I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 208 - Warming Together-I

Jung Hwa took a seat before her in the couch, knowing that if he continue to stand and wait for her to seat down, it would take another hundred years. He sensed her eyes on him as she asked the question and somewhere he could notice that there was a deep curiosity she had in her, wanting to know about his family which he welcome with open hand.

"She was a beautiful woman, a kind hearted on which what I like to say but in truth, she was a little cruel," said Jung Hwa and Seoyeon moved closer to the couch, as she was not ready to sit yet she stood few steps away.

"How cruel?" she asked.

"Vampires have three generations," explained Jung Hwa to vanquish her intrigue, "But this generations do not have the same meaning as the word itself. Generations is use to proof the extent of power vampires have on their own. Some could use the power they are born with, some could live even longer than average pureblood vampires, but the lowest which are the third generations they are like your usual vampires, without power and they could die once their head is severed or their heart taken out."

This had Seoyeon to look at him to take guess what generation he was, "Then if your head is severed and your heart taken out, you would not die?"

"What is this question?" Jung Hwa pulled only one corner of his lips, his head tilting to let his black hair cascade on the side of his face. "Are you planning to kill me by knowing my weakness?"

"I was not," she quickly denied. The word 'killing' was a sensitive word for Seoyeon at the moment and she hope he would not joke about her killing him ever again. "I just want to know, the poison didn't affect you."

"That because I drew out the poison from my blood, I'm not exactly unaffected, I was affected but I stopped the process. By now have you learn about my power?" Seoyeon shook her head and Ian took his finger, biting on the skin to the pull to create a graze on his skin for blood to drip to the floor but before it did, the drop of blood raised to the air. 

Seoyeon watched what happened before her eyes with her eyes large. The way the blood floated on the air was almost like magic. She had seen magic tricks in the past but this was not the normal tricks done by a performer.

Seoyeon can't help to touch the drop of water to feel how ample the liquid had turned to. "Is your power to control blood? But you could teleport from one place to another. When we were in the elevator, you were able to escape without using the door."

"Yes this is not all. My power is to control my blood," replied Jung Hwa and she nodded, "Come here," he beckoned her. Reminded by the couch, Seoyeon first watch the couch apprehensively and his offer. She thought of how standing would stall her time for getting bitten until her feelings were sort out but with Jung Hwa being hungry, she didn't want to stall and took a seat right beside him.

There were many seats Seoyeon could take but she had chosen the seat on Jung Hwa's right side and her obedience set his lips to a smile.

"I can also do this," Jung Hwa raised his finger and her eyes went to see the blood turning to a sphere. When he threw his finger forward, the blood shot fast like bullet to shatter the glass case that was placed on the cupboard. "This blood could work as many, weapons, it can even help me to find evidence on other's blood, and more importantly the power to teleport. This power is originally not mine but my mother's."

Seoyeon wondered why Jung Hwa would call his mother as cruel. Was it because they didn't have a well relationship like how Valerie claimed? The woman who was his aunt was not a woman to put faith on, thought Seoyeon to herself. She didn't want to agree or believe on the woman's accusation when she could easily tell lies as many as she could to plague her mind.

"And you inherited the power from your mother?" she inquired and when seeing him nod, she continue to ask, "Are you a second generation vampire?"

"No," Jung Hwa shook his head, replying to her, "I am the first generation. I inherited everything from my mother who was a first generation pureblood vampire but my blood thinned slightly when compared to my mother."

"Thinned?" The choice of word made Seoyeon confused.

"Unlike my older brother whose father is also a pureblood, my father was a human," he heard Seoyeon's heartbeat stopped a little on his words and with a constant smirk, he continued to tell her, "My mother married twice. Her first husband is my brother's father while my father was her second marriage. Because my father refused to become a half vampire, he died in a human age."

As Jung Hwa hadn't stopped her from questioning, Seoyeon continued to ask more, "Did he died in natural reason?"

"No," Jung Hwa replied and she saw a sneer taking place on his face. His red eyes turned deep in color, and the evilness was apparent on him handsome face, "My mother killed him."

The reply shocked Seoyeon and her eyes looked wide at him. For a good five minutes, there were more questions adding up in the back of her mind but when sherrie did to put the words to voice, she felt as if something had stuck on the back of her throat and she didn't know what to make out from Jung Hwa's smiling expression. Was he happy that his father killed? Or was it a sarcastic smile and in truth deep down, Jung Hwa had a deep rooted hatred to his mother? That could explain why he would kill his mother.

"Don't be saddened, it was a joke," Jung Hwa grinned at her and Seoyeon whose heart felt sorry for him put on a speechless expression to him. "Surprised?"

Without a word, she pushed herself from the couch, standing up when he pulled her hand and take her waist, rounding it so Seoyeon sat on his laps, "Why are you always so quick to run when I hadn't done anything that could make you feel fear?"

"Why do you joke about your father's death," Seoyeon could not believe he could joke at the situation. When seeing his ruthless expression she felt child and a felt of sympathy came to her heart. She can't imagine his pain to be in the middle side of his parent's relationship. There was the thought came to her of how Jung Hwa must have deliberated between to support his mother for killing his father or to feel ire for the death of his father.

But then he revealed it was a joke and somewhere she felt annoyed that he would joke of his own father's death, playing with her emotions.

"That was not right," she warned him.

"Are you worried about me?" He asked her as if testing her.

"I was. Not how," she added, feeling spiteful that he had taled her spirals of lies. "You should have told me the truth."

"But you were sad," Jung Hwa said without looking at her face as his nose settled on the curve of her neck. Feeling his skin brushing her and his breaths tickled Seoyeon. When his finger glide on her waist her body flinched.

"Do you mean it was the truth?" asked Seoyeon because from the way Jung Hwa had spoken, it sounded as if the lies he told was said so she would not feel gloom.

"Similar. My human father was a good man," said Jung Hwa as he played with her skin, rubbing and caressing. When his lips brushed her neck, she could feel goosebumps appearing on her skin. Right now, she felt like rabbit about to be eaten but the rabbit had the curiosity of a cat which resulted her to be lured to Jung Hwa's story of his past.

"Why would your mother kill him if he was a good man?" she asked him as the story sounded strange to her ears.

"I told you similar, she didn't kill him directly but she pushed him to the tongue of death," explained Jung Hwa who was enjoying to bask on her warm that felt like sunlight.

It was hard to keep focus on his words when she felt very touched he made, stirring her. "Can you tell me what happened?" she asked for his permission. The past she asked of him now, might be the past which was sensitive to him, that shaped him to be how he was now.

"It's not a good story to tell before meal but as you are curious my cat, I will tell you," he whispered his voice fading to the memory that took place long ago possibly even before Seoyeon was born. "My father and mother liked each other just the way normal people was.. My mother was the one who fell for my father first."

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