I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 50 - Disappearance-II

Yul had her hand holding the peeled skin hurriedly but it didn't work as the peel continue to fall in pieces. The witchess clicked her tongue in frustration finally letting go of her hand from her face to let the crumple skin to show her real face.

"Shit!" She cursed, she had taken a liking to the face she had created a week ago but the potion she had to drink constantly ever four hours to keep her beautiful appearance ran out before that now her face returned back to her real ugly face.

Hana crooked her brows, rolling her eyes, she pulled a black cloak as she questioned her fellow witchess. "Idiot, where was the potion for your face you should have remember that the potion should be drink in a fixed time?"

"I ran out of it this evening! Because of that damned human my last potion is now gone." answered Yul as she wore the cloak and pulled the hood to cover her entire face.

The words had Hana to look at her surprised, she looked around the man finding no sign of potion she then asked, "What? How could you lose your potion to this man?"

"This man drank my **ing drink thinking that it would be easier to get close to me by sharing drinks." Said Yul to kick the dead man's body thrice in a burst of anger.

Not far from them, a woman was hiding herself behind the wall on the far right of the two witchesses. Wan Seulgi wrapped her hand on her mouth to feel a sheet of sweats had formed over her forehead. How did it happen? She was drunk, after moving to one pub to another when she felt her stomach churn and wanted to vomit in the alley when she spotted a woman murdering the man in front of her.

Her hand trembled and she didn't dare herself to move a single inch from the spot she was hiding at. The terror shook in her black eyes, as she kept quiet she was sure that if the two woman find her now, she would meet the same fate as the dead man who was laying on the ground now.

Leaning her face forward, she tried to see the situation when Yul had her face break up to fragments and witness her once beautiful face turning disfigured. Her widened eyes turned shocked the remaking on her hands became worse when she took her new phone.

Her phone was broke few days ago that she could not make a contact to the people close to her and when she finally had the time, Wan Seulgi bought the phone this afternoon thus the phone she had was still new without a single contact. She wished to call her father or anyone she could reach now but she doesn't remember any of their phone numbers.

The only person whose phone number she could remembered was only one person. Han Seoyeon, her fear friend. The tears Wan Seulgi tried to hold now fell on the screen of her phone. Tapping the number with her shaky fingers suddenly the two witchesses behind her broke into a large laughter that made her jumped from the spot she sat on.

"Then what happened? I haven't heard of the rest of the story." Yul probed Hana who was giving her a little tale.

"Then the human fell to his death, well that was what to be expected of walking on the edge of the roof." Hana said with a toneless tone where Yul cackled her life out, holding her sides that ache from laughing too much.

"That stupid human must have thought he had wings that could save him from the fall." Then she pushed the body of the dead man inside a large leather trunk when his hand continued to stick out from the edge of the trunk. "Could I just cut his hand off?" she asked.

"Don't cut it just break it off." After the words Yul uttered the witchess, mercilessly broke the hand of the man to the opposite side for the cracking sound of the bone to shattered at the small alley.

Wan Seulgi was beyond terrified at the two psychotic witchesses who could laugh after their killings. When Yul zipped the trunk, she dusted off her hand and her next words brought hope back to Wan Seulgi's eyes.

"Let's go back now, how much human have you taken?" Yul asked for Hana to take times in counting to say,

"With this man we have completed nine." and Yul the brown haired woman hummed with a small nod.

"One." she repeated to sang a melody between her parted lips.

Wan Seulgi pushed the green button to her phone and a smile appeared on her lips in relief only until a shadow towered behind her. Her eyes was stricken with fear and her heart felt as if it had stopped to sank down to her stomach. She snapped her eyes behind and what she saw was the witch with a disfigured face, pulling a grin which was wide across one of her ears to another one. Her teeth was rotten yellow and black in color where her dead eyes held a creepy gaze to see her as nothing other than a prey.

"Find you." her words ended with a whisper. Wan Seulgi mustered her last energy and made a dash to the small and narrow alley. She didn't know where she was going but she knew she should run for her live to find the place with the largest crowd where she could scream for help.

Hana stood with the trunk on her hand to knit her brows at Yul who didn't make a move after scaring the human girl. "Why are you not chasing her?"

"Some times it is more exciting to have the little mouse to run and enter a trap, don't you think?" Just by the thought of seeing the woman's frightened face, her mouth became watery. Licking her lips she could not wait to use the woman's face for her new skin to patch her ugly face.

"Fine, just do as you please but remember, do it fast the mistress is waiting. That's right bring that one alive I just remember the mistress told me to bring nine dead humans and one living.

"What?" There was disappointment over Yul's face.

"Or do you want to search for another prey? I will not wait for you though I have to go now."

Not wanting to go back alone out of boredom, Yul the witchess clicked her tongue, "Alrighty, alright. Wait here I will go."

Wan Seulgi felt her breathings heavy from running her heels had broke and she had to discard her phone after the shock earlier that she regret doing it now. Passing by the corner of the alley, the path was divided into two left and right; she didn't chose where to go by her mind and ran again anywhere she could to create distance between her and the psychopathic women.

Then her brown eyes lit from the light she found at the end of the path she ran. A path to the crowds! She rejoiced in her heart that her smile broke out despite her fears.

As the finger she reached out hovered from the darkness to the light, Yul had appeared behind her, whispering lowly, "Got you.." she giggled, pulling the human girl back inside the darkness for the people passing by the road to not know how Wan Seulgi had disappeared.

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