I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 374 - Teach The Lesson-II

"You will continue to stay here, watching?" Seoyeon asked for his confirmation and Lee Young nodded his head like it was nothing with crossed hands.

"I was searching for a reason of why I should help the vampires. The Associate is already corrupt and I don't plan to lend my gracious help to those people. Even if a vampire is now known  to others, how many humans do you think would acknowledge their appearance?"

"I don't think that would be easy," answered Seoyeon. "Vampires are a very different creatures than us?"

"Why?" Lee Young, the oldest pureblood questioned. His eyes turning fiercer by each second passing by. "Because they drink blood? Or because deep down they are a monster? But as we all know, most vampires out there are people with wealth, fame, and look. Most of them are idolized by others and admired. Because no matter how a monster a person is when they take human skin especially the beautiful ones, they are acceptable."

"I was hoping you would lend us a help," Seoyeon answered honestly, being bold of what she wanted. "But I will respect your decision."

Lee Young looked at her and broke a grin, "But did I reject your request of wanting a help?"

"Old man, stop toying with her," warned Jung Hwa who had been putting himself on silent mode. "Will you help us or not?"

"Maybe. Tell me what you have in mind. The base of what I should do."

Seoyeon and Jung Hwa looked at each other and Lee Young decided, "It's going to be a long story telling come with me. We should take a seat."

The three moved themselves to the large living room. The ceiling was high up with an ivory orb of light. Seoyeon and Jung Hwa explained what had transpired and also what they needed from Lee Young.

Lee Young's eyes narrowed, "And what is your grandfather's condition now?"

"He is resting. He lost a lot of blood but with the help of the light witches, nothing went wrong. He almost walked to the other side," Jung Hwa whispered his last few words that caused Seoyeon to look at him in concern. She slipped her hand underneath his that was over the couch and squeezed it gently.

"If he is wounded. It's my responsibility as his cousin to repay the deed the witch did. Do you know which witch it was? I promise to take care of her slow and kindly," answered Lee Young with a wide smile.

After their discussion, Seoyeon and Jung Hwa went to their original purpose. They left toward one of the room, knocking the door to see Taehyung sitting next to the bed, reading book while maintaining to perform a spell on Seulgi to prevent her body from rotting as they needed to bring her soul back soon.

Seeing the guests, Taehyung stood up. "You have something to question me, don't you? Come with me, let's talk outside," he offered.

Seoyeon looked at Seulgi from afar. She promised deep in her heart she would get the witches what they deserve for killing her dear friend.

When they had left to the opposite room which was his room. Taehyung went to fetch a drink, "Ah, no we are fine without that," Seoyeon stopped him. The man nodded and took a seat before them. "Taehyung, have you ever heard anything about the catalyst?"

Taehyung looked at the two who were serious and nodded, "I know. My mother had spoke about them multiple times."

"Your mother, equal to that crazy bitch who called herself as the Mistress isn't she?" Jung Hwa didn't filter his words on calling the woman the name he wanted to say.

Taehyung once again nodded in a faint silence. His mien described how guilty and shameful he felt.

"Yes." His answer left the room to be surrounded in complete silence for around five minutes.

Breaking the ice first was Seoyeon, "There's something strange however. I... I mean, someone I know have known your mother for centuries. Before now. I assume you know how your mother's age?"

"I know faintly. She said she was once the Queen of Korea and she want to have Korea to bow to her again," Taehyung answered.

Seoyeon looked at Jung Hwa, "It is her."

"Bow down to Korea by fear?" Jung Hwa knitted his brows. "She is doing the opposite by scaring the people with fear."

"And," Seoyeon get back to the point. "That person who knows your mother told me that they know your mother couldn't tell pregnant." Seoyeon didn't notice after her words, Taehyung's finger on the table flinched and only Jung Hwa noted the sudden surprise. "But she could have you and your brother."

"No," Taehyung answered in a rigid tone. "She is indeed infertile and is unable to get pregnant."

"Then there's you here?" Jung Hwa questioned.

"I am indeed her son, I have her blood, her DNA, and pass on some of her witches quality. But I wasn't born by her," Taehyung looked at the two. "I was made. From magic. At first she wanted only one son but the magic was difficult to control; thus there's a two of us."

"Is that possible?" Seoyeon wrapped her hand on her mouth. 

"Apparently yes. With the sacrifice life of five hundred people. Do you know the bombings on Busan that happened every month in scattered places?" Taehyung questioned them.

Jung Hwa said, "It's the incident where an unknown group of people bomb many places starting from school, shopping places, and other places where a lot of people are together, isn't it?"

"That is the one," Taehyung confirmed. "My life was exchanged with the life of those people who died in Busan. All of them. It's an extremely taboo magic that causes my mother to lose around half of her power."

"She lost her power?" Seoyeon's eyes widened, "That would explain why she always hides from the dark and control everything from behind."

"Yes," answered Taehyung, "and now comes your turn. She wants your power. A book foretold about a ritual of transferring a power from on person to another. I think her goal isn't to kill you, Seoyeon but to take your power."

Seoyeon hummed in response, keeping silence to think everything she received for a good one minute. "Do you know anything else from her plan?"

"I don't, sadly; and even if I do, I think her plan change every time and there's no definite move. I had left the family for decades, so I don't associate much with them to know what they plan."

"Which mean you also don't know the place where they always hide?" Jung Hwa was the one to question this.

Taehyung frowned and went to think, "I don't know if it is still there or if they haven't moved yet. But she has a very large library of spells and taboo magics that she always kept with her along with whatever the rituals needed. I am certain moving all of them at once is difficult with the amount she has. The place where she kept the books are in Seoul. It's not far from here."

Jung Hwa smiled, "Then we have already gotten our lead."

The next morning, Lee Young was dressed in a proper attire where it almost feel to stifling from Jung Hwa's remark. He left his house early in the morning an arrived in the afternoon inside the Associate's building.

From his left and right side, the high purebloods had also came in a proper attire for women, it was mostly beautiful dresses. They couldn't help but squeal and looked at Lee Young in excitement. Though they were purebloods as well, Lee Young had came on the top of the caste, the best out of best. That wasn't all. Considering his look, wealth, position, and his intelligence no women can resist to admire him even for a second.

Lee Young himself has always appeared gentle to others which only made him more attractive.

But today, the women were broken hearted. How can they not when a beautiful lady stood beside him. The woman had a slender body types with curves that enhanced by the mermaid dress she wore, lips that were plump, high nose bridge, and although her eyes were covered by a black lace ribbon,they could tell she was a beautiful lady. 

She and Lee Young was holding hands. With the woman wrapping her hands over his arms.

"Are you fond of parties, milady?" Lee Young questioned, looking at the woman beside him.

"It's full of vampires," remarked the fortuneteller.

"Certainly, we are in their lair, milady. Or should I say, you are in my lair? This is my world," he chuckled when seeing from the top of her eyes, there was a crease on her forehead. "You don't like vampires?"

"Hardly," Yeseul answered, "My husband was a vampire as well."

"Husband?" Lee Young hummed in response, "What kind of a person he is?"

The fortuneteller didn't answer. Not because she didn't want to but Lee Young guessed it so, "You can not tell me if you don't want to."

"No. It's just that I barely remember his face.. Regardless of your question, I cannot tell you because I am not sure what kind of person he is as well."

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