I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 225 - Lurking-III

Seoyeon settled in her room after the kiss. Closing the door behind her, she touched her lips to lean back on the door, and her cheeks flushed redder with the emotions in her heart. Did she love Jung Hwa? asked Seoyeon to herself. Somewhere, she was confused by her own feeling.

She did not deny her heartbeat would race whenever Jung Hwa was close beside her. 

After everything that happened to her, where there were witches she had fought with, Jung Hwa had always been there for her. since the first time where she was attacked by the manager of her previous company, Jung Hwa had always aided her, and until now, despite knowing the disadvantage he would suffer. 

Last time when searching for her parent's body, to protect her Jung Hwa's hands were wounded and poisoned. 

Knowing Jung Hwa had done many things for her, she wishes to respond to his feeling. Seoyeon inhaled a mouthful of breath before walking to rest on her bed. While thinking of Jung Hwa, and the changes in her emotions for him, Seoyeon recalled Min Beomgyu's words. Would thinking about the dream continuously help her to dream the lucid dream again?

She turned around her bed, thinking about her parents who in truth could be not her parents. From what she discussed with Min Beomgyu, the possibility of her parents being the same one buried in the coffin was less. She wondered who her parents were? 

Was as the dark witches she had met in the cemetery, they were notorious dark witches, who had attacked many pureblood vampires. But for what? She doubted the reason for dark witches to attack vampires were out of revenge. Could it be the dark witches have a goal they are aiming for by turning humans into Hollowed vampires?

Resting her head on the bed, Seoyeon decided to sleep, taking rest for the day that had been short but felt long to her. 

The night was cold when two women left from the door of an old house. One of them pulled the hood the jacket she wore to cover most of her upper half face. Stepping out, the woman noticed the camera CCTV hanging from afar and a displeased expression came on her face, "We should go now before we leave more traces. There are vampires in the police too, and a high standing to mention."

The woman beside her nodded, "Let's go," she agreed and they both left by walking to where they had planned to go. The two women didn't stop walking until they reached a hill. It was only three hours after that they stopped at the entrance of the forest. 

"Which one?" questioned the first woman with bleached orange hair when they reached two paths in the intersection. 

"The right one," replied the woman with the light brown hair, "It is rare for her to gather us together." 

"After what happened to her precious experiment house, I can only imagine the Mistress is in rage," answered the first woman. 

"The one where it is guarded by Numhae?" Seeing her friend nodded, the woman scoffed, her expression was happy that there was someone who had made a grieve mistake. "I haven't liked her since the first time I have met her. She called herself mistress by her follower, believing she would be the next after our Mistress."

The woman beside her laughed happily, feeling the same mirth and humor her friend felt, "They do say anyone dream high would fall like squashed watermelon. She just suffers from the bad luck that a pureblood finds her hiding place." 

"But because of her, the Associates become heavily alarmed. Our next moves would be easy to predict for them, tsk, if only she did a good job in hiding herself."

"This will earn her the Mistress' anger. Do you think she would come?" asked the woman, she didn't care about Numhae or her future, but was curious to see how the event would turn out. 

"I bet fifty thousand won she would be here. Unless she wishes to be hunted by the Mistress herself and meet something worse than death." 

"Choosing to come or not coming will kill her," replied the woman when at the time, they arrived at a small cabin where the roof looked dilated as if a blow of wind could destroy the house. 

The women looked at each other wearily, nodding at each other, and when they were about to turn the knob, the person from the other side had opened the door. The two women were surprised to see a man, who had opened the door. 

"Welcome, misses," the man said without the need to question their identity as dark witches knew how to differentiate others from them. "Come in, you have been waited by the Mistress."

The two women didn't know why they were waited for, but still nodded and went into the house. Inside were people with cloaks to hide, and other clothes with hoods to cover their faces. Most people inside the room had taken a seat, and some were standing against the wall. 

The people were grouped amongst the people they know, not bothering to get friendly with others as it was hard for dark witches to believe in others when it was often for them to backstab each other for their benefit. 

"Ava, the main actress has come," said one woman to the only woman, who didn't wear a hood to cover her face, revealing the seductive face, and her red painted lips. 

The woman named Ava turned her eyes to the direction of the door. Seeing the woman coming inside she then heard the same woman who had announced the new arrival whispered, "Our main actress for the night, Numhae, who had made a big blunder for her entire life."

"She lost the book," said Ava. She stood up from her chair, getting up to walk toward Numhae before her eyes narrowing. "I see that you have lost the book."

Hearing it, Numhae felt her blood shrank, her eyes dilated in panic but she didn't want to show her fear and pulled a smile. "I don't know what you are saying."

"Oh, really?" Ava nodded. She walked to the same man who had opened the door that had been standing there like a piece of furniture and reached out her hand, "My shawl, please."

The man reached out her shawl to Ava but before she could take the shawl from his hand, the man pulled, stopping her from taking the shawl. Ava didn't frown and she looked up with a grin, "Have you fell in love with my shawl?"

Instead of replying the man asked, "You are not going to see how the mistress would get to the bottom of this matter? She would not be happy to know one of us is missing here. If she directed her anger... maybe she will think that you are running away."

Ava's smile was still on her lips but her eyes had narrowed. Pulling her hand, she raised it over the man's eyes to then roll her long black sleeve dress. The man didn't react when seeing the burnt skin of her arm which scalded, making it seemed like a snake's skin when it was a burnt injury. 

"After this, would I run? Much more than you think, I hate humans and vampires alike to the core that I can kiss the Mistress's feet and sacrifice myself for this plan if this would get my revenge to those purebloods, but well..." Ava drawled with her eyes staring at the Numhae who had chosen the most unnoticeable seat which was on the corner of the house, "I don't think it would be fun knowing what would happen after this. I have a book of spell to fetch about light witches, the mistress would understand if I leave early. Will, that satisfy you, Teo?"

"Of course, have a fun time," saying this Teo opened the door for Ava to leave.

From outside the house seemed to be small but that was what a human could see. But to Ava's eyes, the house was a large one similar to a mansion where it could contain the seventy witches who had come to meet the Mistress today. The only reason why the house didn't look out of place for being large in the middle of a forest was the Mistress's spell of illumination. Ava doubted there would be anyone who could cast a large spell like the mistress did and this proof one of her reason for being the most powerful dark witches.

The woman left, going to fetch the book when she received a call and her eyes narrowed at the name of the caller. Taking the call, she placed the phone to her ears, "What is it?"

"A pureblood and a human had come to the Slumber Cemetery. I think it would be best if you do not come here now. The Associates and Hunters are swarming the place to wait for one of us to come."

Ava's eyes widened in surprise and in haste she asked, "What about the books buried there?" 

"They are with me I managed to take the books before they came," replied the man, "I will meet you at a different place, where are you now?"

"The mistress's house," replied Ava, her footsteps stopped walking to stand near one tree, "Good timing, you could come here. Did you see who was the pureblood?"

"I didn't but it was a handsome man, a pureblood possibly," the man whispered as if he was at a place where he had to hide, as he was hiding behind a tree far from the entrance of the cemetery, watching the Associates' member who stayed outside the cemetery as though fishing for him to come. "He didn't die even when he was poisoned."

"A first-generation pureblood vampire," Ava commented. How troublesome, thought the witchess. The first generation of vampires had always been the worse enemy for them. "What about the woman?" asked Ava, she walked back to the Mistress's house with the newfound information.

"They spoke about our two dark witchess, claiming to be their daughter." Truthfully that night other than Jung Hwa, Seoyeon, and the two witches, the man was there at a safe distance, watching everything with his sharp ears.

Ava pulled her brows, "Who did she ask about?"

"Yang Jiae and Yang Sunghoon," replied the man for Ava's feet to stop.

"Mr. and Mrs. Yang?" Ava repeated with her eyes narrowing and her hand settled bellow her chin, "I don't remember them ever having a child or a daughter. Didn't they died nineteen years ago?"

"I also didn't recall ever hearing them having a daughter but maybe the Mistress knows better about this, I will come there, wait for me at the entrance," and after their call, Ava ended the call to enter the house once again where a beautiful woman with a long black hair fell to her hips walked down from the staircase.

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