I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 373 - Teach The Lesson-I

Seoyeon blinked at his words. Yes, that was a good idea. While their cons were that don't have much time to prepare, the pros were much better. 

Collins appeared as if his legs had been pulled. "Their lair? It had been decades since we tried to find the witches' lair. Whenever we had thought we got the place thy fled and left everything clean."

Jung Hwa walked around the couch after the hunter, who had been requested to address the wound on Collin left. While holding to Seoyeon's shoulders he gently led her to take seat while he stood behind her and the chair. With a smile, he leaned forward and settled his head a little over Seoyeon, "That's because you don't have my girlfriend here."

"You can do that?" Collin questioned in surprise.

"Actually, most light witches could," answered Seoyeon, "But I suspected that almost every one of the Han Family never realize they were light witches don't they? And even if they do, they cannot learn anything as there was no more light witches around to teach them how to use their power. Moreover, most light witches teach only their descendants, they don't use book spells."

"Precisely," Collin answered after a while. "The first head of Han Family, Han An-Seul never knew he had the blood of a light witch until he died. However, some other generation of the family begin to become aware of their power. As you say, they lack a method to nurture their power. But one of them were able. She made a very special sword which Seojun now has."

"We will leave the hunters' preparation on your side. While we will leave and find them," Seoyeon smiled at the man.

When they left Collin and the room, Seoyeon gave Jung Hwa one hard look before she quickly ran away with small but fast steps. Jung Hwa couldn't help but compare her to a cat who had just stole a human's food and had to make a quick but also silent escape.

With a chuckle, he follower her until no more hunters were on sight, "You were a good liar as well, Seoyeon."

Seoyeon looked at him and sighed. She continued to walk. "What do you mean that I have the power to search for the dark witches? If I had that kind of power, we wouldn't have struggled."

"Well, we can't exactly tell him: 'Don't worry, we have a lead as we have the dark witchess' son'," Jung Hwa spread his hand over him.

"I have something I had been wanting to question about Taehyung," Seoyeon whispered, and Jung Hwa stared at her in question.

"What do you need to question?" He asked.

Seoyeon answered, "From Haneul's dream, I learned odd things. There were rumors that no matter how many concubines the Queen slept with, she could never get pregnant."

"She is infertile and yet she bore a twin," Jung Hwa murmured. "Wouldn't that will be because she had been resurrected from the dead once? She gained new body, therefore, she healed herself on places she needed."

"Possibly," Seoyeon also questioned if that rumor was true. "We need to go back to Lee Young's house, ask him about their hideout and himself."

Jung Hwa agreed they took one more steps when he saw her stopped on her heels, "Hwa are you alright? Do you feel thirsty? You can drink my blood," she whispered.

Jung Hwa could see the expanse of Seoyeon's fair neck. His eyes settled on it with a hungry look but he shook his head. "We need to fight and you loosing blood will only make you feel dizzy. I thought about drinking you just for a second but I don't feel I could control myself from sucking a lot of blood from you."

Seoyeon smiled and held his hand, "You can do it when everything has end."

"The carrot and stick techniques.." remarked Jung Hwa while looking at her. "I see you are very excellent in raising up my hope so I can work harder." And in response Seoyeon chuckled, momentarily forgetting about Chung Gon. 

To preserve Jung Hwa's power, they got back to Lee Young's house using the method of a human, by car. Stepping out from the car where her door had been opened by Jung Hwa, they then both entered the entrance.

Jung Hwa knocked on the door a couple of time until the door creaked open on its own.

Seoyeon peeked inside, seeing the entire house was dark. The curtain on all of the windows had been closed. There was no lamp turned on. She stopped inside after Jung Hwa who also had a frown on his forehead as they don't understand what was happening here.

"The Master had left to a different house, young master Jung," came a voice from behind and Seoyeon yelped in surprise. She never knew there was the butler standing behind them. He had came out of no where, similar to a way like a ghost would. 

Jung Hwa wasn't surprised, however.

Haneul wasn't either. 'He had been standing there, you know,' uttered Haneul in her head.

"I would be very happy if you could have told me those words before we entered," Seoyeon spoke to herself in whisper and Jung Hwa watched her supple lips that moved. 

'He wasn't dangerous,' reasoned Haneul.

"Her again?" asked Jung Hwa from behind her. 

Seoyeon turn to look at her and she nodded. 

"I am very worried that she will stay here when we kiss, hold hands, or..." Jung Hwa wriggled his fingers as if to make a point he couldn't say aloud.

'I won't,' uttered Haneul in her mind.

"Okay! Okay! Let's stop talking," Seoyeon raised her hand on her head. She then turned to the butler who stared at her confused. "Do you know which house?"

"Yes, master had given me this," the young butler gave the small paper. "It's the address. Since yesterday night, there had been many associates coming to our door. Master knew this and had decided to leave and escape the nosy birds, he said."

"The Associate?" Seoyeon who had hear his explanation raised both her brows. "What did they came here for?"

"Oh, it was something about needing help and all. I met my friend who was also a butler of a pureblood. He claimed that the Associates aimed for the pureblood, therefore most invitation that was sent were to purebloods."

Jung Hwa tilted his head, "What help does they want?"

"To hunt for the catalyst." Seoyeon felt her heart fall to the bottom of her stomach over the butler's words. To know that she had been turned into a piece of jewelry that everyone want to have was not a pleasant experience. Not to mention they wanted the jewelry not because they covet for her beauty but because they needed to kill her.

Compared to a fine piece of jewelry, it was more opt to call herself a boar in the forest, thought Seoyeon to herself.

"There is the letter for it. Do you wish to see?" The butler offered and Seoyeon quickly nod her head. When the letter was given, her eyes followed each words that were written.

'...the peaceful time has ended. Thus we, those who want to maintain peace as the Associate will continue our previous head's wish of holding a meeting in the Associate, to find the most effective method to bring down the catalyst.'

"It will be hold today in the evening."

"Shameless," Jung Hwa couldn't help but sneer at Gun Nam. He then turned to Seoyeon, "We should go and find Lee Young."

Seoyeon agreed with a nod of her head. They left the house, moving into a smaller house where Lee Young had written the address at. The house was smaller but not as small as a bird's cage.

Seoyeon could see Lee Young sitting while reading a newspaper as if he had been waiting there. Her guess was confirmed when Lee Young who spotted them said, "Welcome. You came earlier than I had guessed. Very diligent."

"You have a lot of house," Seoyeon answered.

"Silly child. I have more than you thought. Perhaps it spread to almost every corner of this country," Lee Young tipped his head to the house, gesturing them to come wit him which they did.

When they entered, Lee Young noticed the letter on Seoyeon's hand. "You have seen that."

"Why did you move house? I thought the Associate won't try to kill you," said Seoyeon, watching how modern the current house was, very different to the previous house that appeared more vintage looking.

"Who can ever be to sure, don't you agree?" He said and Seoyeon find it and to believe that the man who was standing on top of the hierarchy of the pureblood by being the first generation pureblood had to hide from others. 

"What do you think Gun Nam agreed to by having the witchess' help?" Lee Young knew Seoyeon's gaze and he had asked the question on purpose.

Seoyeon had been wondering about that as well, "I don't know but it must be a great offer to the witchess."

"Of course. What the witches's want had always been easy to guess. Gun Nam cannot risk his position by revealing he worked with the witches even if he try to use you as the reason. Therefore, there only left one way. He promised to help them on their mission to reveal to the world about vampires and witches."

Seoyeon's eyes widened, "But that would only dig his grave."

"Not if they become good vampires," Lee Young reasoned. "Now imagine here. What the witches want was to be feared. If they run around, destroying the peacefulness of Korea, and the vampires came as the shining knight armor. As we know only vampires can defeat them, won't the world accept the vampires now?"

It made sense, thought Seoyeon. They were preparing a stage, a very large stage enough to cover the entire Korea.

"I am not hiding here, Seoyeon.. I am preparing myself to enjoy the play as well," Lee Young smiled and Seoyeon could see the cruelty hidden from his smile, reminding her that she was talking to a vampire regardless of his kind and gentle attitude toward her.

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