I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 330 - Learning The Sins-II

Channeling her power was not easy. If she instead did a misstep, it would only cause Haneul to take control of her body and in lieu of saving Jung Hwa, she would only indiscriminately kill people left and right and if that happen, Seoyeon could tell the fortuneteller would take the stage and seal her memory.

"If I loss all my memory, what would happen to me?" Seoyeon inquired, enduring the pain of her seared skin that spread from the base of her fist to the side of her wrist. 

"Nothing. I will only alternate a few of your memories, replacing, tampering, and erasing some scenes if needed so you will forget about everything— vampires, hunters, witches, and all about the catalyst."

"And the people whom I met and cared since I learn the existence of what I thought was never presence in this world?" Seoyeon replied with a rapid retort.

The fortuneteller was unperturbed, "Speak when you have successfully set him free from there like you proudly stated earlier."

"You are robbing me of the people I love, the memory I treasure. Why do you think you have the right to do so?" Seoyeon demanded, her eyes now looked at the fortuneteller which smear of anger and hatred. "Just because you have suffered more than others did?"

"Yes." The fortuneteller answered firmly. "Have you ever asked why a lion would eat a deer? Why only the strongest would want to prey on the weaker and why the did not attack only those who are of the same level of them? Because they have strength is the answer. The strong can do what they like to do."

"Even if they disregard other's emotions," Seoyeon said, she still could not understand the stubbornness of the fortuneteller as much as the woman felt to her. "You have erased my memories in the past and do you know how lonely that made me? I felt empty."

"For the greater good you will need to suffer a little. Or do you care more about yourself than others?" The fortuneteller snapped another question which hurt Seoyeon's kind heart. "Can you truly strive in the expense of other's dead body, Seoyeon? You don't seem to understand what your power could do."

"No," Seoyeon answered, her eyes turned red as tears threatening from falling over her eyes from the pain that she felt, mixes with frustration that kept her sitting without being able to do anything. "I cannot live at the cost of other's life."


"But if you questioned me whether I would rather have this world disappear rather than to lose him, I choose the latter." Seoyeon firm eyes stared back at the fortuneteller went ablaze with all her emotions.

"Stupid! Do you even understand what he did? Why would you want to sacrifice your life for a mere vampire like him who had killed his own family?"

"Your ears must be an ornaments," Seoyeon twisted her lips in a mock. "I have told you he had no choice! No one would want to kill their family just because they have desire to do so!" 

"Really?" The fortuneteller harrumphed, "Now is the good time. Look at it yourself." 

Seoyeon was wary with what the fortuneteller's action when she raised her hand but when Seoyeon opened her once closed eyes, she opened again to see the spread of green.

She saw Jung Hwa standing and her smile appeared but it quickly went rigid when she saw him standing with his hand around another man's neck.

His expression was not filled with sadness but rather a wide wicked smile which Seoyeon remembered to have seen it on his face once before— it was during her first time seeing him kill the two witches who kidnapped Seulgi.

Akin to a crazed person, his eyes were red, his smile was so wide but rather than an unbridled smile filled of happiness which he showed her once and a whole when they were alone together, now it was filled with only one ambition that drove him with a madness-like anger.

"Hwa..." whispered Seoyeon, and in that moment Jung Hwa's eyes snapped behind to look at her. When their gaze locked Seoyeon felt a chill. He looked at her as if she was a stranger to him or perhaps someone who had ruined something he treasured which enraged him.

The next moment he raised his hand, a sharp pain went on her neck that felt cold as if blade had run through her neck. 

When she snapped her eyes open again, she was back in front of the transparent box, the pain on her hand woke her up from the dream she was compelled to see by the fortuneteller.

"Did you saw the real him? Do you change your mind now?" The fortuneteller questioned her, "you might understand his reason for killing his mother but his reason for killing his brother? It was not because he was cornered, not because of his kindness and love for his brother either. It was hatred. What you see is not the truth, Seoyeon."

"Hate and love, who are you to decide it?" Seoyeon asked back, without looking at the fortuneteller as she closed her eyes to organize the power in her which now she could grasp stemming on her body like vein work. "I know that he is hiding something in him but I have decided to wait for his explanation— not a word from others, what other see, but directly from his own mouth. Truth often comes in different shaper from different people and I have decided to wait for him."

"Even after what you have seen?!" The fortuneteller urged her, as if trying to set a blaze anger or sow seed of doubt for misunderstanding to create a rift between them, however, Seoyeon didn't budge. "You will regret this. Saving him while you turn a blind eye on the power you have which will cause death to others!"

"My life!" Seoyeon raised her voice, having enough of being the receiving end of the fortuneteller's one-sided decision makings. "It is my life and I get to decide it. Whether I will regret it, I don't care. The world is less important than him."

The fortuneteller shook her head, confused of what had caused Seoyeon to think this way as she believed that Seoyeon was a level-headed woman who would prioritize the life of many than a mere memory.

"You must also have someone important to you, just like me. Although I cannot fully understand you, but I do understand your feeling of not wanting to be under anyone's will and to decide everything by yourself. As much as you do not want to live another life again, I also do not want to lose my memory. I want to live my life with him," Seoyeon pulled a small smile when a sound of crack crisply came from the transparent wall and her smile widened.

The fortuneteller gasped startled when she saw Seoyeon had successfully utilized her power in count of a few minutes. The fissure started underneath her palm before it spread wider, reaching all over the corners of the four transparent walls. 

In moment of the rupture, Seoyeon felt more than relived and she could feel the beads of cold sweats that rolled on her forehead giving her a cool sensation to her heart that went chaotic upon seeing Jung Hwa's in pain.

Shattering sound filled the once silent night. Seoyeon stared at the invisible walls that sparkled like stars when moonlights contoured the glass in a purplish blue color.

The fortuneteller also stared at the broken walls which then disappeared before it could reach to the ground. 

Seoyeon arrived next to Jung Hwa, lending him his shoulders as she felt her heart pierced by his gnawing scream. 

Seoyeon wiped his sweats with her sleeve, turning straightaway toward the fortuneteller, "You promised me now release him!" 

The woman stood silently, she gritted her teeth but finally she raised her hand and twisted it on air as if breaking something and the pain that struck Jung Hwa came to an end. 

Seoyeon caught his body that fell unconscious and once again she accusingly whip her head toward the fortuneteller who said, "It is his mental exhaustion. He should be alright by time and rest. You will regret this, Seoyeon."

Seoyeon pulled Jung Hwa closer to her, not wanting to put him down as she felt worried that something might happen if she was to lay him somewhere far from where her hands could reach him.

"I won't," she answered and Seoyeon could see the way the fortuneteller looked at her— it was not her eyes that gave emotion as she had none but the way her lips clammed that Seoyeon knew the woman did not have the slightest intention of hurting her because if she would now was the right chance. She had also ignored all the possibility and chances to attack earlier.

"I will keep my words but know that I am still against whatever action you are doing. No one can control the catalyst's power."

"You told me already," Seoyeon pulled Jung Hwa's hand over her shoulder. He was heavier than she thought but then she didn't mind as she could still pull and help him to rest inside the house.

The fortuneteller walked before her, brushing her hand to let the door opened by herself. Seoyeon climbed to the stairs, entering the wooden door when she heard something moving and shifting. Tilting her body to the back to see what was moving, she saw the broken wooden walls fixes on its own.

"You are stronger than you look. What witch are you?" Seoyeon questioned, feeling the woman turning to look at her.

"I don't know. If I have to put myself in the category. I must be the extinct type of colored witch," the woman turned her body, crossing her arm.

"Extinct witch?" But then that supposed to be the dark witches yet truth proof that the dark witches are still roaming around the world. She had seen them by her own eyes and even fought with them.

To her recollection indeed it had been said that the catalyst have wiped out a whole clique of witches but what if it wasn't the dark witches? What if Hanaeul had slaughtered another type of witch? Then came in the recollection in her mind of the talk she had with Min Beomgyu, the white witch. 

Seoyeon recalled how they formed a thought of another witch that was once in this world.

"You are them...." Seoyeon drawled, her frown untying as surprise now came over her face, "The extinct light witch."

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