I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 303 - Crying Sky-I

Jung Hwa recalled about the book that was mentioned by Lee Uoinh and shook his head, "Unfortunately it isn't."

"That's a shame," Lee Young said, standing as he patted Hwa's shoulders and Jung Hwa answered him with a smile. "Are you going straight back home?"

"I was thinking to linger a little longer. You have done many experiments before, didn't you? Do you think you can find a solution for the catalyst inside Seoyeon?" Jung Hwa asked. He need to find out about things regarding catalyst and Seoyeon and for that he needed Lee Young's help.

"I'm not sure," Lee Young said after making a consideration, and he looked at Jung Hwa, his nephew. "You have always been one of my soft spot as my nephew. I will try to find a way but for that I would need a few samples from her blood and power."

"If that's what you need, I will get it soon," Hwa answered, showing Lee Young a smile, "Thank you."

"You know I find it strange how I feel odd when you thank me. It's not everyday that you would receive a thank from you this properly and seriously," commented Lee Young to receive the cheeky chuckles from him.

"Don't be mean, I am always a kind child since young and now. It's just that I only thank people who deserve to be thanked," Jung Hwa showed him an innocent look but Lee Young won't buy his expression.

"We both know that it's a lie. I was also fooled by your act when you were young. You are far from the word obedient and kind, just like your mother; and you would only thank people if your will is there and usually you never have the will. This must be the influence of Seoyeon," Lee Young answered. "Have you ever wondered what your mother would think when she sees her?"

A smile settle wider on Jung Hwa's lips as he fell into a thought, "Maybe she will tease Seoyeon? Contrary to my mother's famous evil nature that people says, she is quite fond of humans and find them cute."

"Cute as in a doll and a toy," Lee Young shook his head, "Since you still have time to spend, would you want to see the latest experiments I am working for?"

Jung Hwa was curious. He had seen some of Lee Young's experiments in the past and his experiments went far different than other experiments in outside worlds. His experiments include deaths, vampires, humans, and witches. Since young, Hwa had perceived Lee Young as a person who was hungry for knowledge, wanting to know about things that remain a question to others at the cost of everything and anything.

They left the room they stood earlier and went somewhere else where the door wasn't made out of wood like the rest of the doors in the house but instead metal. Jung Hwa watched Lee Young moving toward the side of the metal door and uses his eye as the key to open the metal door.

"It's a little exciting," commented Hwa when Lee Young came back to the door.

"I am glad that you think so," and he entered toward the room where things that mostly seen in laboratory appears in the room, including a surgery bed and machines that one would only see in an emergency room. 

Coming closer, Jung Hwa then noticed the shadow of a person who was sitting there, and at time he noticed, Lee Young said, "You have seen each other before, haven't you? He had been in your hands for a long time. Good morning," and the man on the bed raise his body slowly, "Yu Sheen."

Jung Hwa watched the half vampire raise from the bed, the hole on his body was still there but had healed quite considerably; the cavity was still there in his stomach and that had Hwa's brows to furrow in attention. Most people, vampires, humans, or pureblood would die if they suffer from a wound as large as Yu Sheen had a day ago and kept the wound for more than a night. But here, the half vampire was alive, breathing, and seemed to be in a completely sane mind as he was almost startled to death when finding Jung Hwa in the room when he had cursed the pureblood in his dream earlier.

"He is your experimentation," Jung Hwa said when he turned his face to Lee Young who spread his smile widely.

"My successful experimentation."

Away from Lee Young's house, almost a city away, Seulgi who had been left by Seoyeon hummed a tune of her own while leaving the shower room. She felt liberated after talking with her best friend and regain her confidence that things would be alright and that Doctor Lee wasn't ignoring her but had been truly busy.

As she was a little hungry, Seulgi made her way to dawn one blood pack in less than a minute and had threw the bag when she heard a crisp knock from the door. She wondered if it was the nurse who had said she would come again to check her vitals for the last time of the day.

"Please wait a moment!" Seulgi answered. She went down from the table and wore her slippers to walk toward the door. After unlocking the door her eyes widened when she saw who it was that stood in front of the door.

"Taehyung!" Seulgi gasped as her eyes fell on the splatters of red colors scattering on his neck and black clothes were wet. Before the doctor could return her greeting, his body inclined forward and rested on her shoulders.

Seulgi went to panic as she had spotted the blood. "Taehyung! Please get a hold of yourself!" and when she pulled her hands to see, she was shocked to see the amount of blood that stained her palms. "D-Doctor... we need to call the doctor," Seulgi stuttered. She went quickly to bring Taehying to her bed, taking the button that connects to the nurse's room when her hand was caught by another warm palm. 

"Taehyung!" Seulgi called his name, "D-Don't worry. You will b-be alright. The doctors a-are here, they will be able to save you soon," she said, her words was in a mess as her lips trembled like a leaf.

"No," Taehyung stopped her and he coughed, worrying Seulgi, "You cannot call the doctors now. The hospital are in chaos, there are people who are hunting for you. One of those damned bastard are in the nurse room, waiting for a call of anyone and use it to locate the humans who went to hiding."

Seulgi was taken aback, "Hunting for me?"

"I'm sorry, Seulgi, truthfully I know everything about you being a half vampire," Taehyung confessed, causing Seulgi's heart to sink on her stomach. The doctor saw her expression and used his hand that felt weak to hold hers, "The other day, I didn't reject you because I don't love you. I know both you and I are aware of our feeling that have grown to each other but we aren't meant to be. Just like how you don't want to be hated, I don't want you to despise me."

Seulgi felt tears threatening to fall as Lee Taehyung continue to speak, "But I learned that there is nothing that is more painful than keeping a lie to you forever, feeling my heart slowly eaten by guilt while watching you. I decided that you can despise me now. Those people who chases for you and me, we aren't different. In fact, they are the family and environment I was born in."

"I don't understand," whispered Seulgi. She felt like she does understand but at the same time she felt like she couldn't grasp what she was thinking.

Lee Taehyung took a deep breath to say, "I am a dark witch, a pureblood of the dark witch. The same people who had turned you into what you are."

A sudden numb feeling struck Seulgi to speechlessness. She couldn't form a word on her lips and could only look at Lee Taehyung without being sure of what she was feeling. She hated the dark witches, the creatures who had killed people indiscriminately, traumatized her that she could sleep at night without light, and the people who had turned her the opposite of a human being. 

Anger bubbles in her when she thought about dark witches, yet when she looked up at Lee Taehyung, that hatred turn to pain and tears fell down across her cheeks.

Seulgi found out that far from anger and hatred or disappointment, she couldn't bring herself to hate this man in front of him. Unknowingly, she had fallen deeply for Taehyung who had appeared in her life like a Sun during her darkest hour.

Lee Taehyung frowned and brushed his finger underneath her eye, wiping away the tears. "You should leave now," he said, breaking her daze, "Those dark witches aren't a lot by numbers but they are very talented and skillful in their field."

"What about you?" Seulgi asked, concerned in her voice that cause Taehyung's eyes that looked at her widen.

He then pulled a small smile, "I will be alright here, I just need some rest. I am just glad that you don't hate me and seeing you again once for the last time is enough for me."

"How did you get hurt?" Seulgi asked, still not leaving, "You got hurt from protecting me, didn't you? How can I leave you alone when you have sacrificed your life for me?"

"This is not a big deal," Taehyung tried to convinced her but the answer is clear that his wounds were fairly deep when Seulgi looked into his pallid complexion and the cold sweats that drenched his whole face and neck. He then tried to move and Seulgi helped her to shift his position as it seemed uncomfortable, "I have a question for you," said Taehyung, "Since young no one had cared for me and when they do, they leave me like how a wind would pass. Would you be willing to give up your life now for mine?"

Seulgi only stared at Lee Taehyung before she was able to answer, a loud scream of people echoed on the hallway, "We don't have time," she said and went to hold his hand, circling them around her neck, "We have to leave, hold your hands to my shoulders."

"You are going to carry me?" Lee Taehyung asked. He stared into the human's black eyes that had dipped into a red color as her blood had mixed with the dark witches's potion that cause her to become a half vampire. When Seulgi nodded and turn her back to carry Taehyung on the back, she didn't know the cruel smile that spread on Taehyung's smile.

"How foolish," he whispered without his words getting heard by Seulgi. Just like that humans were foolish to a fault, he thought.. Humans like this woman is similar to his brother, they are foolishly kind and that what's make them even more fun to play with.

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