I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 209 - Warming Together-II

Jung Hwa recalled the words said by his mother, of how she had fallen for his father who was a human and the hurdles she had to face with him. "My mother worked hard to show her love for my father. It took times but she managed to make him like her the way she did to him."

At this point where Seoyeon heard of his parent's love story, it felt to her that their relationship was a romantic one. Then what could lead to the downfall? 

"Your mother must be a passionate woman," she commented, feeling his breaths brushing her like feather, trying to tickle her.

"She was. Do you know there is a trait of the first generation pureblood vampires that make them very much different from others?" questioned Jung Hwa and Seoyeon whose eyes darted around the room back and forth to try and forget the fact that she was sitting on his lap, noticed the mirror which was round and small hanged lowly near the cupboard.

With the mirror she could see Ian's expression better which was what she wanted to see as talking without seeing his expression somewhere made her felt curious. She wanted to talk while looking at his face and expression, to study his emotion which appear on his face and in this position it was hard to see. Thankfully there was the round mirror. 

She could see Jung Hwa's head bent on her neck, his face was unable to be seen completely as bellow half of his face was buried on her shoulder.

"I don't know," she didn't know the vampires was divided into three generations in the first place. "Was there something that could differentiate the three generations apart from their power?"

"Their level of cruelty. Think of this as such, the first generation could kill but not to an obsession. The second generations love murdering but not as much as they would do each day; and last but not least, the third generations. They are obsessed with killings, blood, and the art of torture. They came far worse than any being as they support criminal acts. If you think I am the worse, you haven't seen the rest yet," he replied to lift his face from her shoulder and meet eyes with Seoyeon who was looking at him from the mirror.

Startled by the sudden eye contact, Seoyeon nerve jumbled, "I have never thought you were the worse," she replied. 

After what had taken place, and the reveal of her origin, Jung Hwa didn't show disgust or extreme abhorrent toward her which she was appreciated a lot. She didn't think it was fair to judge him when she had not seen everything she needed to take opinion.

"Thank you my sweet cat," Jung Hwa raised his hand to her chin and he slanted her face for the side to come to his direction. Seeing how close their eyes were and her lips that were only paper thin away from him, Seoyeon tried to push his hand in surprise that failed. "Don't worry, I will not kiss you yet."

Should she be happy with the yet statement he said?

Her eyes trailed on his lips, and seeing the ample red colored lips, her mind faded to recount the softness of his lips. She could remember fresh as if they had just kissed a minute ago of how his coarse tongue slipping into her. The way his tongue entangled was not the way that was rough, it was somewhat vigorous but he knows the spot that he want to rub. It was until the day she kissed him that Seoyeon who didn't know a kiss could feel that way when it was only lips on lips, learned that the kiss she thought and the kiss in reality was of a different feeling.

She curled her lips, not wanting it to brush by accident on his lips and began to think anything she could put in her mind so she could break her focus from his lips.

"Continuing from earlier," said Jung Hwa before letting go of the side of her face and pulling her back straight. His face was buried on her back to smell the scent of her body which was like Lavender, and even though his thirst were burning, he could feel soothed by the smell. "My mother, more than being a passionate woman, you could say she was an obsessive woman too and a cruel one where she taught me who was still seven to kill a human."

Seoyeon pulled her brows, "Do you love your mother?" she asked bluntly as this was what mattered.

Jung Hwa pulled a grin, inky blackness covered his eyes when he nodded, "How can't I? She was the same person who teach me how to survive which why I am still here alive with you right now."

"Even with how cruel she was?" asked Seoyeon. It was weird with how their position was, she thought she would feel uncomfortable but Jung Hwa, being the man of his words, had not touch her except for brushing his face on her back, everything was tolerable.

Jung Hwa chuckled, "I don't mind the cruelty. I wasn't a pure and innocent boy since birth either. Receiving her genes, you could say I am two peas on the pod as her. Although I don't plan to die the way she did."

Seoyeon can't put her finger to Jung Hwa's choice of tone. Was he being sarcastic to his mother or was the feeling he said was the truth but change over time?

"My mother told me it took three years for her to sway my father's mind. She then revealed the fact she was a vampire soon after their first day of marriage and my father at first could not accept her with open hands," Jung Hwa weaved his fingers through her hair, letting it to take sit on her right shoulder so he could continue to put his face on the left side. 

"Not many people could accept to know the person they were going to be with forever to be a being that is not a human," answered Seoyeon. By what she had experience to accept herself after knowing she was a vampire was not easy and she could not imagine what couple would go through if one learns the other was not the person they know. Her words were responded with Jung Hwa clipped song of hum. "Was your father very angry when he found it out one day soon after their marriage?"

"He was. That was what Alfred told me," he could sense Seoyeon's head tilting slightly toward him with a quizzical expression, "Alfred was not only a subordinate of my grandfather but a close servant of my mother. They were close but not in the term of friend or relationship but as servant and the mistress. It was said that my mother loves her pride that she never allow herself tone on a social standing with the servants. She always draw a line between what she deemed as worthy and what was not. She is that kind of person."

How weird, thought Seoyeon. Jung Hwa might come off as a prideful person who would only mind people of his class and with him being a pureblood vampire she could tell that he was a class higher than the rest of vampires. But he had never shown his difference even when he was working with humans in his company. 

"She seems like a difficult person to get close to," she whispered, her words were said without sarcasm and sounding rather light as if she wanted to try and get acquainted with his mother.

"There is easy way and I could tell you but that would only work if she is alive. Unless you could see ghosts, I doubt that it would do you good by knowing what could please her," Jung Hwa took a light pause to continue, "Then my father takes time to learn her and the being of vampires. You know somewhere, I admired him for choosing to stay with vampire. If you think about it, he was scammed because my mother didn't told him of what being she was since the beginning. I can tell that she must have cried on him, claiming that she had no courage to tell him of the truth and could only tell him now that they are married."

Jung Hwa's eyes which was still bright red with the lack of blood in his system continue, "But that was a lie. She was a cunning woman with tricks up on her sleeves. She knew she could not acquire his love if she reveal what she was and chose to bind him with marriage so he would never get away from her, just like a mouse trapped in a cage."

Seoyeon could feel the air turning gloom as he continue to speak and something told her that this was not the worse yet.

"I don't know if you are praising them or dissing them." So far as the story goes, it sounded to her as if Jung Hwa did not approve of his parent's love story, and he kept finding faults of their apparent mistakes that adds up to her question.

"I am praising them. It takes a lot of effort to be cunning and to be fooled, you know," came again his sarcasm. "Their relationship was starting to get better with my father agreeing to my mother's way of living which was by drinking blood. Since then in front of my fathers he could drink blood without having him disgusted but that's not the happy ending yet.. It continued to one turning point where their romance plunge to a plight."

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