I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 227 - Dark Intent-II

"Riam." The Mistress called the name for the man who had been standing near the door walk beside her. 

Numhae asked herself why was the man being called. To the witches, a male witch are not as strong as a female witch, which why only women are seen as powerful. The man, however, was called by the Mistress and it didn't make sense why he would be called here now when she was almost killed.

"Here, Mistress," said Riam. Numhae saw that the man pulled out a flask which was blue in color. The liquid was almost glowing as it was shake when the Mistress took the potion.

Seeing the potion, Numhae knew she had to flee but before she could the Mistress had taken her chin with an iron grip. 

"Numhae," called the Mistress, her voice was still melodious if not for the blood curdling smile she had on her face. "Do you still have anything to inform me?"

"T-the door in the Associates's building are poisoned by a white witch, but, but I know how to-"

"Lies. All you did is to give me lies and you think I know nothing about your lies?"

How did the woman knows she had lied? She could have swore to have kept her expression and gesture composed so her lies would not go through. The Mistress was not a pureblood vampire who could sense lies from a person's heartbeat because of their sharp hearings. So why could-

"Why could she read my mind?" The Mistress continued her words, and she watched Numhae's face soaked in fear that it turned pale. "When you have agreed to work with me, Numhae, you are already under my pact. This allow for all your thoughts to be read by me."

If not for the grip on her chin, Numhae would have make a run but she can't. She knows she could not scream, and how it would be futile for her to scream as the witches in the room watch her with a cold look, no one wanting to help her as it doesn't work for their benefits.

"What's the full name of the pureblood?" questioned the Mistress, and without waiting for her to reply, she uttered the word from her mind, "I don't know. So you don't know."

This was bad! The moment Numhae thought to use spell, she felt her jaw opened. Unlike how she looked, the Mistress's raw power was like a bear, and Numhae could not free herself. 

"Open wide," said the Mistress, referring for Numhae to open her mouth. But even without her following the woman's words, the Mistress had separated her upper jaw and lower jaw before pushing the flask to her mouth. 

The liquid tilted from the flask when the vessel tilted. The blue colored liquid entered Nunhae's throat and when she was done, the Mistress threw the flask across the floor. She took a step away, looking to observe Numhae who was holding her throat after the liquid was pushed to her throat.

"Riam," called the Mistress again, and without her telling the man pulled out a locket watch from his chest pocket.

Numhae looked at the watch in confusion. What was the liquid she drink? 

The answer come fast when Numhae groaned in pain. Her skin bubbled as if the blood inside her body was boiled. A sound of growling and crushing from Numhae's body could be heard. One side of her should began to turn large as if her skin had turned to balloon that was filled with air. 

Some witches couldn't see the grotesque scene and turned away, except for some. The mistress, who had taken a seat on her chair, watched the change happening to Numhae with a smile.

Ava saw that slowly, Numhae's body turned to something inhumane. The process seemed to have stop until she had turned to a monster with a pale green color. Her body was disfigured that one could not remember again what appearance she had taken before. Parts of her body was large while the other half stayed the same. 

At this point, Numhae could not speak but cry. Her voice was also unrecognizable, sounding like a growl of a beast. 

"Tch," the Mistress clicked her tongue over seeing how defaced Numhae turns to be, "It's unsuccessful. How long did it takes effect?"

"Three minutes," replied the man named Riam.

"Not only did she became a failure of experiment, she transformed in to something ugly. It's said that if the mold is defective what comes out would be unattractive," the Mistress commented before her eyes looked at the people in the room, meeting their eyes one by one without missing a single person, "Unless one of you want to become like her, put in mind to never make stupid mistake like this," saying this, she raised her foot to step on the deformed Numhae.

By the time the place was cleaned, Ava saw Numhae who was transported to a burying grave by being dragged with three men and her eyes brushed over to see how there was tears on the corpse's eyes.

Without an expression, Ava, who was leaning on the wall, heard the talk of the witches that grew rowdy by time.

The Mistress heard the continuous report from the witches of their experimentations with the spells and potion they create. 

"The vampire potion didn't work well," replied one witch who had stood in front of the Mistress, kneeling one leg, "The potion should have transformed a human into vampire before turning them to mindless puppet, but none of the humans work."

"You mean you all failed to recreate the Pureblood Vampire's toxin," summarized the Mistress. Her tone was not with anger or disappointment, but it still made the witches stiffed at her words out of fear. "Exactly what do you all work for fourth years? All your experiments dawned on failure. Do you need me to be the one to make the potions? If I did that what good would I be collecting all of you here for?"

Afraid, one of the witches said, "Numhae collected a few humans altogether in her base for the experiments. I participate to make the same potion, but before the result could come, the Associates sniffed the place."

The mistress swirled her hand with her sharp purplish nail playing a feather of a crow. "Where are all those humans then?"

"The Associates managed to safe and placed the humans back in their respective houses," answered the same person.

"Search for them, all of the survived humans and bring to me if there are a human who successfully change to vampire," when the witch breathed out in relief, the Mistress's voice came again to settled them in terror, "If there is no human who succeed I will expect your head on my hands."

The woman then walked down from her chair, her smile becoming sweeter as if she had not threatened anyone in the room or kill any, "Pureblood Vampires have always reign in silence. The thought as the century moved, they could leave peacefully forgetting who they are and what they did to us. Everyone in this room, I know all your pains and I can sympathize with you," saying this the Mistress frowned, her hand above her chest as if she was feeling the gruesome pain in her heart. "It is why I have lend my hands to those dark witches who needed my help."

"I am no demon in this room," said the Mistress, her eyes staying at one who was fearful of her, "There is a reason for my anger. Numhae had made a great mistake. Because of her, our secret plan we had put to motion in silence have been sniffed by the Associates and Hunters. And this would harm us. To me, there is nothing more painful to lose anymore dark witches. We have lost families, our sisters, and our parents on the hand of the vampires in name for their safety," the Mistress then pulled a rage expression, "But they have turned weak! They are hiding between humans because they feared the population of humans are much more than us. It is time for us to tear down their happiness, and let them suffer the same loss we felt."

On the Mistress's words, the dark witches who contain deep hatred for vampires had their face crunched with rage.

"We shall reveal to the world about their existence," said the Mistress, her lips twisting high. "Humans are not kind to beings like them who live by human's blood. All we have to do is to show the humans their cruelty. We could let the vampires suffer under the presence all without help and took the world for ourselves while the vampires and humans are fighting amongst each other. For this to happen I need your cooperation. Don't make anymore mistake. It pains me greatly to kill one of us," the Mistress wiped her eyes as of she had stared up as she spoke. 

"You are all dismissed until our next discussion," on her words. the witches began to leave one after another. Noticing Ava, the woman them smiled gently, "Ava, I see that you have something to tell me?"

"It is about Yang Jiae and Yang Sunghoon," Ava stated and the two names had the woman to snap her wide eyes at her. "I received an information that the two have a daughter; and that daughter along with a pureblood came to the Slumber Cemetery."

The Mistress didn't reply despite the change of her expression. Raising her hand, she waved to Riam as if to order him and say, "Come with me.. This is a talk we need to discuss in a private place."

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