I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 302 - Eerie Prelude-III

Away from the hospital, Jung Hwa went out of one room, entering to another one which was larger than before, following Lee Young who was walking in front of him, speaking as they walk in his house, "That's fascinating. A lucid dream. Do you know how rare it is for vampires to dream?"

"It's only once in a blue moon," answered Jung Hwa. To find out about Seoyeon and the lucid dream she had, he decided to meet Lee Young, one of the oldest pureblood vampire around the vampires' society. "It's very rare as Vampires are count as a being who is half dead. Our mind doesn't work to generate a dream. They are a luxuries for us."

Lee Young nodded, "It appears that it's goes similar that way to witches. They don't dream."

"But Seoyeon is a special case," Jung Hwa concluded and he stopped his feet when Lee Young had halted his heels.

"Will you now tell me what is going on?" Lee Young turned to look at Jung Hwa who showed him a smile and wordlessly reply.

"I am not sure what you are speaking of?" Jung Hwa asked.

"Drop your act," sighed Lee Young, "I wonder how could you be so similar to your mother when it comes to lying. Was she the one who taught you how to lie?"

Jung Hwa recalled the far memories in the back of his mind that caused him to smile, "Well, she is my mother and indeed she was the one who taught me how to lie. She advised me that to lie you need to mix lies and truth together."

"She was a good liar. But you should be careful; some times lies and truth is so similar to each other that you will begin to forget which is the lies and the truth," Lee Young advised and then said, "I won't be telling it to anyone or maybe you think I am a chatterbox who would spout things left and right?"

Jung Hwa chuckled, "No. I do believe that if I tell you about it, you would be able to keep it to yourself. Seoyeon isn't a witch," Jung Hwa then revealed.

"If she is not a witch, then is she a human? I have never seen a human with power like a witch before," Lee Young hummed, the words piqued his interest.

He shook his head, "There is human who bear power as strong as witches or even stronger than them. I thought you would know about it," Jung Hwa said, "Because you are one of the oldest pureblood around but if you don't know about it, I guess ball about what she is had been buried for hundred of years. They are called the catalyst."

On hearing Jung Hwa mention this, Lee Young's brows raised, "Catalyst?"

Jung Hwa saw how Lee Young seemed to be contemplating on something in his mind, "Do you know about it?"

"I have heard it once when I was young. Have I told you about my mother?" and Jung Hwa nodded. In cases like Lee Young who is the blue blood of purebloods, both his father and mother are purebloods to keep clean the lineage. But when one's lineage is too thick, it would cause the offsprings to be born with some strange abilities or in other misfortune cases were defects. 

Lee Young's mother didn't have an ability but posses a defect that cause her to have power like none others. Jung Hwa had heard that her power was very similar to that of a witch as she could read the spells witches have which was unusual as only witches were able to cast spells on others. 

"I remember you telling me about how fond great grand auntie of reading books," Jung Hwa answered for Lee Young to nod.

"She often read to me things that I thought at first was fake. Stories about how a human can be turn to pigs, people who had lost their limbs to grow, and something about a young girl who posses power like no others and that young girl was in fact a human," Lee Young begin to walk and Jung Hwa was quick to follow beside him, not falling a footsteps later. "I remember the stories were about a girl who were born in a wealthy family, who then fell for a vampire when the Queen of their kingdom found out about her innate ability inside her that were both powerful and also lethal."

Jung Hwa frowned at the story, feeling it not only similar but was a copy paste of what Seoyeon had briefed him about the lucid dream she saw during last night. 

Lee Young said, "That girl was called the catalyst and it suppose to be somewhere around here," said the pureblood while looking at a larger boon racket that were only an inch taller than Jung Hwa. 

"I will help," Jung Hwa offered, "What was the title of the book again? Do you remember them?"

"No, she always read the book without telling what title it was. The cover should be in a bright red color. When my mother died, her belongings were put here, so it should be somewhere here," Lee Young ruffled the books that he found, seeing the cover and set it aside when he confirmed it wasn't the book he was searching for.

Jung Hwa also went to take some books, when he saw a few books written in cursive language that could barely be read, he showed it to Lee Young, "What book is this about?"

The pureblood squinted his eyes, "It should be something regarding a witches' attack spells, mother love that book the most. She said it's one of the books that could provide her with immense power when she needed it." Lee Young attested after reading the title. "You should bring it with you for the human girl."

"I was planning to, thank you," and Jung Hwa took the book before they begin to search for the other book again. After scrambling on some of the books, finally Jung Hwa found what seemed like the book Lee Young described. "Is this the one?" Jung Hwa showed the book and Lee Young nodded when he confirmed its

The book wasn't thick enough to make it look like a very important book with perhaps only thirty pages inside. When Jung Hwa flipped the book to look at the front cover, he saw the title written 'Girl with the red shoes' and a drawing of a girl wearing a traditional clothes dancing while her red shoes stood out the most. Looking at it this way, it appears as if it was a children's book and Jung Hwa raised his brows at how normal the book looked like.

"The title is false," Lee Young chimed when he noticed Jung Hwa narrowing his eyes on the book's title. "My mother had a habit of taking off book covers and change it with one that looks normal. You should bring it home and read it with the girl maybe you'll find out about the catalyst that way."

"Thank you," Jung Hwa sincerely thanked his uncle.

"Why do I feel scared when you thanked me?" Lee Young chuckled, patting Jung Hwa's back. "I know it's hard to trust me in your situation and I would agree with your choice of keeping it to yourself but you better have one ally with you who would help you when you are in a pinch."

A grin spread on Jung Hwa's lips. "Will you be that ally?"

Lee Young was slightly taken aback and replied his mischievous grin with the same mirth, "I am a pretty expensive ally but you will not regret it. So let me guess, is Seoyeon a catalyst?"

Jung Hwa had expected his uncle to guess it this soon. It would be strange if he wasn't able to guess it, "Yes," Jung Hwa revealed. "And catalyst aren't only humans who posses power stronger or as strong as witches. They are very lethal, not only to the world but also to the vessel who posses the catalyst themselves." Jung Hwa then begin to tell Lee Young of what happened so far.

With a thin hum between his lips, Lee Young then narrowed his eyes, "Finding the book that the fortune teller had told you seemed like the best solution for both of you as you wouldn't agree to let Seoyeon loosing her memories. Problem is where to find that book. If it had been buried for more than three hundred years, it won't be easy to find them now."

Jung Hwa sighed as he agreed with what his uncle had said, "I tried searching for it but there are too many places in Korea which only lower the probability of finding the book. I thought you might have it."

"I don't think I would.. The books about witches is scarce only the one that you have now from my mother and this one which is only about white witches that I plan to give to Min Beomgyu," Lee Young was in a deep thought when Jung Hwa heard him ask, "It reminds me about that one book that you brought back from the witches' lair. Have you read what was inside that book?"

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