I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 375 - Teach The Lesson-III

Lee Young stared at her for a couple of second, knowing as well that even though the fortuneteller doesn't have eyes, she could feel his stare on her

"But I have to say you are quite a fan with the girls," chuckled the fortuneteller.

"You probably can't see it but I am a pretty one," Lee Young led her inside the Associate and from inside, they could hear the bustling music playing.

"Pretty? Not handsome?" Questioned the fortuneteller.

"I wish I could say I am handsome, but more people describe me as pretty. Just similar to a teacup in a glass case."

"Teacup? That's too vague," the fortuneteller could note that apart from the whispers coming from the discussion between people but the smell of delicious food. "Is this a party? I thought it was a meeting."

"Purebloods don't often gather together and when they do it would mostly be social gatherings such as parties," Lee Young looked at her again, wondering if the fortuneteller had her eyes healed, she must looked more beautiful. "You don't like party?"

"I won't say I don't like it. But it just bring a little of a bad memory." The memory that she mentioned was the time of Haneul's marriage. 

After Yeseul met with JaeGil, the light witch offered her to put back the memories she had forgotten. The fortuneteller agreed, thus, gaining all her memories. Unfortunately, for some reason only the memories about her son and husband was the one she couldn't remember.

JaeGil explained to her that it must have been because her soul had been deeply scarred and wounded that remembering about the past scared her; causing her mind to unconsciously erase the memories. 

"Hm, I don't like party as well," Lee Young spoke, "When I was young, my family are group of purebloods. They invited these lots of people together and they begin—"

"Drinking blood from people?" The fortuneteller questioned.

"No," Lee Young let his hand settle on her shoulders, pulling her, shielding her from the people. "The witch then poured a potion on our drinks. It was a potion that caused them to lose their minds. Each of the purebloods in my family begin to go mad and kill whoever was near them."

The fortuneteller went silent. She might be one with quite a sarcasm level on her mouth but even her doesn't know how to react over other's misfortune.

"You don't have too feel awkward one of two people have their own sad events especially for us the creatures that God might not made," Lee Young looked around the place, seeing that no one approach him because he was with a woman and thought that he might have found the right approach to drive out the bees. 

He then heard the fortuneteller asked, "You didn't drink the potion as well?"

"I was..." Lee Young hummed as if he was trying to find the right word, "My family is quite unique. They have ranks on their heads and based on the ranks, they are treated differently. The one on the top regarded like God while the one below worse than a livestock."

"What about you?" The fortuneteller questioned again, curious.

"I was the one rank the most below," Lee Young smiled had curled in wickedness. Although the fortuneteller couldn't see, she could tell the drop on his tone. "I didn't even get one drop of the drink because I wasn't allowed to."

"How strange," whispered Yeseul, "But you are strong."

"I am strong but my being is unacceptable," Lee Young continued with his answer.

"What do you mean?" 

"If I tell you what I mean, can you also answer my question?" Playfully, Lee Young asked.

"Sure," she agreed, "What do you want to know?" 

Was it about the light witch? Dark witch? But her guess was wrong when Lee Young said, "Your name." and he looked at her, finding her expression looking taken aback. "You haven't told me your name other than your profession as the fortuneteller. I don't think it's comfortable for me to keep calling you that while we are in this party. You do remember our priority was to avoid gathering attention, don't you?"

She didn't expect Lee Young would be curious of this when he could have asked more things that were more fascinating. Regardless, she answered, "I was called Yeseul in my first life."

Lee Young clicked his tongue thrice to let her know she had gotten it wrong. "Not your first life. I want to know the name of you, the you I see now."

It had been a long time since she ever told others about her true name in this life as most people would call her by the fortuneteller.

"Elizabeth," she answered.

"That's not a Korean name?" Lee Young questioned.

"I was an abandoned baby. I guess the woman who gave birth to me was a foreigner while my father should be Korean." It was strange how calm she was to speak about herself being abandoned as a baby but Yeseul had experience many life which why she felt that reiterating what took place when she was young, doesn't mean much to her.

"That's a shame," Lee Young chimed and though he often speaks in a rather dead tone, she could hear his sincerity that somewhere made her feel better.

"Not really. I expected it somewhat. Whenever I got reincarnated, I was always an orphan just like how I was in my first life." She then looked at him, "So tell me about your reason for being ranked the lowest in your family despite being the strongest.

Lee Young smiled while looking at her. For some reason looking at her made the corner of his lips to raise instinctively. 

He then said, "I was born through a very taboo method." Magic? Wondered the fortuneteller but instead, Lee Young shocked her with the reason, "My mother slept with my own brother."

The smile on Yeseul fell, and her entire face showed shock. When she was trying to form words and ask more, they passed by the last hallway into the wide room where the party was hold and overheard the two people talking aloud.

"It's said that Gwe Jeoknim is still in the prison," said one of the vampiress.

Both Yeseul and Lee Young stopped their discussion right at the moment to hear more into the conversation the two people had.

"I thought he had been executed. It's just perfect for a traitor who had sold some of our kin's location to the witches," answered the woman beside her.

Yeseul frowned, "Gun Nam seems to be spreading the wrong rumors."

"Blame the others even when it's you; that's his motto of life," Lee Young led her inside. "We are entering now. There will be some people here who have a troublesome characteristic, so just follow my lead. Shall we go, Elizabeth?"

Yeseul nodded her head in response. When the door opened, she could feel the coldness brushing her hair and face. The cold made her shudder and fortunately she was dressed thickly enough not to feel too cold. The vampires love the cold season and they often raise the coldness inside a room to match their liking but for a human, it was over than cold.

Just as Lee Young's warning passed by a second, a woman slithered away inside the place. Seeing Lee Young, her eyes narrowed down. "Lee Young, nice to meet you again. I invited you to my party but it doesn't seem like you can ever come."

Lee Young smiled, "I had some events to attend that correspond to yours, Mrs. Edna."

Yeseul couldn't see the woman's face but she could hear by the faint trembling of her voice that the woman was an elder, especially with the politeness Lee Young had on his voice. Even if it was fake.

"And who this lady might be?" The woman asked while looking at Yeseul.

"She is Elizabeth, my friend who had just came back from abroad. Elizabeth, this is Mrs. Edna, one of the seven elders of the purebloods," introduced Lee Young with a faint stress when introducing her to the woman.

"Nice to meet you, Elizabeth," Mrs. Edna quickly spoke, "I guess this is your first time in the party? I saw how you shuddered earlier."

Lee Young opened his mouth to speak but then smiled.

"I have stayed in a country where there had only been heat. I think my body had gotten accustomed to it that coldness doesn't suit my skin anymore."

"Oh my," Mrs. Edna reached out her hand and Lee Young took hold of it. The elderly woman wasn't pleased with this and her eyes quickly looked up to see Lee Young who maintained his smile.

"Not to be rude, Mrs. Edna but Elizabeth had met a terrible accident not too long ago. It's one of the reason why her eyes is covered," Lee Young looked at the woman who slowly was ticked off by his attitude.

"Accidents? We are all purebloods here. A wound or two on her eyes must be healed quickly," Mrs. Edna said with a raise of an eyebrow.

Now, Yeseul understood what Lee Young meant by troublesome people because this woman was the example of it.

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