I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 254 - Chaotic Home Visit-III

By time, Min Beomgyu who had just escaped the second floor from the axe man, held what he thought was a hand. He was still unaware of what was actually on his hands and with an alarmed voice, he said, "We were close! If I didn't sensed him there he would have chopped our heads...uh?"

The white witch looked what he had been holding to all this time, thinking that it was Yu Sheen's hand to realize it was a broken part of a shelf. His mind went into instant panic without ever realizing that he had mistook Yu Sheen's hands with a wood. 

No wonder it was hard, stiff, and cold! It was because this wasn't a person's hand!

"Oh no, did I left him there?" Min Beomgyu paused, wondering the possibility for Yu Sheen to come back alive after being caught by the axe man. He wasn't able to clearly peruse the axe man's build, but the lone silhouette he caught for a second was enough for him to compare the man with a bear. He was large, muscular, and very strong.

Isn't he dead now then?

He wasn't able to complete his thought as some servants rushed toward the staircase where he had been standing. There was not any time for Min Beomgyu to hide before the people spotted him, yet they just went passed him without even caring of him, a trespasser.

Instead, one of the maid who saw him caught him by his shoulder, her face was pallid, "What are you doing, standing here?! A killer is here, quick run!" and with that more people come, sniffling the narrow staircase, pushing the white witch from moving upward to help the half vampire. 

Min Beomgyu's bad luck seemed didn't stop until there. After he rolled down from the staircase, when he comes into it he was standing on a hallway where blood splattered across the small corridors. There, he saw a woman's back, the woman was holding two a large semi-circle blades. Not far from there was Seoyeon. He came right at the moment the dark witchess offered Seoyeon to work with her. 

Yu Sheen expected Seoyeon to quickly reject, instead a curling smile came on Seoyeon's lips and a bad premonition came over the white witch. 

Seoyeon put down her hands that were raised to her chest in act to guard herself, settling it beside her hips. "Protection, yes that is what I indeed need."

Laughter break from the dark witchess's mouth. "Then do you agree? I have to say I am one if not the most influential and strongest witchess among the witches Ava collected."

"Is Ava the head to your group?" questioned Seoyeon, her hands had fallen low under the dark witchess's eyes which showed the ceasefire between the current rights. But the dark witchess was still skeptical, therefore her the sharp edge of her blades still raised in a position that would help her to slice Seoyeon's neck if she wasn't too careful. 

"No she isn't, but she is our second person in charge," replied the witchess.

"I have to say, I am quite tired working with the vampires. I have seen how they are," said Seoyeon, "They are greedy and selfish. The only ideology occupying their small brain is to protect what they thought as their caste. They think they are the strongest being in this world, and looked down at other creatures."

"So you get it!" the dark witchess assented with a clap of her hand, supporting Seoyeon's comment with an expression that waited for her to say more foul things about vampires who she regard with contempt.

"Of course, I, myself, hate pureblood the most," Seoyeon continued, "They are annoying and an eyesore, during the time I had to work with them, I can barely restrain myself from killing them. But all eyes were on me, and if I make a mistake they would surely hunt for me. It had been on my mind to find my fellow kinsfolk, but I had no clue where to find them, and..." she let her word hang on the air for the dark witchess to raise her brows.

"And what?"

"I still can't trust that other dark witches would be strong enough to oppose vampires," Seoyeon replied, scaring Min Beomgyu who was at the end of the corridor. The statement Seoyeon dropped was no less than a bomb, and it rang in his head. Had all this time Seoyeon been lying?! Seoyeon had spoken in a way that showed how much she despised vampires in a very convincing way that made it hard for the white witch to see that it was a lie. 

Seoyeon continued, "I have seen how a group falls like card towers if their leader isn't capable enough to take control of the people under them, and unless I hear for myself the head of the witchess, I don't think I would find myself seeing this offer as appealing."

The dark witchess pulled her hand that was holding the blade where droplets of blood had been dripping from the sharp end. She swung the blade across her right side to flick away the blood that spread thickly over the blade. "Not your mistake to think so, instead I like your way of thinking, it's very much a thought befitting of a dark witch. We are people who only want result, this is also the reason why I had chosen to follow The Mistress. That witchess, our mistress, she is very different than others— very special. She is the only person left with that blood."

"Blood?" Seoyeon repeated her words in inquiry, seeing how the dark witchess nodded.

"Our Mistress's only wish is to once again make us, the dark witches, to triumph over every creature like we did hundred of years ago." That happened? Seoyeon asked in her mind. She never remember ever hearing dark witches being in control to all creatures. "She is the only person who inherited the blood of the first dark witches. Unfortunately we cannot see the brilliance of her power because it was sealed, but that doesn't stop her enormous power. But how weird, child, you told me you are not a dark witch."

"That is because I don't think I could use spells like other dark witches, I cannot heal others either which makes me not a white witch," Seoyeon gave her excuse, "But now, I think I was only lacking study."

"Fair enough," the dark witchess raised both of her hands to shrug her shoulders, "Tell me how you know you are a dark witch? Most dark witch don't realize they are one some times."

"I inherited my parent's blood, and that's how I found out I wasn't a human but a dark witch. My parents are Yang Jiae and Yang Sunghoon," saying this the dark witchess's eyes widened.

"The name of our two most famous dark witches! So you are their daughter, but I recall Ava saying you visited the Slumber Cemetery," and once again a shadow of skepticism sneaked on the dark witchess's eyes as she knew there had been two victims of their side after Seoyeon made visit to the cemetery.

"At that time I was forced by a damned pureblood," scoffed Seoyeon as if saying pureblood alone made her feel disgusted, "My parents died when I was young but I remember their teaching and it was to kill purebloods."

"Yes, I remember Yang couples both hated pureblood more than anything," the dark witchess dropped her hand, along with the blade she held. "We don't need further talk then, I will introduce you myself. I am called Helen," the dark witchess took a few steps forward, reaching out her hand as a sign of a handshake, "What's your name, dear?"

Time stopped when Helen reached out her hand for Seoyeon. Min Beomgyu didn't know when he had been holding his breaths, afraid that if he either exhaled or inhaled air from his body, the two witchesses whose gaze were layered with ill intent.

"I am Seoyeon," said she. As she walked to cut the distance between them, Seoyeon reached out her hands to return the offer the dark witchess made. They were both having smile, with weapons down in the momentary pause as the two had decided to grouped up.

But within the last second when Seoyeon's hand was about to reach the dark witchess, Helen's smile raised in a quick momentum, and she pulled her blade across Seoyeon, aiming to kill her when she had just let her guard down.

The blade came quick, and Seoyeon looking at the blood, saw her own reflection on the blade in a split second.

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