I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 52 - No Clue-II

But it was still too hasty for them to think that something happened to Wan Seulgi at least that what Han Seoyeon and Wan Seulgi's wished for.

"Do you perhaps know the places where Seulgi would often go, sir?" Mr. Wan must have searched all the place but she couldn't be too sure.

"There are many places and we have tried to find her at all places she could possibilities go but," Mr. Wan trailed and she didn't have to hear the end of his words as she was able to guess his words.

"Is there no clue to where she would go?" she asked again and had Mr. Wan pondering for a long time only to shake his head.

"It's a shame for a father to say this but I don't know where that girl would usually go to."

Han Seoyeon has heard beforehand from Wan Seulgi of how her relationship with her father was not the best. They often fight and perhaps Mr. Wan first thought their fight would not last long like usual. But no matter how angry Wan Seulgi was, she was a mature person who wouldn't make other worries like now.

"Can I have the access to Seulgi's house, sir? Perhaps I can see what I could find to help." she asked.

"Of course, please wait a moment Ms. Han." said the man before he stood up for him to leave the room and disappear between the door to come back with a key to Wan Seulgi's house.

"We have search a little to her house, if you do find any lead Ms. Han please contact us." Mr Wan said when Han Seoyeon stood up from her seat.

"I will, Mr. Wan. I hope we can find Seulgi." she said and saw the faint line of worries when Mr. Wan give her a small smile.

Han Seoyeon drove again to Wan Seulgi's house which was only a block away. Knowing that pushing the bell wouldn't do anything good, Han Seoyeon used the key she received from Mr. Wan to open the door to the house. Opening the door, she was quickly greeted with the modern style furniture. It may not be as large as Wan Seulgi's orange house but for a woman in her twenties to live alone, the house was very wide and vast.

Han Seoyeon didn't bother to look around at what she didn't need to see. She needed clues to where her friend may now be and she did. Though Han Seoyeon wondered whether she could find clues at all to where she could find Seulgi. She wasn't exactly the brightest person in finding clues but she knew she had to do something as she can't sit down waiting when she knew her friend disappeared.

Walking toward the kitchen she passed by the room where the door was opened ajar and took a little stop. Her eyes stared at the can of beers that filled the table.

Seulgi, she drank too much, thought Han Seoyeon with a knit on her brows.

She must have wanted to be wasted so she could forget if anything regarding of her ex-boyfriend. The last time Seulgi had come to her house, she looked better but that was an upfront she put on, inside her friend was still beating herself over her breakup and it had Han Seoyeon felt sad on her behalf.

She walked to the table of canned beer taking one, Han Seoyeon packed all the can beer to bring a large plastic bag to throw all the cans. Placing the black plastic bag to the edge of the table, Han Seoyeon swept all the beer cans inside the plastic bag when something stick out of the beer can.

Han Seoyeon took a stop, placing the plastic bag beside the floor. She picked the small card and turned the blank part around to see that it was a name card to a bar near Myeondong.

A bar? Seeing how crumpled the name card was, there was the possibility that Seulgi had been holding the name card for a long time. Then perhaps she often dropped by here?

There was a possibility and Han Seoyeon took her motorcycle to drive toward the address if the bar written in the name card. The bar was not that far from Wan Seulgi's house only about ten minutes apart from her house. Once she arrived, she hopped off from her motorcycle, taking off her helm to see that the bar was made in the lowest level of the building almost hidden as it was in the basement.

She strode down to the stairs that lead to the bar and stopped in front of the bar's entrance to read that the place was closed and knit a frown. Usually a bar would close in the morning and open at evening and now that the sun is still up it comes without a saying that the bar was closed but Han Seoyeon who was in a hurry forgot of the time.

She ruffled her hair. Should she wait here until the bar is open? But there was still four hours until the bar open. She should go back for now, she thought and was about to walk up the stairs when a bell like sound rang behind her.

Turning her face, she saw a man with a neck length light dusky brown hair with his upper half hair tied by a black tie opening the door of the bar. When their eyes met, the man pulled a smile.

"A customer?" he asked and she looked around to make sure that it was her who he was talking to.

"No, are you the owner of the bar, sir?" she asked. From the appearance the man appeared to be young, in his late twenties perhaps. His eyes were almond shaped in the color similar to his hair, straight nose and a gentle smile that fit his calm gaze.

"Yes I am," he smiled with his eyes staring intently at Han Seoyeon. "Are you perhaps searching for a lost thing, miss?"

"No." she shook her head, "It's something different. Can I ask you a few thing sir? It is a very urgent matter." she added so the man wouldn't turn her away.

The man nod his head walking out of the door as he had been standing in the middle and went to take the small chalk board that was placed outside the bar.. Opening the door wider, he spread one of his hand inside the bar to say, "Please enter, miss."

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