I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 265 - Stopped Heart-II

It took her seconds to take in what happened but Seoyeon didn't stay idle. She placed Jung Hwa carefully away from the rubbles, setting him on a better place. Once she did, she pressed her ears lightly to his chest to hear his heartbeat only to feel all of her last breath went out of her lips as if her life stopped right at that moment as there was no single heartbeat that she could hear.

Her breathings began harder to take as she watched his eyes closed with no movements from his chest or eyes, "Hwa?" she called his name weakly, not wanting to believe this was true. She didn't want to believe his breathings had stopped and that Jung Hwa was no where in this world.

"No...Hwa," she called his name again, hoping he would reply, still tugging to the faint thread of hope which she wasn't sure heaven would be kind enough to give. Tears slid from the side of Seoyeon's face. But she didn't want to give up. Pulling her bag which she placed her potion in, she tried to open any potion she knew that could heal him. She didn't care what medicine it was or whether it would work to a pureblood as long as it could help him.

But whatever she did nothing work. No, Jung Hwa is gone? The question lingered in Seoyeon's mind as if she had been drowned in a surge of large ocean waves, leaving her calm in the very cold bottom of sea which felt nothing less than an abyss to fill her with emotions of anxiety and sorrow.

"No...no," she repeated the word over and over again. More tears spilled on her eyes that she quickly wiped away, Seoyeon didn't want to stop at what she does. She thought that there should be a way for her to save him and whatever it was, she needed to do it now. But the sight of blood puddling bellow his back continue to haunt her with negatives thought. When she felt no more heartbeat or breathings left from his body, her face lowered and the tears she held back glide from her black eyes.

"Wake up, please," she whispered, it would have been much better if this was all her dream. Bending her upper body, Seoyeon rested her head on his chest, letting her tears continue to fall.

Seojun was not far away from Seoyeon, and upon finding his sister, his eyes widened. He wasn't surprised because Jung Hwa was lying in the ground with his chest halting its heaving. It was veins on the side of Seoyeon's face that crawled from her collarbones that were covered in her black leathered jacket. Like a root of some sort, the blue veins that glowed crawled, making more sections to cover her right face.

Seeing the blue glowing veins, Seojun felt his breaths stopped. Since the young age, he was taught differently than his older sister, his life was filled with harsh training, and that was all to protect the secret his parents warned him the world could never know. The secret was that Seoyeon was the catalyst— the person who would bring death and lead the world to chaos.

The blue veins was the first symptom that warned him the catalyst inside Seoyeon was about to go out of control. Seojun's eyes almost immediately fall on Jung Hwa, slowly understanding that he was the reason for the catalyst to reappear due to the emotional imbalance that transpired in Seoyeon currently. 

Before her power could go rampage, Seojun went to her side slowly, "Sis-" his words were interrupted when the pureblood whose heart supposed to stop suddenly regain his breaths again.

Seoyeon still refuse to believe Jung Hwa was dead. She caught hold of Jung Hwa's hand that was cold, her sight had turned blurry with the amount of tears welling on her eyes that fell slowly from the corner of her face when she heard a cough resonate from his chest. She slowly looked up, the hope that vanished from her eyes came back in an instant she heard him coughing.

"Hwa?" she called him with her hand on the side of his face. She saw his brows furrowed as he tried to wake up. Jung Hwa continue to cough until he turned his face to the left side, spewing blood to the ground beside him.

Over seeing the blood it alarmed Seoyeon to help him but then she took a sight of Jung Hwa's eyes were opened, "What got you crying, my black cat? Look at your face full of tears," was the first few words he said while touching the side of her face. 

"You are not dead..." she whispered weakly as though she was still in her nightmare when their eyes met and she continued to touch his face, with her other hand on his chest feeling his heart begin to beat and she can't tell how relieved she was. 

"I'm not, dummy," Jung Hwa chuckled, pushing himself to stand up from the floor and Seoyeon moved back to let him have space he needed to stand up. He wiped the corner of his lips where blood smeared on and looked at her features. The rim of Seoyeon's eyes had turned deep red from the tears she spilled. Her expression was filled with disbelief and a great wave of relieve that Jung Hwa could tell how happy she was to see him alive, causing a bud of happiness to bloom in his heart over the concern she showed. 

Seoyeon didn't let go of his hand, waiting for the warmth of his body coming back to his fingers. "Don't scare me, please," she whispered to him, tears falling again which he caught with his fingers and slide it away from her eyes to wipe it away. 

"I'm sorry, healing myself took more time than I thought. I am alright, see?" Jung Hwa spread his arm to show his heart that supposedly had been pierced to prove his point. Unexpectedly, Seoyeon didn't look at it. Her arms went to wrap over his back, pulling him close to his embrace where her face rested on his left side. 

"This is not a dream, is it?" she asked receiving his chuckle that didn't come from teasing her.

"It's not, I am back, you can feel my heartbeat can you?" Jung Hwa brought her hand to his palm, letting her to feel what she had already try to check over and over for many times again.

"Thank god," she whispered the two words for a couple more times faintly beside his ears. For the worse thing not to happen and that she didn't lose him, Seoyeon never felt more grateful in her life than now.. She hugged him tightly, and although Jung Hwa can't feel pain from the little hug she gave, he thought that the tightness was just perfect for a hug Seoyeon would give him.

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