I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 56 - Take Him-I

Gwe Jeoknim brought the tea cups to the table to pass one to Jung Hwa and the other to Yu Sheen. When Yu Sheen received the tea cup, he held the bottom plate with both hands and brought the red tea in front of him gingerly. His eyes stayed at the red colored liquid tea.

To the eyes of human including him before, the tea look nothing too special when in reality the red tea are made differently for the vampires. It was made from tea leaves that work the best to give a fulfilling effect to vampires with a taste of blood. With the tea presented across his eyes, Yu Sheen felt the tense air and wondered when was the best time to drink the tea only to stare hard at it for a long moment.

"I met with your grandfather last Wednesday, he seemed to be very happy that you finally took interest to find a woman that would stand by your side." said Gwe Jeoknim with a smile.

"Grandfather is a simple man." Jung Hwa took a sip of his red tea although it taste bland it works well to insulate nerves for vampires, "I think he would burst out of joy once he sees me hold my own child." the head associates Gwe chuckled in reply.

"He must have thought you plan to stay alone without a partner. Vampires stayed alone most of their lifetime but that what makes it lonely don't you think?" said Gwe Jeoknim.

"That isn't necessarily so, some times we think being alone is fine but sooner or later when they meet someone who could fill the emptiness it wouldn't take a long time for a vampire to open their heart." Jung Hwa replied that had Gwe Jeoknim and Deok Ji Hyeang to make a slightly taken aback expression by the young pureblood's change of mind before Jung Hwa cut between the bush and change the topic casually.

"Why did you call me here today? As much as I know you want to question me about yesterday, I also think you have something more to say." His keen words had Gwe Jeoknim smiled even further.

"You are right." placing the teacup aside, he then walk toward his desk. "Yesterday Deok Ji Hyeang had told me what had taken place in the hotel. Truthfully this isn't the first time."

The word had Jung Hwa to knit his brows. "Not the first time?"

"Yes." It was Deok Ji Hyeang who replied to his question. "Yesterday not only was the party you were in was attacked but also a wedding party that was held in Gangnam. The reason is similar, a failed transformation of vampire to Hollowed. It seemed that they planned to attack two place at once."

"What about the casualties?" Asked Jung Hwa and the man sighed.

"Four deaths including the bride and the bridesmaids. The place where the hollowed attack was inside the brides' room." replied Deok Ji Hyeang as he took the paper that stated of the case to show it to the young pureblood.

Jung Hwa took his time to read the first few pages of the incident. The paper said that the bride was a vampiress while the groom was a human. Most of the bride's friends were vampires including her closest best friend who soon was turned into hollowed vampire and attacked all the bridesmaids in the room. Before the bride's died she killed the hollowed vampiress only to die after an intense blood lost.

When Jung Hwa turned the rest of the pages, he then look at the picture of the dead vampiress and all the bridesmaids.

Jung Hwa hummed, "The wounds inflicted on the victims were mostly over their neck and heart. A clean attack in short the hollowed aimed to kill. Nothing seems out off short in a glance." he pressed the word glance as he commented.

Gwe Jeoknim smiled at the pureblood's quick wit to say, "It is normal for hollowed vampires to attack precisely, they relied by instinct of killing and we often see the case, however like Ms. Gwon Sheiin, the hollowed vampires had been a vampire since the start."

"And the question is why and how the vampiress was turned to a hollow vampire." replied Jung Hwa adding to Gwe Jeoknim's unfinished words. "Anything else anyone find odd at the scene?" when Deok Ji Hyeang heard his words, the man nodded.

"Even though there are vampires who was close to the scene none of them hear any screaming or shouting for help from the place."

That was the same as what happened to him yesterday, though Jung Hwa. If Han Seoyeon didn't call his name, he wouldn't know what happened to the girl. Perhaps she would have become one of the victims like the women in the paper he held. To think that the order he gave to his blood and his word he left to her the hours before the party would help her, Jung Hwa smiled.

"That was what happened to me too, It is save to say that something had been done to either us or the building to hinder our senses. I doubt that humans could do that." he pointed as he narrowed his eyes.

"The witches," Gwe Jeoknim stated to his reply. "You have been searching for witches for years."

"And I was correct." He replied. A glare of red color glowed from his black eyes where the corner of his wide oval lips pulled to a wicked smile. "I guess it is time for the Associates to perform witch hunt. This case and the case in Myeondong I don't think I have to tell you two it was done by the witches, right?"

Jung Hwa's mother was a vampiress who was far in a higher league than any other make vampires. She was beautiful and powerful, a woman that none was able to be touch as if someone dared to land a finger to her, she wouldn't bat an eyelid to rip off the person's head no matter where she was. She was known for her arrogance but there was no one who would dare to disrespect her. It was also one of the tact that Jung Hwa acquired from her. Although Jung Hwa could not say that his mother was one of the best mother out there, as her son he greatly respect and love her.

When he heard the news of his mother died, everyone had told him his mother took her own life out of distress for his husband's death. But Jung Hwa knew, his mother would never do that and believe there was something left untold at the scene of her death. When he heard of the possibility a witch had killed her, he had placed his suspicions there but the rest of the vampires didn't believe him.

After all to vampires witches have extinct and it was best to them to keep it so.

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