I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 306 - Catalyst’s Outbreak-I

The dark sky prevail as drizzle of raindrops begin to wet the dry soil on the ground. With the loss of one soul, the sky released an unprecedented rain without anyone's expectations, as though it was crying along the people who suffered a loss. 

Lee Taehyung watched his younger twin brother with his eyes turning bleak, "Why do you have to do this again?"

"Why do you think?" Lee Taein pulled a smile of triumph as if he had won that only boiled the rage inside Taehying further.

"Because I left you in the basement? All for that sole reason where I cannot even help myself that you hold grudge against me and killed everyone close to me? This is the eighteen times Taein. Eighteen," repeated Taehyung. His voice was far from calm like he often sounded and now a look of anger had overtook his gentle appearance.

"And after all those eighteen times I killed the people who are close to you; this woman is only one person. I have killed more then ten people at once but your anger can't be compared. As I thought do you love her?" Taein questioned curiously and looking at Seulgi's body that was laid on the bed, the younger man couldn't help but laugh, "It's pitiful that she loved you. If she had known you were involved in such a dangerous person like me, she would have called you a monster, just like last time with that person whose wife I kil-"

"Stop. Speaking!" Taehyung yelled at his brother; his hand pushed forward that caused Taein to be pushed by a harsh wind and hit his back to the nearest wall, causing a dent on the wall. Before the dust was set Taehyung had appeared before Taein and lunged his hand on his neck. "What do you want from me?"

Taein struggled and coughed as Taehyung's grip on his neck was firm, "Great, who was it that told me not to speak?" and his word work to snap another thread of anger on his brother's head. "I like that look on your eyes, brother. It reminds me of myself when I look on the mirror— it's the look of a murderer. You asked me why I hated you? It's more than the basement, dear brother. You were the one who made me this twisted, and I only asked you to take responsibility."

"Unlike me who straightened myself from being twisted, you were the one who twist yourself. Don't push that blame of killing others to me," Taehyung was not going to take the blame, "If I have to become a murderer today, so be it. I should kill you-"

"And kill yourself after? How weak and fragile," chuckled Taein, "It was all as mother had predicted."

Taehyung's eyes widened for a second before it quickly narrowed with anger, "Was this mother's order?"

Taein didn't reply and showed a smile, "Well? What you think? I did this on my own violation because there are priceless things you will only get to see when you dirtied your hands; just like if I have to see you becoming as twisted as me. We are twins; therefore that evil I posses must also be inside you."

Taehyung knew this was Taein's way to provoke him; his method didn't change for the last few decades. He always pulled and push his button by killing others around him as if it was some kind of a harmless play. Today was Taehyung's wake up call. He realized that for him to put an end to his brother's mad actions, it needs more than just a beating. He had to kill him.

"Maybe you are right," Taehyung said, pulling something from his hand which was a scalpel, "I do posses that evil that both you and mother have which why I also believe that you will never answer my questions properly unless I take those words from your mouth."

Taein looked down on what Taehyung said, and appeared to be unbothered even though he could see what his brother was thinking to do, "By torturing me? I doubt you have that guts in yo-"

Taehyung closed Taein's mouth with his palm and with his eyes that were fierce with anger, he pressed his words and spoke lowly, "Don't test me."

Seoyeon looked up on the sky, reaching out her hand, she wondered why the rain had fallen from the sky. To the weather news she heard early this week it was said that the rain won't come again as soon snow would appear. With how cold the end of the month was, Seoyeon theorized that the snow would come near this days, yet instead rain had fallen. Maybe the snow was going to fall now?

Seoyeon then wondered if she would come home late and was about to check the time using her phone when she noticed it wasn't there in her pocket of bag. "Oh no, I forgot it again," she whispered, hitting her own head lightly as a reprimand. 

Quickly turning her body away, when the bus that had just arrived honk a signal to her, Seoyeon waved her hand, rejecting the driver's offer. She then left the bus station and quickly ran to make her way back to the hospital. 

When she arrived, one thing stood out the most to Seoyeon and it was the light of the hospital that suddenly disappeared from the whole building. It was strange because it hadn't been thirty minutes yet since she had left the hospital and even if it was midnight, the hospital won't switched off their lights as the emergency room run for twenty four hours.

Was it a black out? Seoyeon wondered and she turned to look at the opposite building that was small compared to the hospital and the lights were on. What was more strange when Seoyeon thought about it was how the passengers of the street didn't seem to not fuss over the sudden lost of light from the hospital.

A sudden premonition shakes Seoyeon's heart. Being cautious, she made her way to the hospital, peeking through the door that was made up of glass in the entrance, she tried to peer and see what happened inside, but the window blind covered the glass that only hinder her sight.

With more odd signs showing off, the worries sprung back to Seoyeon's heart. She circled her way to the emergency door which happened to be built in the back of the hospital. Making her way there, the lights were off as well. She resorted to open the door, trying a few which only lead her to open one single door that held sign of being broken from outside.

Carefully, Seoyeon sneaked her head to look inside the hospital, finding herself in a mass of blackness. The corridors were hauntingly empty with only a single light which came from the emergency room flickered between off and on.

Seoyeon didn't immediately enter, she made sure there was no one before entering inside, having no sound audible when she walked in. Her footsteps made no sound, but her heartbeat raced as if it knew what was to come soon.

When Seoyeon heard whispers, she came closer to where she heard the voices before hiding behind a wall to get a grasp of the situation; hearing voices that spoke, "Tch, where is Sir Taein?"

"I don't know maybe he left to have some fun. We both know how he has this insane obsession with his older brother, not that I can understand," answered the second man when the third man of the group clicked his tongue.

"We should stop talking about Sir Taein. We all knew the limits we have when talking about people with higher authorities than us. You wouldn't want the Mistress to kill us for speaking about her dear sons, don't you?" and the other two men begin to curl their lips, fear coming to their eyes as they agreed not to speak about the man again.

"What are you doing?!" Then came the voice of the other man who was Junseo, the person who was the right hand of Remong. "Have you all gathered the body? We don't have use of them anymore but keeping them together is easier for us to make sure every one of these humans have died."

"Yessir!" replied the other men in unison.

"How is it going with the second and third floor?" questioned Junseo when a loud scream echoed from the staircase that was near them and the place Seoyeon was standing at. Seoyeon's heart raced faster when she felt one of the man's shadow on the floor moved behind as if it was coming closer to the place where she stood at. 

"It appears that it's going well, Sir," chuckled the man when the sound of the scream stopped halfway before it could end. 

"Soon the third floor would be filled with bodies, go up when we have receive the news that everyone have died," ordered Junseo. "And when that happened, we can leave a hint to the Associate and Hunter of this attack. It will be fun to see their shocked and defeated expression for coming too late. Make sure we won't make the same mistake like the one before us did on that manor."

The men then left the place while holding a chatter; while Seoyeon, who was hiding behind the walls with her hands muffled her mouth. Her eyes enlarged in a shock. If it wasn't due to her hearing about Hunter and Associate, Seoyeon would have been tied with the thought that it was a terrorist attack. It was strange; she was troubled when it was an attack from humans, and she was more comfortable with the thought of beings like witches than humans attacking others.

But she had more pressing things now that drove her mind. Seulgi was in her room! Going by what the people talk, the upper floor must be more dangerous than below. Sneaking out her head for, the wall, she made sure there were no one to see her around before sprinting toward the staircase, making her way toward the third floor.

"You have to be alright," whispered Seoyeon in a hope. But it was too late when she realized that nothing ever went as she wished when she prayed. After arriving to the third floor after going through many sneaky hiding and walking, she opened the door to Seulgi's room for her to be greeted with a man whose face and hands were stained with blood while the other man was on the floor, with pool of blood underneath them.

Her concern were torn and settled more on the body that slept stiffly on the bed where she had just taken a seat minutes ago. Coming closer, Seoyeon's hearings, sights, and senses turn numb when her black eyes saw who it was. 

Wordlessly, she ran next to the bed, her expression spoke about the storming emotions inside her but from her lips came no word.. She reached out her hand, her fingertips touching the cold body and when she felt no pulse from Seulgi's body, something on the back of her head snap and Seoyeon loses her consciousness when her eyes glowed in a bright blue color.

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