I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 294 - Waking Up With You-I

Hours passed by and Haneul still sat on the floor with her legs pulled to her chest. Her mother didn't let her out and as she had threatened the servants, even her closest maid could not come near the door or help her throughout the punishment. Haneul was sure Yeseul had been sent far away from her chambers so she won't have the ability or chance to help.

With the growing silence, Haneul reflected if what she did was wrong. She refused to believe what she did or who she love as wrong but her head begin to be filled with worries of what would come in the future. Her mother or father won't agree with her choice and there was Min Hyuk. Haneul doesn't know if he loves her the way she did. But after today, her hope raise as she saw how Min Hyuk had tried hard to protect her secret from being exposed to others.

Haneul didn't know what time it was. When she pushed herself to stand from the wooden floor, she heard a creaking sound that didn't come from beneath her feet but somewhere near the tall window of her room. 

Trotting to the window, Haneul pushed the wooden window, feeling cold air brushing her cheeks that make her notice there was tears from below her eyes which she wasn't aware of. She quickly pushed her hands to her eyes but someone had beat her before she did.

"You always cry since you were young, worrying me that your eyes would melt," Min Hyuk spoke. Haneul gasp when seeing him, not expecting he would come right at the moment she wished he would be here. Her pained heart suddenly felt lighter but not entirely as there was still dampened emotions due to her mother's anger she directed to her.

"Min Hyuk..." Haneul called, still dazed, "W-What are you doing here?"

"I thought you would be scared after what happened this afternoon," Min Hyuk replied, he looked over the door and narrowed his eyes at her tears. "Did you fought with your mother again?"

"You make it sounds like I am a very troublesome girl who always get in trouble," Haneul said to hear him chuckle.

"You are not but I know how stubborn you are and your mother share the same stubbornness like you. Can I come in?" he then asked.

Haneul looked around the window with a faint frown, she knew how dangerous it would be if there was anyone who saw them together, "You can't be here."

"Just for a few minutes, I will leave soon," Min Hyuk answered before letting himself in and Haneul took a step back to let him inside. "What was it that had you to fight with your mother?"

Haneul couldn't tell that it was centered around her love for him. She didn't reply and instead looked away, "About today," Haneul tried to change the conversation they have, "Thank you. Did you get hurt anywhere?"

"Actually," Min Hyuk said, and Haneul lightly frown as she saw him hold his left upper arm, "I might get hurt."

"You did?!" Haneul didn't expect it as she was quickly brought back home by her mother before she could meet him. Without giving a second thought, Haneul made her way to take the first aid kit on the cupboard where her maid had kept in case she got hurt. "Sit there," Haneul instructed him and Min Hyuk followed her words obediently.

Haneul opened the box, taking what she needed and her eyes looked at him in worry, hearing him says, "I didn't succeed in killing all of the archer."

"I don't mind it anymore," Haneul answered, showing him a faint smile. She wondered if it was wrong for her to feel happy that Min Hyuk had killed others in order to protect her. "If they are an enemy, I doubt they would tell the Queen or let it be a rumor."

"Or maybe they would," Min Hyuk answered, and Haneul who had stared at him found his frown.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I found this," Min Hyuk said while pulling something from under his robe, showing what look like a pendant but when he tilted the object, Haneul turned confused. 

The round object that was shown was something she often see, "It's our kingdom's money. I don't see what is wrong with it."

"Everything is wrong with this," Min Hyuk replied, giving her a complicated expression, "As you know, this money only reach out for the wealthy nobles that it's even rare for people of our kingdom to see," and Haneul nodded, the type of money differ in their kingdom where there are a few coins marked only for nobles to use. "The archer that I have killed had been brought to the Queen's guards, there they suspected the attack to come from the neighboring kingdom. They shouldn't have this money."

"That would mean someone had hired them, someone who have access to the money which mean they are nobles like us," Haneul answered, finding the puzzle.

"And someone who is extremely wealthy as those archer are the top of their class." 

Haneul stopped her hands that were holding the vessel which had medicine in it. Her eyes looked up at him with confusion, finding how Min Hyuk seemed to have decided something in his mind, "Do you already have in mind of the person who targeted the Queen?"

Min Hyuk let her question hang in the room without giving her answer for a good three minutes and only replied after Haneul urged him by her questioning gaze. "They were not targeting the Queen."

"Then who were they targeting to kill?" Was there anyone in the hunting ground who has more influence than the Queen herself? She couldn't understand who it might be and who would hire the archer. Thinking about it, now Haneul realized how strange it was that the archer had attacked the forest instead of coming to the hunting ground if they were truly intend to kill the Queen.

"Maybe you," Min Hyuk saw Haneul's inky eyes enlarge, "Not you but perhaps someone who have power like you do. As for who was it that hired those people, I guess it's the Queen."

Far away from the forest, in the few neighboring towns away from where Haneul and Min Hyuk was, the Queen pulled the sweets on the table to her hand, taking a small bite in it. "Ehyun," the Queen called for the maid who stood near the Queen bow as the woman had called her name, "I am feeling very generous today. Call someone to write an invitation."

"Who will you address it to, my Queen?" questioned the maid as the Queen hadn't state the name of the guest.

"Sol Haneul," answered the Queen, the maid the bowed before disappearing from the room. The Queen then ordered for the rest of the servants to leave her royal chamber then tapping her hand thrice in the table for a man to appear from the side of the door. He was dressed in all black, where his mouth was also covered by black scarf to hide his face. "Have you gotten enough information about that girl?"

"Yes, my Queen, the report had been written. Would you like to read it now?" And the Queen nodded.

Receiving the scroll, her eyes went to what is written, "To make sure one submit to you, one need to get a hold of not only their weakness but strength and need. Great Job Leekyung," the man bowed at the Queen's praise respectfully. "How is it going with the proof of the power did anyone see her using her power?"

"Unfortunately most archer had been killed. Most of them had been killed by the pureblood from Min Family," answered the man and the Queen clicked her tongue.

"I thought I had deliberately remove pureblood and vampires from the hunting list," The Queen raised her brow at the man.

"The man insist to come, and as he work under you, my Queen it was difficult to deny his entry. But worry not, My Queen, I have found one of the remaining archer who didn't die and he told me the girl did use her power to shatter the arrows. She wasn't murmuring spells like witches."

"It's as the yellow witch has said! I have finally gotten the catalyst!" The Queen rejoiced, her smile widening, "And look what coincidence we have. It seems that girl's interest is down on that pureblood.. It seems getting hold of her power would be easier than I expected."

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