I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 300 - Eerie Prelude-I

Wan Seulgi rested her elbow on the window. Her eyes that stared at the window turn bleak as a sigh passed her lips. After the day she exposed her feeling, Lee Taehyung had stopped visiting her hospital room again.

Each passing day made her feel lonely without her presence and she asked herself if this was Taehyung's way to reject her, by slowly creating a rift between them. Knowing how kind and gentle Lee Taheyung was, maybe he felt terrible for rejecting her harshly and had chosen to reject her this way to not make her feel depressed.

"That could be it," whispered Seulgi upon her inner monologue and once again she exhaled a heavy breath.

While staring at the window, the shadow of white figure passed and her eyes brightened but when the person turn their body and Seulgi saw the person wasn't whom she had been waiting for, she slumped back to her seat.

Not only had Lee Taehyung stopped visiting her room, he had also stopped making his way toward the hospital's park which was right across her window. He must had notice how she had been stealing glances at him from afar from where she stood. Was this one of the reason Taehyung had rejected her?

If Seulgi use Taehyung's shoes to be in his position she noticed how troublesome it is if one of his patience was to grow love when he had only planned to bond over as a friend. 

Giving up wasn't a choice for the headstrong Seulgi but she was defeated by how she had troubled Taehyung by standing on eggshells to not hurt her heart and at the same time not rejecting her with harsh words. Before, Seulgi often sees Taehyung walking on the park and she wondered if due to her he wasn't able to do so. "I must be a great trouble to him," she said to herself again. Taking one last glance over the park, Seulgi decided to slide the window, closing it with a click.

Taehyung who wasn't dressed with his usual doctor attire then passed by the park when his eyes fell on the window where he had always felt gaze coming from. As he wasn't a human, Taehyung was quick to sense gazes people directed to him and especially the harmless gaze that always settled on him when he walked pass the garden. 

Even though he knew who was gazing at him, Taehyung didn't look back at the person and catch them red-handed. At first it was because he didn't want to embarrass Seulgi but he soon find himself lingering at the park for a longer time in order for her to stare at him longer. They didn't talk but he enjoyed the brief time of being glad that her attention was on him. 

Before he took the role as a human doctor, Lee Taehyung live his life as a dark witch by watching humans and vampires alike killed and butchered in front of his eyes. From the earliest memory that he had, dark witches always believed themselves to be the creature that rule the world, disregarding the pain of losing someone. They don't mind killing their own family and blamed it on their blood as a dark witches but Taehyung knew that lineage wasn't what had made them cruel, it was their own heart.

His mother was the cruelest dark witchess in their world; and following her was his twin younger brother who inherited all their mother's twisted teaching and belief. 

Lee Taein adopted the way of cruelty while Lee Taehyung was the complete opposite of the two. He dislike killing and the moment he saw his own hand drenched with blood after being forced by his families to kill a human, all hell break loose in him. Both disgust and horror surge over his body that he felt uncomfortable living on his own skin. Since then he rebelled from the teaching his family forced him to do and turned his back on his family, living as a human doctor.

Taehyung hoped to live a normal life but with his family's interference, nothing worked. Either his brother or someone who his mother instructed would destroy his wish by appearing on the place he live on and began to create nightmares on him.

There was one darkest memory far in the past where his brother had killed everyone on the village he lived on, leaving only one person alive and revealed that everyone had died because of Taehyung. The human man then came to meet him, bringing a knife and stab him multiple times until he was killed by Taein.

In revenge, he made his way back home, killing some of his mother's apprentice and warned them to never come touch the people near him but it backfired to his mother wanting him for the power he possessed which he hid his whole life to not gain his family's attention.

He denied his mother's wish but somewhere he could feel that one day in the future she would come again and kill others to threaten him. Before that could happen and before his family could touch a single strand of hair on Seulgi's body, Taehyung decide to come back home for it would be the safest and fastest way for him to warn them not to harm Seulgi if he wants to keep her alive.

"Doctor Lee?" The nurse who stood in front of Seulgi repeated the young woman's question. "He must be busy. For the past few days we were busy with emergency of the pandemics that cover the city. It was a mild illness but would affect badly to people who have history of kidney illness. Doctor Lee had to take care almost half of the patients."

"I see," a hint of relieve could be pick from Seulgi who was relieved that Taehyung had not ignored her on purpose but because he was busy. 

The nurse was aware of the relationship between Seulgi and Taehyung and upon seeing the smile on the young woman, she chuckled faintly. "Great," the nurse then said while holding the writing board on her hands. "Your temperature is still too low for normal standard but your blood pressure has risen better than before and your vital shows positive signs. Is I'll recommend you to get a walk often on the garden below."

"Okay, I will do it soon," Seulgi mentally noted the nurse's advise and before she went, she stopped the nurse and asked, "Do you know where Doctor Lee might be during this time of the day?"

The nurse wanted to encourage them but a pity smile appeared on her lips, "Doctor Lee took his leave today as the past few days he hadn't been coming home to rest.l

As disappointed as Seulgi was she replied the nurse with a thank you and then peaked But she regain her energy when she learn of how Taehyung wasn't ignoring her

Even though it was still bright in the afternoon, Seulgi hoped that tomorrow would come sooner so she would be able to meet Taehyung.

When the door knocked again, Seulgi wondered if it was the nurse and her smile bloomed when she saw it was her best friend, Seoyeon. "There you are! I thought you said you were busy and won't came until it's ended."

Seoyeon walked toward the bed, returning the wide smile with the same color of happiness. "Thankfully everything was sort out quicker than we thought. The Associates and Hwa have come to an understanding and all the allegations on him had been straightened out."

Through the brief time, Seoyeon had explained Seulgi about the associates and the vampire's society. She thought that it would be much better for Seulgi to know about vampires and prepare her than knowing nothing. 

"That's great, you must have worried, sitting and waiting," Seulgi answered. The only part Seoyeon left blank was of how she fought against witches and the dangers she faced because she learned that a human who had just turned to vampires need to always be on their calm state as emotional imbalance can cause them to turn mad and become a hollowed vampire. 

"It was," Seoyeon answered and she came to sit near her, "So, how are you doing? Have you've been feeling thirst like before?"

"Sometimes but I curb them with the blood pack. You know, I thought being a vampire would be a great change in my life but then it wasn't too different from a human's life, the only change is that I drink blood to sustain," Seulgi answered with a light hearted tone. 

"Really?" Seoyeon lifted her eyebrows while staring at her countenance. "You are not forcing yourself, are you?"

Seulgi stared back at Seoyeon who had given her a look of questioning. "Do I look like I am not alright?" She asked and was about to laugh it as a joke but Seoyeon's expression turn solemn as she nodded her head. 

"Yes, you don't look great to me," Seoyeon could tell that when Seulgi tried to hide things, she would look more cheerful than before. 

Seulgi's wide smile slowly descended down and she rubbed the back of her neck, "I guess you always know everything about me."

"What happened?" Seoyeon pressed, taking her hands in worry that Seulgi might have been facing trouble as a half vampire. The life and the sudden change Seulgi passed, Seoyeon knew it must be not easy for her. "Is it about being a half vampire? I have been working on some studies about half vampires. I am not sure if whether it would be soon that I can find the cure-"

Seoyeon stopped talking when Seulgi shook her head, "It's not about that.. It's about something more personal," and when Seoyeon went closer, she said, "It was about Doctor Lee."

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