I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 223 - Lurking-I

Seoyeon wet her lips by running her tongue on her lips. She took her hands together, resting them in front of her waist. "I am not hesitating," saying this, her eyes were clear, and Jung Hwa could see it better than anyone. "I don't know if I love you," she said honestly, her voice coming to be dainty and sweet to the man who stood in front of her.

Jung Hwa pulled her hand from her waist, tugging it to see her eyes, "I don't mind if you are confused. I will be here waiting for you." He saw the effect of his words to make Seoyeon felt touched. The rim of his eyes curved to soften, "I am not your best patient man but for you I am."

Seoyeon wondered if there would be anyone who could resist Jung Hwa's words. She was aware that the words he said were to trap her, to entice her, and he had done it most finely. "What is it, Seoyeon?" He continued to egg her, bringing her to the high and leaving her in suspense to pull the words he wants to hear from her.

Seoyeon could tell even with her eyes closed. She was not dumb enough not to know how there was large darkness behind Jung Hwa, but so did she. "With time spend between us, I... I notice the change in myself." Seoyeon darted her eyes around, unable to see his eyes with the overwhelming feeling, and her words came slowly. Jung Hwa waited for her words patiently, as it was him who was the happiest to hear the words she was about to utter. 

"Was the change good?" He asked her, bringing her hand together for their palms and fingers to press at each other.

"For my life, it was..." she drawled, her red cheeks flushed harder as she speaks, "good."

"I expect more words than good, but that was good. There is an improvement between us, isn't there?" Jung Hwa didn't know what make Seoyeon hesitate, but after learning of her past, and the darkness that shadowed behind her past, where she suffered from abuse of the orphanage and her relatives, told him enough reason for her to hard accept people. 

He was once like her, finding people hard to be trusted on and prefer to be alone. It continued to go so until he met her. 

Seoyeon looked at him. She had something in her which felt like a swirl of emotions, but she didn't know how to put the emotions to words. There had often been times when the feeling was much stronger that words were not enough to express what she wishes to convey, and this was what Seoyeon felt at the moment. 

Jung Hwa helped her by staying in the silence for the words she wants to say, "But I want to learn more about you. I don't know about love but I feel that..." She pulled her brows, feeling frustrated by her own lack of words. "I think of you first than others."

Words cannot describe how joyful Jung Hwa was with the words Seoyeon struggled to find. He squeezed her hand tighter, receiving her eyes, he asked softly in a silvery whisper that tickled her, "In your dream?"

Her lips quivered when she felt his lips slowly closing the distance. She could feel his breaths on her lips, and his hand did not waste time to settle on her waist, stopping at the side before it moved behind to settle exactly on her spine. 

"At many times," she replied, "You always barge to my mind, and I can't help but to think of you whenever your names come up, or your face. I don't know," she whispered, the words she said made her feely shy, and she wished someone could lend her a shovel to dig dirt under her and bury herself to stop the embarrassment she was experiencing. "You asked me if I put a spell on you."

Jung Hwa sided his head in the direction of his right shoulder, his smile slanting before he nodded, "There was that time."

He watched her expression keeping the change adorably. The awkward cat was trying to paw his way to him was an event he waited eagerly. He then heard her ask, "Weren't you the one who put a spell on me?" 

The words were too precious that Jung Hwa had to lean forward. "Maybe I did," he whispered. Seeing how close his lips were, Seoyeon closed her eyes. She waited for a few minutes, for the warm sensation to never come, leaving her hanging. Curious about what happened, she opened her eyes to see him holding her hands with a wide grin. "Don't look at me with that expression. I would love to kiss you, but I promised not to touch you, didn't I? As a man of my word, I should not break the words I've said.

Seoyeon gulped, now somewhere, she could feel her heart feeling regret for winding him off. She shook her head, scolding herself by calling stupid in her mind for feeling a loss.

"But," Jung Hwa added to have her eyes fixed on him intently, "There is one way for me not to break the promise."

Seoyeon didn't want to ask, but her question came before her mind could process, "How?"

"Kiss me," said Jung Hwa, and saying that, he pulled her hand to place it over his shoulder. His eyes fiercely looking at her, and she could feel a fiery pit of emotion twist in her stomach. "A tiptoe is all it takes to reach my lips, you know."

Seoyeon tried to shake her head, hoping her mind and thoughts could disappear along with her shaking it. She didn't want to remember the kiss, how it felt, and how it made her body feels weak from the frizzy feeling.

"I am fine," she whispered, holding to her last thread of reason.

"But you don't look fine to me," he whispered, bringing her waist even though he said he was protecting the promise he made with her. Jung Hwa was lying, and this brought a defiant glint on her eyes that she didn't know only riled him to be meaner to her. 

Jung Hwa's lips were on her ears as he spoke with a deep thrumming voice, "Don't you remember how it felt?"

"I don't," she retorted hurriedly, feeling as if a thread in her mind was tugged by him to feel the strong emotion of heat. Seoyeon was well aware of what he was trying to do by whispering beside her ears, and before that could happen, she knows she had to run. But why did her feet don't want to move?

"You are lying," his whisper, brought her knees to feel wobbly. "Or you don't remember it?"

She didn't reply. Did Jung Hwa expect her to reply?!

"Seoyeon," Jung Hwa whispered her name, and her thudding heart felt as if it was about to burst at any moment. "I can help you polish your memories if you had forgotten it."

This was dangerous, warned Seoyeon to herself in her mind. She was falling for him.

Finding no way out as she was trapped, Seoyeon closed her eyes tight, "I remember it!" she had wanted to yell the words, but the moment her voice left her mouth, it had turned to whisper.

"Then why won't you kiss me?" Jung Hwa asked as if he was utterly confused. "It feels good to you too. I know how good you felt," he heard Seoyeon inhale her breaths when he says this, "it felt as if your knees are melting, don't you want to feel it again?"

"You don't have to hold back," he seduced her with the devil-like invitation, "Think when my tongue slipped on your mouth, rubbing and intertwining our tongues. I know where you feel good, and where you like to be caressed the most. Don't you want to experience it once again?" His whispers continue to get lower, and Seoyeon felt her breaths harder to take over each word he whispered to her, "It will feel better than before."

Seoyeon bit her lips, trying to not follow Jung Hwa's words, which were more impossible than she thought. 

"Biting your lips would not do anything to help you," Jung Hwa slipped his hand to take a hold of her chin and brought her eyes to meet his. He didn't miss Seoyeon glancing at his lips.

Seoyeon felt embarrassed to say how much her lips felt lonely. The words the man in front of her whispered in her mind were like poison in the water, slowly coloring her in his words, making her wanting to do the action Jung Hwa wishes to elicit from her. 

Jung Hwa watched her fingers tightening on his shoulder, she was on the brink of falling into his trap. "Come on."

Jung Hwa claimed he didn't need a reward for things he had done for her, and the feelings hadn't changed. But seeing her in the delectable situation could hardly hold him back from wanting to receive a reward from her. 

Seoyeon felt it was hard to resist, and succumbed. No one could resist the sweet, honey-like offer Jung Hwa made and she was one of them. "I don't know how to kiss."

"Learned it from me then," Jung Hwa brought his hand on her waist, holding it to hoist her up before letting her do the rest with her own will.. "Do it."

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