I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 214 - Sweet Dream-I

It was three years after that Jung Hwa made his first kill. Standing at the stairs, his hand was drenched with blood and when he heard footsteps by his sharp ears, his red eyes turn to see his mother who at first look at him with wide eyes when she noticed the blood. 

"Hwa!" called his mother, coming to his side, the woman hold his shoulder while bending her knees and a glimmering smile adored her face, "Did you kill this man?" Her mother took in the face of the man before she quickly added, "Isn't this our new cleaner for the storage room?"

"He tried to steal," Jung Hwa replied, the young boy looked at his mother's smile for a long moment before his eyes fell on the bloodied hand. "Mother, do you feel happy when you kill?" 

Jung Hyesu keenly look over his youngest son's expression, taking everything he had on his face before she smiled sweetly, "There is no feeling such as happiness when killing, Hwa. It is satisfaction. Don't you feel deep down in you how satisfied you are from protecting our family from this thief?"

Jung Hwa didn't know what satisfaction meant but the moment he killed the thief who had snuck around to his room and was about to come to his parent's room, a smile took place on his lips. He heard his mother speak, "Do you get it, my love?"

Jung Hwa nodded and his mother put a hand to round his head, "Wonderful, now I will teach you how to bury a body. It's a shame that your father doesn't support burying body because he doesn't like to kill. For vampires we kill and usually bury a body together."

Jung Hwa watched his mother burying the body on the backyard and he wondered how much of the soil bellow his feet was buried with a body. He had seen his mother killing people several times. 

"Mistress, I will take it over from here," Jung Hwa turned his head to see Alfred who had spoken the words.

The smile on his mother's lips went away as it straighten to a line, "I was wondering if you had drowned in the river, Alfred. How long does it take for you to notice if there is anything that took place in this house? Hwa even notice a thief while you didn't."

Alfred bowed almost instantly as if he had known this would happen, "My apologies mistress, the master have came back home."

"He did?" Jung Hyesu widened her smile, her eyes brightened up as happiness danced over it. "Hwa, my dear, let's go."

"I want to take a rest," said Jung Hwa and his mother saw his clothes that was still red from blood. It would not be on her favor if her husband knows their youngest son had killed. She didn't see an eye to eye conversation with her husband when it come to people's life.

"Okay, and don't forget to change your clothes as it had gotten dirty," said his mother who then turn to walk when she stopped as Jung Hwa held her hands, "What's wrong, my dear?"

"Mother, can we kill all people we don't like?" There was still an innocent expression on Jung Hwa's face.

"Of course but remember the consequences and take in the risk. You would not want yourself to be in danger because of one life. However, there will be humans you would not want to kill just like how your father is to me," Jung Hyesu brought her hand and squeezed Jung Hwa's cheeks lovingly, "Get going now, you have done great today ask me whatever you want next time."

At the same time his mother spoke, Jung Hwa was Halsteed jumping from the bushes and while staring at the cat, he spoke, "I want Halsteed."

Jung Hwa opened his eyes, waking up from his dream and his expression turn to a sour one. It had been years but dreams always preserved memories that was unneeded. Dreams like these often appear and bounce on his sleep that he didn't want to see again.

Standing up from his seat, Jung Hwa walked over to take a drink when his face stared at the mirror that was hanged above the small table. He looked at his mirror, recalling the image of his mother smiling and praising him for killing a person for a scoff to slip from his mouth, "There was nothing to feel from a killing." His mother thought otherwise, to fulfill something inside her by killing other's life when in truth there was nothing special of killing.

But Jung Hwa could agree to one thing and that was his mother's words of that soon he would find a human he can't kill.

Jung Hwa brought his lips to trace the place where he had used to drink from Seoyeon and his eyes turned bright red. The thirst for her was not enough. He felt deep down he want to devour her but not only her blood was what he wanted.

He closed his eyes, leaving the mirror without noticing the black swirl that appeared faintly over the surface of the glass.

The next evening, Seoyeon came to meet Wan Seulgi. The two girls hugged each other and Seulgi was in relief that Seoyeon wasn't angry over her reckless blaming words. They shared stories but Seoyeon kept Seulgi in the dark about witches as she didn't want her friend to get involved any deeper to the vampire's society.

"How had it been going with Doctor Lee?" inquired Seoyeon who had cut the apple on her hand. Looking at Seulgi's expression, Seoyeon can't help but to smile at her friend's flushed cheeks.

"He asked me to call him by his name, Lee Taehyung," saying the words, Seulgi covered her face in joy.

"How did it happen?" she questioned in wonder, the relationship between them had gotten fast and Seoyeon can't help but to be curious when it happened.

"We were talking late at night and when he was about to leave, he told me that I could call him with his name," said Seulgi who took the apple from Seoyeon's hand, "You know, he looked so cool and dreamy that night, he had been cool but that night he was extremely handsome! I think I have a chance this time."

It was not only Seulgi who was happy with the turn of event but Seoyeon too. With Seulgi turning to a vampire, she was afraid her friend would not have the life she wanted where she would get married to a human and grow old together. 

Fortunately, although Seulgi was shaken up when she learn she was a vampire, now she had gotten better with herself, and seemed to have accepted the reality. It was not easy for sure, and Seoyeon could tell this because she had also been in her place like right now.

After learning that her birth parents were not the people she imagined to be, Seoyeon didn't know what to say. She didn't like to be dark witchess especially to know her parents had killed many by their own hands.

Was there a chance the dark witches who she met in the cemetery was lying to her? But somewhere she felt that they were not lying and there was the question of where her parent's body was. By the time she and Jung Hwa came, the coffins were empty and he told her that there was no body placed inside. Who moved their bodies? and for what reason?

In the morning before they left for work, Jung Hwa suggested them to visit her relative's house tonight. She felt reluctant to visit her relative's house knowing well that they could be dark witches just like her parents.

Exhaling a deep sigh, Seulgi's questioned her sigh with her expression and Seoyeon smiled to veer the conversation, "When do you think you would be discharge from the hospital?"

"Not soon I think, my body has a lower temperature and with my abnormally low heartbeats, my parents don't want me to get out of the hospital out of worries," Seulgi stated after munching the apple which gave a crisp sound, "But I'm glad I will still stay at the hospital for a long time, especially when you know, there is Taehyung here."

"I'm glad if you think so," Seoyeon answered, she then took Seulgi's hand and squeeze warmly, "I will definitely find a way to cure you."

Seulgi stared at her before her smile softening, "I know, thank you."

Giving her friend a nod, Seoyeon then left when it was time for her to leave. She walked outside of the hospital room. Pulling her bag she then walked when a shoulder bumped to her. When she almost fell the hand quickly catch a hold of her hands and pulled her before she could fall.

"I'm sorry, miss I was in a hurry that I didn't notice I had bumped my shoulder to such a beautiful woman," the man who spoke pulled a gentle smile on his face and Seoyeon stared at the face with a confused expression.

"Doctor Lee?"

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