I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 329 - Learning The Sins-I

Another painful attack came over his mother, her body spasming and her teeth grew larger, baring it toward him. Her eyes had turned bleak gray, and she could only twist her body on the floor until Jung Hwa managed to pushed the poison that spread on her body by the edge. 

Cold sweats dripped from Jung Hwa's forehead, as he felt his heart sinking to an ice cold water. It was difficult for him to control the blood of a living person and it was more difficult for him to separate blood and poison.

It took time for Jung Hyesu to regain her consciousness and she huffed her breath the moment her shut eyes flung open, similar to a way a person whose breathings was stifled finally could catch their lost breaths.

"I..." his mother started as soon as she could speak, though her eyes were still unfocus and instead, went in a worse condition than before as more veins crawled on her face from her neck, "I don't regret anything," she then said. 

"Don't talk it will only worse your condition," Jung Hwa said tenderly to see his mother on her state, he couldn't help the pain that he felt by seeing her. "I cannot lose you mother, not now, not this suddenly. Don't say that you will leave." His breaths quivered. 

"I know it will hard for you to lose me, I know your feeling, but trust me that time will heal your wound. Like the rest of everything you will learn to overcome pain or any sadness. I know this because you are my son, Hwa. There is nothing you cannot do," Jung Hyesu felt tired, her body had run out its time and she used the chance to share her last word with her son, "I have never said this properly to you but I love you, my dear son."

Jung Hwa felt the individual tears that burn the red rim of his eyes, "I know, I know, mother. I know it better than anyone how you love me. But if you are not there with me, what will I do?"

"You still have your brother, don't you? You won't be alone. To be alone is the scariest thing you could ever experience, but my son, believe my words, you will never be alone," she answered, "I was not the best mother, even I knew that. My teaching to you is not something other mother would do, but my son, I teach you this way because I learned that to survive in this world, one have to be cruel. I never regret meeting your father. He was a good man."

"Father never regret meeting you either mother," Jung Hwa whispered, his voice could barely be heard as it fell whispery. "I don't want to lose you," he said finally, his words were like a child's whining after he had lost something important to him. "Not you."

Jung Hyesu scrunched her face, feeling tears slide more on the sides of her cheeks, "Everything will soon end in this world, nothing can withstand an ending, it's just that mine is approaching sooner than others. I have been wanting to say this to you. I am proud of y—" a sharper bellow came from his mother's mouth as Jung Hwa felt his ability could not hold back the spreading poison. 

His mother clutched to his chest, sliding her hand weakly from his cheeks, "Kill me," she said, her two words bear the most painful heartbreak he could ever endure. 

"No..." he whispered. Instead of pushing her away and run away for the fear to be killed by her who would son turn fierce as her body succumb more to the poison and vitiate.

His mother leaned her face to his shoulders, and she uttered her last word that stayed to his heart like a living dagger to his heart, "Please, I don't want to kill you."

Jung Hwa continue to embrace his mother as he felt her struggle from the pain. She had lost her mind and only scream erupt from her lips. Her grips on his shoulders and chest dug deeper with the intention of killing and it was in that moment, Jung Hwa was convinced that she had disappeared— that his mother had died. 

His hands clenched tighter as his jaw did as he felt his mother's scream of pain ringing against his ears, it hurt him, seeing her like this and the last plead she said weighed heavily in his mind. 

There was no cure for the transformation. Soon enough in a minute, she would become a mindless monster who would attack and kill everyone in front of her. He cannot let his mother's last moment was to kill others in a frenzy.

At her last moment, he wished her just a peaceful death.

If so...

Jung Hwa closed his eyes, he took a deep trembling breath to fill his lungs and pulled her closer, his hand on the back of her head run smoothly over her black hair, as if he was trying to comfort her.

When he had came back home and sat on the table, he thought to speak to his mother regarding the time they lost as he left to visit his grandfather, just having a simple talk, spending his time in peace. Never did he thought he would be here, holding her in a hug to... kill her. 

"I'm sorry, mother," he whispered, the clear water dribbled like bubbles from his lashes, "You can hate me from above, curse me..." he didn't speak any longer as his words turn to wad on the back of his throat, "You area tired now, take rest."

It was perhaps lesser than second to pul a heart from another vampire's body. Jung Hwa not wanting his mother to feel more pain took the process faster but he felt as if time had forgot to move. He could feel every muscle, nerves, and lastly heartbeats of his mother as his hand dug inside her chest.

His fangs that bit his lower lips drew blood, the blood trickled down. The pain he felt from his lips was nothing comparably to his heart's pain and both the pain was a reminder of what he did— the sin of taking his mother's life. 

The blood felt warm but the heartbeat had stopped and it will take another minutes for the warm blood to turn cold. 

When Jung Hwa opened his eyes, it had gotten empty, a void was carved open in his heart for the loss. 

He carefully placed the heart away from his mother's body, burying his face on her mother's stiff shoulder as his low sob slipped from his lips.

When he heard a crunch footsteps, he raised his eyes, meeting another pair of empty and bottomless red eyes which belong to his older brother.

Like a statue, his older brother looked at him with a bleak gaze. His eyes trailed to see his mother who sprawled lifelessly on the ground yet no reaction was shown on his face. 

At first, Jung Hwa thought the reaction was caused by shock but he only learned it very after that it was the opposite and that he had missed the way the corners of his brother's lips begin to curl on the sight.

"What did you do to him?!" Seoyeon demanded back in the present time. Instead of getting better, Jung Hwa's scream became much more painful and agonizing to her ears.

The fortuneteller looked at her with her expression empty, "He is revisiting the most painful time of his life, the tragedy, his mistake, his sorrow, and his sin." 

Seoyeon's eyes darted back to Jung Hwa, "Stay still, don't worry," her words went to silent as Jung Hwa wasn't able to hear her voice through the nightmare he was forced to recollect.

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