tell why Seoyeon had never once doubt Seojun being a hunter. The young man look innocent and naive when he smiled which was something he had honed since childhood that guard him from looking like hunter. 

Pulling back from the hug, Seojun then raised the food box that was covered with a large red napkin, "I brought it with me. Yesterday when I was on my way back home, Auntie called me and gave me this," said Seojun with a smile that was genuine to Seoyeon.

She looked down on the food box and set her expression to a smile. After what took place a few days ago, Seoyeon didn't want to eat any food that her aunt and uncle gave her. They had poisoned her for nine times put of their eleven attempts. She asked herself why wouldn't they poison her again for the twelve times? 

Seojun continued to stare at the expression Seoyeon made and chuckled, "Don't look at the food that way, sister, no one is going to eat the food alone and it's not as if there is poison inside it." Seoyeon's heart skipped a beat when hearing him mentioning poison.

"Of course there wouldn't," she replied to then turn her face behind, finding Jung Hwa who had come in silence. His body leaned to the wall on his left with his hand crossed. He continued to stare expressionlessly and when Seoyeon met his eyes, he finally smiled. 

Jung Hwa took more steps nearer toward the two, his gaze laid on the food box. "There should be no relatives malicious enough that they want to poison their own niece is there?"

Seoyeon raised her hand to Jung Hwa, indicating to Seojun, "This is my friend, Jung Hwa. He is someone I knew from work." Seoyeon who was in the middle of the two tall men turn her face to Jung Hwa, "And this is my brother, Han Seojun."

Being a polite boy, Seojun was the first to offer a handshake, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Jung." Although they were smiling, there were friction that appeared when their eyes clashed but Seoyeon who was sleeping when the squabble between them took place in the apartment, was the only person who didn't notice. 

"No need to be reserved, you can call me Hwa without the honorifics," replied Jung Hwa taking the hand, shaking it when he felt a pressure of grip from the young man who offered him the handshake. It had been Jung Hwa's policy to repeat what others do to him and he tightened his grip. 

Seoyeon saw how they were giving each other a handshake with a pleasing smile to each other. Seeing how there seem to be no hitch in their first meeting, she felt relieved. Jung Hwa had fulfilled his promise by not insinuating a fight.

They continue to shake hands until one of them heard a crack and Seoyeon's eyes went to their hands that had parted, "It seems like we would get along very well, Seojun."

"I think so too," replied Seojun who could still feel the pain of the pureblood's vice grip that cracked one of his bone. Fortunately, when Seoyeon heard the crack, they had let go of each other's hand in lightning fast.

"We should go and eat this together, you still hadn't eat your dinner yet, right sister?" asked Seojun curiously and he let himself enter to hog the space between Seoyeon and Jung Hwa. Seoyeon nodded for them to leave the entrance. She walked first before the two men, not realizing the look they gave to each other when Seoyeon didn't see.

"Should I reheat the food?" she questioned, turning her head to see they both look back at her with a smile.

"Yes please," they replied almost at the same time and the two once again look at each other before Jung Hwa ignored the young man's gaze.

They sat over the dining table, eating the food prepared and before they began, Jung Hwa took the first bite, checking whether there are no poison to find none. Even if there was one, he somewhere doubt it could affect Seoyeon. Though that doesn't mean he would let her eat a poisonous food.

"Doesn't seem to be poisoned," Jung Hwa hummed, receiving a look from Seojun who sat across to Seoyeon. 

On the rectangular dining table, Jung Hwa sat on Seoyeon's left side while in front was Seojun.. The young man appeared to be displeased with the sitting arrangement but he couldn't voice out anything but to his heart.

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