I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 51 - No Clue-I

When the next morning was up, Han Seoyeon woke up early in her weekend not for the sake of doing her housework as her room was clean without a single speck of dust. She had woke up early to meet her friend Wan Seulgi who she had not been able to contact with. To make sure, she called Wan Seulgi's phone again for the other side of the phone to be reply with the machine recording that said she wasn't able to call the number.

"Where is she?" Han Seoyeon muttered under her breaths and stood up to take her bag and the key of her motorcycle.

Walking down of the stair of her apartment, Han Seoyeon walked down to her motorcycle and rode to Wan Seulgi's house. Wan Seulgi lived alone though she claimed it to be living alone, her father didn't let her to live without supervision alone and thus she lived only a block away from her family's house.

Han Seoyeon first come to stop at Wan Seulgi's house and saw the car parked in front of her house signaling that she was not outside of her house at the moment. But the why she didn't answer her phone like usual? It was weird to come from Wan Seulgi; Han Seoyeon knows well her friend wouldn't do a childish act of ignoring her phone call and something must have happened that she wished her thought was false.

She held the helm on her left hand pushed to her waist and used her right hand to push the bell to Wan Seulgi's house, once, twice, and thrice but she received no answer from the other side. A knit began to form on her forehead. "Wan Seulgi!" Han Seoyeon resorted to knocking the door by her hand but there was still no answer.

There was only one last place Wan Seulgi could be and Han Seoyeon drove to Wan Seulgi's family house that was only a block a way. Unlike Wan Seulgi's single house, her parent's house was wider in building and gray color.

She fixed her hair a little before pushing the bell for a haggard voice to ask, "Yes, who is it?"

"My name is Han Seoyeon, Wan Seulgi's friend is Seulgi present in the house, miss?" she asked.

"Han Seoyeon?" there was a surprise coming to the voice of the woman, "Please wait for a moment young lady," after the woman's voice, the door was opened mechanically and the woman added, "Please enter the house."

Han Seoyeon did not understand why but she could tell the panic and hasty from the voice of the woman. She entered the house and saw the woman in her forties dressed in a prim clothes. The jewels she had was sparkling on both her neck and hands but her expression was dull and her eyes were bright red. It didn't have to be questioned who the woman was, she was Wan Seulgi's mother.

"Mrs. Wan." Han Seoyeon greeted with a bow of her head.

"Oh dear, Seoyeon please don't bow." said Mrs. Wan when Han Seoyeon was about to greet her. "Dear, this is Seulgi's friend." Mrs. Wan said to Mr. Wan who walked behind his wife with an expression tired from stress. His square face appeared to be older due to the paleness of his skin that happened due to be stricken from a deep plight.

"It is not our first time meeting each other isn't it, Ms. Han?" asked Mr. Wan pushing his glasses to the back of his ears.

"Yes, sir." replied Han Seoyeon. It wasn't her first to greet Mr. Wan but her first introduction with him wasn't impressive enough that she was slightly surprise that the man remember her face with only a glance.

"Is Seulgi at home? I have been calling her but it seems my call didn't go through." she trailed to see Mrs. Wan to loose her balance and covered her forehead. She took a step forward in a hurry to help the woman but fortunately she stood close to the wall that she was able to help herself by leaning to the wall.

"As expected you haven't heard anything from her too..." Mrs. Wan said for years to drop down from her eyes. "Dear, what should we do?" asked Mrs. Wan to her husband where the man kept his lips to a thin line not knowing what to say.

Seeing the reaction of her friend's parents, Han Seoyeon could only feel a bad premonition. "Did something happen to Seulgi, sir?" she asked where the man gave a long silence before he says,

"Let us go in, Ms. Han you too please enter." giving Mr. Wan a nod, Han Seoyeon entered the house

A single housekeeper came to place a cup of tea in front of her, she smiled and whisper a thank you to the housekeeper for the woman to reply her words with a smile. When the door was closed, Han Seoyeon was alone until Mr. Wan come to the room where she was after bringing Mrs. Wan to her room for a rest.

"How is Mrs. Wan, sir?" she asked to the man who walked to sit in front of her.

"She is sleeping for now, Ms. Han may I ask when was the last time you talked with my daughter?"

"The last time?" Han Seoyeon tried to recall the specific time and said, "It was through phone, since the start of this week." Mr. Wan exhaled a heavy sigh, and rubbed his forehead.

"Is there anything wrong sir? Did anything happen to Seulgi?"

"Actually," Mr. Wan started, not knowing what he should say to begin to say, "A few weeks ago she broke up with her boyfriend. It seemed the man had been cheating on her." That Han Seoyeon knew but what does it have to do?

Mr. Wan continued, "I asked her to attend to a blind date and days after that, she said she want to reject the blind date." It must have been because she told Wan Seulgi about Jung Hwa, thought Han Seoyeon. "Then we had a great fight, it wasn't something unusual but since last night we were not able to get in contact with her. It was normal if she ignored the call out of anger but this was different. The evening before she disappeared, we have talked about it and the problem had been solved but, for some reason she didn't go back to her house or our house." Mr.. Wan said with a sigh where Han Seoyeon felt her heart went cold.

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