I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 266 - Stopped Heart-III

Time passed by slowly and Jung Hwa let Seoyeon to continue cling to his body in the hug. He was not aware that a hug could give him as much happiness as he felt now. His mother rarely hugged him and that was long in the past, his brother had never shared contact with him until he died, and his grandfather must have thought he wouldn't like a hug. 

It took a while for Seoyeon to realize how silly she had been for crying like a child. She loosened her hands on his shirt which her fingers had crumpled. Taking a better look at him, she met his eyes that were red as it burns with many reasons. The full moon that appeared behind him on the sky glowed to give a silver line on his handsome face and his musky smell put her at ease.

She slowly trailed her eyes down previously she was too panicked to heal his wound that she didn't realize the amount of wounds on his body that was caused by the concrete metals. She could tell that wasn't the only wound and some of his bones broke during the time he shielded her.

Jung Hwa took a look at her too, noticing hat the side of her face was wounded, not knowing the blue glowing veins that had appeared a second ago.

"I was afraid that anything would happen to you," Seoyeon whispered, she moved her eyes from his shirt that soaked with blood. "Thank you for protecting me."

Jung Hwa chuckled, bringing his face forward that had Seoyeon to close her eyes as she was expecting a kiss but then she felt a heavy warmth weighed on her forehead. Opening her eyes, she saw him resting his forehead on hers, the point of his nose snuggled softly at hers. 

"I was only protecting my life, you shouldn't thanked me. I knew you tried to speed up my healing process with the potions," Jung Hwa said, although he was unconscious, a part of him was trying to heal his body, becoming aware of the potion that entered his body.

"But it didn't work," sighed Seoyeon. In case of danger, she requested Min Beomgyu to help her to create healing potions that could be use to a vampire especially purebloods. The white witch told her it was something only a blue witch could do as they specialized in vampires and other night creatures, but both him and her wasn't a blue witch. The potion she created was something she followed from a blue witch's potion but the effect work only one percent of the real one.

"No, it worked," Jung Hwa corrected her, "You helped me a great deal with it, thank you. I know you made that potion for me." and he was correct, receiving a smile from her. 

"Can you stand up now?" asked Seoyeon, being careful as Jung Hwa had just came back from death. 

"Perfectly fine," Jung Hwa stood up before her by pushing his body and she followed.

"We should go now before we lost the white witch and Yu Sheen. The axe witch from earlier said that there were around two more witches in here, they could be in danger," Seoyeon explained as she left the place, climbing down the rubbles that gathered on the floor, forming a small hill made out of broken bricks. She passed by the place where Seojun was once standing at while watching her.

Meanwhile, Jung Hwa studied the corridor, noticing blood and cracks on the walls which he knew wasn't caused by the floor caving in earlier. There was a strong smell of blood, which came from fighting.

Seoyeon made her way from the corridor to another one which only took her a couple of steps, only finding a dead end with a large door behind that connect to the garden and she gasped when she found the bodies that was stored at the far corner. 

Seoyeon felt her stomach churn over seeing the bodies on the hallway. Most of them were killed in a very gruesome manners that would haunt her at night. Because this wasn't the first time for her to see bodies sliced and cut in a way that reminded her like how a chicken would be pieced before cook, it made it less grueling for her to resist the urge to vomit.

There was one body placed the closest to where her shoes had stopped. Looking at it, she studied the frightened expression to realize it was Che Hara.

"Burnt by what she did," whispered a person from beside her left, taking Seoyeon by surprise and when her eyes rolled sideways to the rim, she caught sight of a man's face which was only a paper away before suddenly he was kicked to the wall, causing a manmade hole to appear on the wall.

Jung Hwa circled his hand around Seoyeon's neck, taking her attention to him who had suddenly hug her, his eyes narrowed on the man who suddenly come beside Seoyeon. After feeling relieved, scared, now being right beside Jung Hwa made her to feel butterflies on her stomach. 

"Pureblood," clicked the man who was kicked by Jung Hwa. He pushed himself from the hole once the dusts had settled away and walked away from the wall while dusting his clothes.

In the beginning Seoyeon was surprised that Jung Hwa had killed a human but then she saw how there was no wound on the man's body even after he had been kicked powerfully by Jung Hwa. It took him a couple of second to digest what happened as it transpired in an interval of one minute. She questioned how the man didn't because most human on his satiation would have met an instant death. Unless they are not a human, thought Seoyeon, keeping more distance skeptically.

"Hunter," said Jung Hwa beside her ears, confirming what she had guessed and telling her about the man right across her.

"Nice to meet you too, pureblood," the man greeted with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "I was going to suspect it is your doing if not for the fact we have found some witches' bodies upstairs. Count yourself lucky today for being able to suck a witch's blood. Monsters eating monsters sounds just about right." mocked the Hunter. His hair was cut evenly all over his head, letting it grew for only a centimeter.

Seoyeon narrowed her eyes at the Hunter's words that was condescending. A protective urge come over her that make her dislike the way he had called Hwa a monster.

Turning her eyes, she looked at him who wasn't bothered, "You should thank your God then for creating monsters who could kill another monster so no more humans of this house would be killed. So much for being 'hunter' when you are here only to clean. I suggest changing your name as 'Cleaner'. It has a very nice ring on it, don't you agree?"

Hunter had a strong pride for what they are but mocked by the pureblood, blue veins crawled on the man's knuckles. "Watch your mouth, pureblood. Don't think that you are the strongest here. If we wanted to, it would be an easy task to kill every last one of vampires in this world," the man warned through a gritted teeth. Seoyeon read his expression that was filled with hate, the same way of how Jung Hwa's expression would twist when he talked about dark witches.

Jung Hwa returned the glare in a more intense look, "Try then. We don't need words but result." and that was enough to have the Hunter pull his double saber which was secured on his back. 

"Hwa-" Seoyeon warned him with a deep frown, he had just healed himself and escape death's door a moment ago. Does the rush of adrenaline urge him for more fight?!

Her scoldings were interrupted when someone walked toward the corridor where they were. Unlike the other Hunter, this one had a very deep silver eyes. Seoyeon took a better look at the man to notice that his eyes color wasn't actually silver. The man was blind.

"Stop it, Harnes," said the man with his stride straight. "Fighting is not necessary for us." Harnes, the Hunter wasn't happy at the captain's order but he didn't retort or argue because of his position and the respect he held for the man. "I will take it upon myself to apologize for his childish statement from earlier, Mr.. Jung."

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