I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 246 - To Sneak Inside-III

Seoyeon didn't know how much she was holding her breaths until Gwe Jeoknim proceeds to say, "Agree." Seoyeon's back feel weak after the reply Gwe Jeoknim ruled out. The courtroom was once again filled with noise that didn't settle for long as Gwe Jeoknim put a stop to it by knocking his hand on the table. Having everyone's attention, the Head Associate spoke, "With the even vote amount Associate Jung is permitted to resume the trial until another three days-" Gwe Jeoknim was suddenly interrupt by a voice that shouted loudly,


The people turned their faces to the voice, including Seoyeon and Jung Hwa. The one who had spoken was Mrs. Chu, the mother of the late Chu Sunji. Her eyes were red as she had been crying for weeks after the death of her beloved only son. Gu Manyeong stood next to Mrs. Chu, his mother but he didn't stood up the moment Mrs. Chu did and instead settled on his place, watching what his step mother was doing. 

"What is the objection, Mrs. Chu?" It was Lee Young who asked the vampiress. Althogh his appearance was younger, in fact Lee Young was much older than Gwe Jeoknim.

"What is the objection?" Mrs. Chu repeated Lee Young's words in disbelief as if she had just been slap on the cheek, her eyes were flaring in anger. "I cannot agree to this! I was foolish to believe he wanted to help me find Sunji's killer that I didn't know he had broke Sunji's hand. How could you people let this man escape from his responsibility? My son had died aon his handnd I want justice for him. I have to avenge him by that man's death!" Mrs. Chu pointed her hand on Jung Hwa. 

Gwe Jeoknim strictly stopped the woman, saying, "By all means no one in this room is letting Mr. Jung to escape from his responsibility. However, it hasn't been decided that Associate Jung is indeed the killer. A single witness is not enough for anyone in this room to point finger on anyone until the evidence to support Miss Che's statement is found. To add Mrs. Chu, Associate Jung wouldn't leave this building until we find the killer. And if the truth comes that Associate Jung is indeed the killer, we will initiate the execution before the day after. Will that be satisfactory for you?"

Mrs. Chu wanted to disagree. She wanted the person who had killed her so to be put to death as soon as possible out of anger. As a proud vampiress, the woman wouldn't let the opportunity of revenge to fall pass her hands. But the Head Associate had given her the promise to execute Jung Hwa if evidence found and it does sound good to her. "Yes," replied the woman after a long while of thinking.

On the side, Seoyeon breathed out all the sihs she didn't know she had been holding, never in her life did she felt ever be so grateful like today. Thankfully, whatever Jung Hwa planned for work, and the blame wasn't pinned on him yet.

Once the trial ended, most people quickly left the place. Mrs. Chu was the first to leave as she didn't want to spend any more time breathing in the same place as the person who had killed her son. When she left, Seoyeon's eyes met Gu Manyeong's for a brief while. The man smiled sweetly before leaving that had Seoyeon to raise her brow, wondering what the man was thinking by wanting to be friendly with her. It was hard to believe people inside the Vampires' Society and Seoyen realized the trust difficulty one would have when entering this building and Jung Hwa had to spend his entire life in this environment.

Seeing that Jung Hwa was taken to a different room, Seoyeon didn't linger at her place any longer and quickly stood up, taking her bag when she finally noticed the seat beside her where Chung Gon sat at was empty. Did the man left before her?

"Are you going to Mr. Jung's place, Miss Han?" came the voice that belonged to Deok Ji Hyeang. "I can show you the way if you don't mind." 

As uncomfortable as she felt, the man was one of the few people she could ask help from. Deciding to speak less with the half-vampire, she nodded her head. 

They then left the courtroom. Perhaps because of the tension she felt inside the courtroom, Seoyeon's shoulders felt lighter once she walked out of the room. Deok JiHyeang didn't chatter as they left the courtroom which was great to Seoyeon as she didn't know how to properly speak to the half vampire who didn't seem to be on Jung Hwa's side, but the entire time, the man had helped both Jung Hwa and her. 

Leaving the hallway, they walked to a straight passage when Seoyeon's path was blocked when two people left a room. The two men seemed to be in a conversation which immediately stopped when they sensed people coming near them. For a moment Seoyeon saw the older man's eyes were fierce as he turned his eyes toward her direction. The fierce gaze stayed very shortly that she was half unconvinced the man had glared at her as a smile quickly replace his previous expression in a blink.

"Associate Gun good afternoon," Deok Ji Hyeang greeted back, naming the name to Seoyeon after in a low whisper, "This man is Mr. Gun Nam, another old friend of Hwa's grandfather."

Seoyeon's eyes didn't stay at Gun Nam, but instead to the man beside him who was Chung Gon, How did the vampire disappear and reappear in such a short time? Or perhaps because she was too caught up with her own worries that she didn't notice Chung Gon leaving his seat long before the trial ended?

"Good afternoon, Associate Deok. Who did you come with today?" Gun Nam's eyes fell on Seoyeon and she could feel the man's gaze entirely on her, as though he was seizing her entire feature. "I am Gun Nam," the man left a few space of silence, waiting for name.

Being a polite one in every occasion, Seoyeon introduced herself, "Han Seoyeon."

"Nice to meet you, Miss Han, and I believe you have known this gentleman beside me here?"

"I do," replied Seoyeon, Chun Gon didn't speak, and kept his silence. "Hwa introduced me to him this morning. We got acquainted at that time," or so she would like to believe. 

"Hwa?" Gun Nam's brows raised itself at the mention of the name, "Do you mean, Jung Hwa?"

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