I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 57 - Take Him-II

Vampires have come in triumph long even before Jung Hwa was even born. Naturally they had enemies which they called by Hunters whose job was to execute vampires but now the hunters and vampires have come in term where hunters would not carelessly kill a vampire unless and until the vampire are proved to be bad for humans.

Centuries ago, humans knew the existence of vampires and they had coexisted for some times. Although the people claimed to be coexistence for peace in truth, the prejudice and fear of humans against vampires were strong. Likewise, vampires were not an excellent being in keeping their desire to drink blood to themself that resulted to many deaths of humans. However, at that same time, there were creatures who could stand strong against vampires and they were the witches.

The witches uses their power and knowledge to create potions that could affected vampires and the possibility for the witches to use potion to Gwon Sheiin and the victims turn into hollowed vampires due to this potions were possible.

"Yes." It was Deok Ji Hyeang who replied to his words. "However this is still but a speculation that we have not yet known whether true or false." he saw Jung Hwa's eyes narrowed to him and cleared the air by adding, "It is not that I don't believe you Jung Hwa. As much as I know about this case I also know how much witches have become nothing but a tale to us vampires. It had been three centuries since we last saw one and the vampires are still holding doubt as they do not want to believe there are creatures that could threaten them."

Jung Hwa couldn't help but laughed and his grin stayed to peek out on the corner of his lips. "Do they want to continue to hold their futile pride until the day they died? As a vampire I'm ashamed of the empty headed vampires." his words had its weigh that one wouldn't be able to retort back as what he said was the truth.

Peacefulness where vampires are always the strongest are now the weapon witches use to overthrow them from their place.

"This isn't a matter of only vampires, Jung Hwa it's a matter of believe. When it was true where witches have exist we have no evidence yet regarding of their new appearance nor the fact that they have a hand on this cases."

"If you want evidence then we have it now." Deok Ji Hyeang and Yu Sheen who had been hearing the conversation as a silent furniture heard his words and both rose their eyebrows with quizzical eyes.

"You have the evidence?"

"I don't." Jung Hwa then tapped his finger on to the papers of the victims, "The evidence are the vampires who have now become Hollowed Vampires. If we perform a thorough check on their body I'm sure we will be able to find traces of what happened to them before their deaths."

"That is what we are doing now." Gwe Jeoknim replied. "Actually, we have been talking about Myeondong case earlier. For both vampires and humans to disappear it create havoc amongst the vampires' society it was a great loss for both our side. Although they still want to believe the witches have gone extinct with the lack of evidence we have it would be hard to change the mindset of the other vampires but the good news is the Associates will start to open the cases of the witches. However, as you know there are only a few handful of people who knows how to defend against witches and we don't have enough knowledge about witches and that where you come at, Mr. Jung."

"You want me to be the lead for the cases regarding of the witches." Jung Hwa filled in for Gwe Jeoknim to pull his calm smile further.

He glanced up at the young pureblood who had a smile akin to a grin on his lips as if he had expected everything to fall to his hand and it did. If this was what the pureblood had planned for, he was very commendable, thought Gwe Jeoknim. "Lee Young had informed me of your request to enter to Associates and I see this as a good chance for both you and the association." he bluntly said his words.

"But that would mean I will need a team of my own and the authority." Jing Hwa reminded.

"Of course that will be given by me. As long as you walk accordingly to the Associates, you will be given the authority of our members. Do you consent?" he questioned the word he need for him to agree when Jung Hwa smiled.

It had been years since his mother's death and there had never been a time where he would forget his rage to the witches. When he was young he had used his power to ask his mother's blood of what had happened to his mother. However, weirdly enough his blood didn't reply according to his order for the first time in his life. One thing he knew was that his mother was killed and the killer was a creature that wasn't either vampires or human leaving him with one answer that point to the witches.

Chilling smile appeared on his lips that covered both his rage and happiness. "I will give my consent." he replied his words were brief yet impactful.

"Great." Head Associate Gwe Jeoknim pulled out the papers from the drawer and handed the paper toward him. The young pureblood took the pen and signed without a single hesitation. Maybe some would think twice before agreeing to handle the cases of witches where it was the most dangerous case. However, Jung Hwa had none.

"Thank you, for your signature Mr. Jung Hwa. The registration and filing of your own team would take a few days but as for now you are officially a member of the Associates. As I suppose that you will become the head of this team. Your first step will be taking your teammates."

"Could I leave that to you?" Asked Jung Hwa. He didn't cared much to who would be in his team as he would be the one who work at the case most of it and also believed they the head associate Gwe Jeoknim would be able to choose a man capable enough for him to work for.

Gwe Jeoknim hummed with a smile, "To be frank I find one that you could take with you right now."

Raising his brow before he could ask who, Gwe Jeoknim pointed his finger softly to the half vampire who was holding his knees tight with one hand and his finger anxiously tapping the handle of the teacup.

"Meet associate Yu Sheen."

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