I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 245 - To Sneak Inside-II

Jung Hwa's smile pulled and curled at the question asked, he mischievously replied, "If I tell you the trick, I wouldn't have an upper hand in this request which would be my loss. It's as I said, I will stay in this building and the culprit will walk to this building by their own feet," His eyes narrowed faintly with a cruel glint as he added, "Alive or not."

The second judge was intrigued but still dubious, "How would we be able to know if that person is truly the killer and that you are not lying?"

"The evidence. The killer will come back to this building, surrendering themselves along with the evidence. Isn't that enough?" Jung Hwa saw how there were still vampires who were skeptical, "I don't think there would be a loss for any of you by agreeing to my request? I will stay here like the good boy I am, and you will find the person who is actually responsible for the murder."

The point on the request Jung Hwa offered was strong. While there would be no disadvantage for the judges to agree to his request, there was also a solving answer to the current murder case which was important to the judges. They all discussed in a low voice, some who were suspicious asked Jung Hwa, "Associate Jung, Miss Che had stated her witness but you didn't. Are you not worried about what she said?" 

Che Hara in silence felt her skin jump when the judges mentioned her to Jung Hwa. 

Jung Hwa didn't look at Che Hara whose expression betrayed her thought to stay calm, "What do I say that could bring anyone to believe me here?" questioned Jung Hwa with a smile, "As everyone here knows I have been to the court for multiple times and had been accused of things that I never do, and murderers that I have ever involved myself in, that I begin to think instead of proving that I am innocent which I know most people would rather believe I am not, it would be easier to bring the true killer here."

The man who was sitting two seats away Lee Young chucked and he asked, "Are you implying Miss Che had lied?" 

Che Hara's complexion grew worse. She prayed that the judges wouldn't bring her up in front of Jung Hwa, but the more she prayed for it, the judges continue to speak about her which only paint her in the worse light.

Seoyeon's brows knit when Jung Hwa had stated his reason for not defending himself. It was a sad and lonely reason, she thought. All this time, Jung Hwa must have been alone in the court with all fingers pointing to him when the truth was different, and her eyes moved to find Valerie who was unbothered by Jung Hwa's declare as though she didn't have anything to do with it when in truth, the vampires had everything to do with the accusations which were directed to Hwa. 

"Well to say if she had told a lie or not isn't my work. I indeed fought with Mr. Chu and broke his hands but the man had learned from his mistake," Jung Hwa deadpanned and Seoyeon could hear clearly the lies he said through his teeth. "Even though Mr. Chu and I started on the wrong foot, I believe we had reached a state where we wouldn't fight if we ever meet again. Unfortunately, that net day didn't come much to everyone's disappointment."

If not because Seoyeon knows the rift between Chu Sunji happened because of her, she would have believed Jung Hwa's words because of how persuasive and convincing he sounded. But she knows that wasn't the truth. 

"And about the witches," Jung Hwa added his smile curling where an eerie glint flashed over his gaze that settled for a moment before it turned normal. "I don't think I should explain how I would rather mince them to pieces than helping them, right?"

Gwe Jeoknim didn't reply, everyone knows how there were rumors that said the young pureblood despised witches the most. But at that time most people still took the tales about witches as myths until the time Jung Hwa had brought and exposed their existence which was lurking around the vampires' society.

The courtroom was filled with people choosing whether to believe in Jung Hwa or Che Hara. Most opinions were divided and the judges also had their own opinion. The stillness went on and Gwe Jeoknim became the person to break the silence, "As no one is able to make a decisive choice from and no answer could be found from this first trial, I will allow the vote to start to judge whether to allow Associate Jung's request."

Seoyeon raised her brows, does that mean only if the majority of voices were on Jung Hwa's side, they would grant his request? But what if they don't? Currently, Seoyeon knows little about Hwa's plan, but she could guess based on what she saw that it would be terrible for him if they don't agree with his request.

"We will start from Associate Lee," Gwe Jeoknim named the pureblood who sat on the far left to start the turn.

"Agree," Lee Young replied to Seoyeon's relief. It was good to know that there was at least one person who was on Jung Hwa's side. 


"Disagree," said the vampiress who had asked Jung Hwa a question earlier, and Seoyeo could feel her heart dropped in a split second. The next person continued, 







Seoyeon had been sure at first that the vampire named Mr. Mu would be on Hwa's side as he was very suspicious of the statement Miss Che gave, but the man had chosen on doing otherwise, betraying her expectation. Her eyes then move to count the number of the judges that she didn't do out of worry. So far there was an equal number of people who agree and disagree, five to five. There were ten judges so far, so who is holding the decisive vote?

It was then when Seoyeon realized the judges wasn't the only one to make the vote but also the Head Associate, Gwe Jeoknim. Deriving from Chung Gon's earlier words, Gwe Jeoknim was a close friend of Hwa's grandfather. But it was also said that the man was a strict person who wouldn't involve his private matters and his work. Would he helped him?

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