I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 252 - Chaotic Home Visit-I

The water begin to drop on the basement in the Associate building. The weather was cold at night and with the light shower that started last evening while the court just begin, the wind hit colder to cause one to shiver. 

Outside Jung Hwa's cell, a man begin to step down from the stairs. The guards who were standing close to standby the door where Jung Hwa was kept in, noticed the man and immediately straightened their poise, bowing to the man.

"Sir Gun Nam!" the first guard on the left called, a surprised expression came on his face as he doesn't expect the man to come here where prisoners are kept at. Does he have someone he knows? "Are you visiting Mr. Jung, sir?"

Gun Nam looked at the two guards and he said, "Associate Jung is the grandson of my closest friend. His grandfather wished to come here as soon as possible but things happen that delay his stay abroad. He asked me to check on Associate Jung. Did anyone come to visit him other than me?"

The guard didn't notice any abnormality for Gun Nam to ask question and thought that it was right for them to answer as it wasn't something that needed to be kept as a secret either, "Yes, it was a human woman. Mr. Deok came with her."

Hearing about the human woman, Gun Nam's brows raised, enough to be subtle. It appeared that woman he met earlier came, thought Gun Nam. "Open the door." and quickly the guards moved to unlock the door. Perhaps out of fear of Jung Hwa's power, there were several bolts used to secure the metal door. Opening one by one takes time and by the time Gun Nam entered, he saw Jung Hwa sitting on his bed, doing almost nothing.

Jung Hwa's eyes moved from the slit as the door closed to the elder man, "Did grandfather asked you to visit me?" Within less than a second, a tense pull tighten the air inside the room as the door closed with a heavy click.

"He did," Gun Nam answer, pulling his chair to sit down.

"Which in truth is only your excuse to meet me," Jung Hwa lightly responded to see the man's eyes looking at him with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. When Jung Hwa heard the man from outside, he had narrowed his eyes. Gun Nam and him don't necessarily get along. Although they never fought or be against each other throat, there were always the tense air between them when they met. Like how oil and water don't mix, Jung Hwa didn't like the man and the man didn't seem to like him either based on the smile he gave, 

"Is this about your junior, Chu Sunji?" questioned Jung Hwa. Chu Sunji studied directly under Gun Nam and Jung Hwa often spotted the two together.

"Sunji is a good vampire, but as good as he is he was careless. But I am not here out of spite or anger," Gun Nam leaned back to the wall, watching Jung Hwa's feature as though he was taking a note of it. "Your late brother looked more like your father, but you look very similar to your mother."

Jung Hwa heard a few times from his grandfather about Gun Nam being his friend, which explain why he knew his mother too. "How do you find this room?" asked the man again. 

"It's quite normal and secure than I thought it would," answered Jung Hwa and he hit his hand on the wall lightly to attest his words.

"It is built to keep first generation vampires like you, although the power had faded as years passed by. The witches are the one who built this," the man abruptly gave a secret which the Associate hid. Gun Nam looked at Jung Hwa's face that was stale, "You are not surprised I see, have you known this?"

Jung Hwa shrugged his shoulders, "You give me too much credit. It's known that vampires can't handle each other's power. I only concluded the guess after, that the only creature with power that could seal vampires's power are witches. How long have the Associate work with witches? By far I guess Min Beomgyu isn't the only white witch who helped the Associate, is he? and by help, I mean threaten."

Gun Nam lightly smiled with interest, "Correct. Min Beomgyu isn't the first white witch who worked with us, however, right now he is the only white witch we worked with. I killed the rest of the witches."

"The reason being those witches betraying the Associate?" questioned Jung Hwa, he kept pulling information during the conversation, while being subtle. He didn't know why there was a sudden interest Gun Nam show to him but the man know much about witches.

"Again, you are correct, which why we cannot trust witches. You are not wrong when you said threaten. We, the vampires in the past had been hunted by the witches, until that day when they suddenly disappeared. Rumors had it that the Hunters killed most of them, and another being the witches had a great war among themselves, by that alone we could see how greedy witches are and how they are untrustworthy."

Jung Hwa knew the reason for the witches' sudden disappear wasn't both rumors Gun Nam said. It was the catalyst who had ended nearly all of the witches, and the catalyst is now inside Seoyeon. He chuckled lowly, "Surprisingly these words came from the person who had took the help of the white witches. You don't seem to thank them for their help don't you?"

"I thought you would be on my side since your mother was also killed by the witches?" Gun Nam saw the way a flame flickered inside Jung Hwa's eyes the moment he mentioned his mother. "Witches are only useful when you could use them to achieve your goal, but the matter to respect them is different."

In short, Gun Nam saw the witches as tools for his disposal. While Jung Hwa couldn't care about witches, Seoyeon was one, and he knew that his enemy wasn't all witches but the dark witches. The way Gun Nam spoke about witches show him how the man was more manipulative than he appeared to be and his character to use people as pawn. 

The rumors about him wanting to steal the Head Associate's position by using all means available didn't seem like it was false, thought Jung Hwa. 

Gun Nam pushed himself from the chair, moving toward the door, "My ten minutes time is up. You are smarter than anyone describe you to be, so much that I want you to come and study under me."

"I would like to refuse that," Jung Hwa responded without giving a second thought. "In the past when I spoke about witches no one believe me or saved me when I was accused of killing my own mother when there are plenty of people inside this building who are aware of the witches's existence. I am the type to trust a person only if they have worth you see, but you don't."

Gun Nam only looked at him for a couple of second before he smiled, "Fair enough. Speaking of it, I saw a human girl in this building who knows you." With Seoyeon being brought up to the conversation, Jung Hwa's eyes narrowed darkly. "She seemed like a strong woman, you should take care of her well. In the past I know a strong woman like her, but her life was shorter than mine. Take it as an advice, keep what you treasure closer to you unless you want to lost it."

Like a storm, Gun Nam left after leaving those words. Jung Hwa's frown tightened after the warning Gun Nam gave and his mind instinctively divert to Seoyeon who was currently sneaking into Che Hara's house.

Standing from his place, he knocked on the door, calling one of the guard. "What is it?" asked the guard sharply, he was skeptic Jung Hwa would pull a stunt and escape from the building.

But the guard was a normal third-generation vampire, compared to Jung Hwa both in power and wittiness, the man lack much more. Jung Hwa's lips curled. Despite not liking the man, had to agree with the words Gun Nam left him with. If one treasure someone they shouldn't leave the treasure away.

Meanwhile, Seoyeon who was about to try and divert people's attention inside the house and bring out Che Hara from her room, was suddenly startled by the very loud sound from the second floor.

The sound was heavy and there was an after crumbling noises as if the walls inside the house had caved in. The sound was too loud that gathered all attention from the people inside the house. Seoyeon quickly hid herself behind the wall again and saw at the same time Che Hara finally left her room.

The vampiress' expression was dark and haggard, seemingly in stress. When she heard the loud noise from above, her mood turn more sour. Passing by the hallways was the housekeeper, and Che Hara called, "What is that noise?!"

Seoyeon also questioned the same sentence in her mind. She knew the two people who climbed to the second floor, it was Min Beomgyu and Yu Sheen but would they make such a big racket that would only pull all unwanted attention from the residents of the house?

Somewhere Seoyeon's gut was telling her something wrong was happening here.

The housekeeper was also flustered, the sound wasn't one created because of a simple fall, it was much more louder as if the ceiling on the house fell. "I-I don't know lady, we are trying to find out the reas-" Before the housekeeper completed his words, a sound of scream echoed from the other end of the hallways.


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