I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 255 - Bloody Surprise-I

On the second floor, Yu Sheen ran with his life on line, feeling like a mice who was chased by a large cat with a hungry stomach. While running, he begin to regret whatever he did in his entire life. He knew he had a bad luck, and somewhere along the line of his life, he had considered a few exorcism to bring back his good luck that seemed to have disappeared after his birth. Who wouldn't think his life full of misfortune?

When he was young, Yu Sheen's family was poor. Her mother fell to an incurable disease and his father had to work heavily in a construction site. Fortunately, Yu Sheen was the only child of the family, and he was born with a very patient and caring heart, therefore he didn't mind the less food he received or at times, he didn't have anything to eat. 

His happy days started when his mother begin to recuperate from her illness, and she was admitted back home. But suddenly one night, his mother's illness spike. His father, worried of her mother's condition went through the storm to the hospital, bringing his mother along with him. Yu Sheen, however, didn't know that would be the last day he would see his family. 

A landslide caught the car which his parent's used, sending them immediately to the afterlife. It was only after the accident that Yu Sheen learned from the doctors that his mother had never regain her health. The sole reason why she had came back home was to spend her last short months with him back in the house. His mother knew she would die, and that night was possibly her last time. Yu Sheen didn't asked why his father would still try to bring her to the hospital when he was aware that she would die, because if he had been in his father's shoes, he would have done the same.

The impact of his parent's death, hit Yu Sheen like a storm. He only realized that it was too late for him to help his mother spend her last days with more memorable and meaningful time. But regret came last. When Yu Sheen received an offer to become a half vampire, he immediately agreed. After all, he had no means to become humans, so why not try to become a vampire? Although they are not immortal, they are quite sturdy and wouldn't die easily as normal human would, and that way he would have enough time to save money.

Or so was what Yu Sheen thought until he was involved with Jung Hwa on his first day of his work. Although Jung Hwa always push him to be on the edge because of his cruel nature that would make one to be weary of him, afraid that they would be sent to death if they aren't too careful, Yu Sheen found the pureblood to be still manageable. To be honest, there are also some time he found himself in awe by the vampire. The trouble however, was he didn't know working with Jung Hwa would lead him to this moment!

"That white witch, I will never forgive him!" cursed Yu Sheen as he make a full run on the corridor.

The axe man beside him was full with a smile that pulled the corner of his lips from ear to ear while chasing the half vampire in the deadly game of hide and seek. "Are you still running? It would be much better for you if you give up. I promise to kill you painlessly that before you knew it, your soul will meet an angel, or maybe Demon as knowing you, vampires, every one of you are filled with sins of killing people."

"Talk about pot calling kettle black," Yu Sheen tutted, he can't help but to chide on that remark the axe man made. Right the next four minutes after he had said those words, an axe flew on his right side. Fortunately, Yu Sheen's right feet slipped on a trail of blood the moment the axe man threw his axe, saving him from the axe by slipping on the blood.

The half vampire froze on his steps but quickly resumed his run again. The imagination if he hadn't slipped on the blood played on his mind, sending him a cold shiver. 

Actually, he had some luck! thought Yu Sheen, but he could barely be happy about it. It was then when he finally made distance between him and the mad man that he found a hiding place.

The axe man came not soon after at one smaller corridor than the rest where there was a dead end. There was a lone room on the corridor, and with a smile, the axe man entered the room. His voice rang to the half vampire who had hidden himself inside the room which was now used as a storage room, "Hiding now? I think it's too late for you to do that. We've been given a mission to kill every one of people in this house, including you, half vampire."

The words made Yu Sheen curios, but he didn't have the privilege to ask the man about more details, and even if he had the chance, he doubted the axe man would nod at him and oblige to his question. 

"You look like you have some meat on you," the axe man's voice grew closer to where Yu Sheen was and the half vampire clutched to his hand, wishing the vampire wouldn't find them.

There was a few old closet, large drawers, and empty luggages around the room that was enough to cover the whole room with nothing but items. The dark witch looked around and he continued to speak while choosing which drawer or closet to open, "There is a small believe in the witches's group that rooted since centuries before that when a witch eat the heart of a male vampire, they would receive what is called an enlightenment state. Just like an energy drinks, eating a vampire's heart would boost our witchcraft's power, and helped us to grow." and with a sudden move, the axeman pulled one door of the doubled door closet. The closet was large enough to fit a single adult man there, but Yu Sheen wasn't there.

The axe man clicked his tongue in disappointment, but his smile was raised higher. Games are only more exciting when the enemy who was cornered hiding in an empty place, numbering the seconds before their death. 

The man begin to speak again, "There was no opportunity for me to try this, so I can't attest the authenticity of this rumors, but it's worth of a shot. Why don't you come out and become my first heart to eat?"

No thank you! Yu Sheen replied on his mind. 

They spend another two long minutes with the axeman opening what he could, yet he couldn't find Yu Sheen anywhere. The amusement to find the hidden half vampire had gone to the witch, and now he became irritated with his fail result.

"Is he not here?" questioned the witch to himself. Unlike vampires, witches could not sense heartbeat, which why they can't tell there was actually a single half vampire, squeezing himself under a large closet. As the place was dark it was easy to miss Yu Sheen who had bundled himself by a black sheet, covering his entire body while hiding beneath a long closet as if he was a trash left carelessly. 

It might be easy to see if Yu Sheen hid his body in an empty room, but he had made use of the heap amount of closet and drawers to his advantage. 

Yu Sheen heard the man's footsteps gradually grew lesser and saw the feet that belonged to the axe man twirled, turning as if to leave, and this had the half vampire rejoice.

His rejoice last only for one second when all the things inside the room begin to shake. At first, Yu Sheen guessed it was an earthquake, but he was too naive.

Yu Sheen watched from below the drawers on the far left side of his float from the floor before crashing back to the ground. His eyes widened, and it was only a matter of time for his closet to be pulled up and suspended on the air.

Witnessing what had just happened, his jaw dropped. 

As if in cue, the axe man spotted him on the ground, uncovered from the black sheet that covered him. "Did I not tell you I was a witch too? This is a very simple thing for me to do."

Only one thought passed by Yu Sheen's mind at that moment. Damn it!

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