I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 76 - Visitation-IV

The types of the witches varied with their hereditary. White witchess whose power was to heal and dark witchess who borrowed the power of black magic. He then flipped the other page of the particular book but the five pages after the book seemed as if it was burnt with crisp black line of ashes still perceivable in the last page of the book.

"Hwa." called Deok Ji Hyeang from behind, breaking his concentration from the book he had on his hands.

"Ji Hyeang." greeted back Jung Hwa, he then look aside beside him to take a note of the brown haired man beside him.

"There's a lot more book than I thought, less bodies and simple room." stated the man beside him, his eyes travelled all around the place having fun on his own way by seeing the new room.

"Gu Man Yeong." named Deok Ji Hyeang notifying Jung Hwa of the new presence of the man.

Gu Man Yeong turned his face, giving a hand out as a handshake. "We have met once, didn't we Mister Jung? In the party of your grandfather's birthday." the man added information for Jung Hwa to try to remember.

"That's quite hard to remember. My grandfather had his birthday for more than a hundred times."

Gu Man Yeong laughed at his words, not taking his words as an offense. "That's right. How if I say that you have met my brother once?"

Deok Ji Hyeang had a little change of expression when he mentioned his brother and Jung Hwa had also noticed it but feigned a confused look, "Brother?"

"Chu Sunji." named Gu Man Yeong having Jung Hwa to remember of the vampire whose hand he had broken off.

"You are his elder brother, I take it?"

"Yes. But not to worry I find him as an eyesore so I don't mind you breaking his hand instead, I should thank you for doing that. He is too cheeky for his own good." Gu Man Yeong laughed filled the hollow room.

"Is that so," Jung Hwa kept his words short. He had seen many of vampires hating their bloods related family but taking from Gu Man Yeong's features and how their family name was different from each other, he could see that they were brought up different. Though that doesn't mean he would look at him with a bright light just because he hated Chu Sunji. Some times apple doesn't fall far from the tree and perhaps the two had some same personality they shared and he didn't sees it as good.

"I heard there were only one witches found. But this place is too big for only one witches to live at." Assumed Deok Ji Hyeang.

"You haven't heard the full story yet then. There were two witchess and the other one died and turn to ashes. Of course by my hands." replied Jung Hwa. "Where will this case be moved on?"

"Of course that would be to your new team, however, we will still need instruction if everything will be placed in your team. As you know every evidence are placed in a same place except for the cases assigned to." replied Deok Ji Hyeang, pushing his glasses when he ended his words.

Jung Hwa had been walking toward the end of the corridor as he received Deok Ji Hyeang's words and followed by the man before Go Man Yeong. "The witches cases are still new and it would be safe to say that the evidence will all be throughly examine by every associates members."

And there it was, the problem he found. Truthfully Jung Hwa didn't feel the Associates to be spy-proof and there could be no telling that between the people inside the Associates had worked together with witches. Because from what he could see it would be hard for dark witches  to hide themselves without being found out for centuries. There must be a reason and someone who had protected them from behind.

It was still a speculation and to say it was correct were too quick and too impulsive but it was better to be aware then not.

Surveying the place take less than half an hour, the place had mostly been emptied and there were only few things they could find. They had gathered back to the bookshelves, Deok Ji Hyeang was in the opposite room examining each cells while Gu Man Yeong and Jung Hwa was in the same place where Wan Seulgi was captured at.

"Hm, that's odd, isn't it?" asked Gu Man Yeong and Jung Hwa only gave him a faint glance. "There is a stain here, a stain of something like liquid. But there shouldn't be anyone alive when you had come to the room didn't you?"

"There was." Jung Hwa responded lazily. "You must haven't read the documents before coming here. You should read it now Associates Gu when you still have the time to."

"Perhaps I have missed it." said Gu Man Yeong. "So where is the person now? If they had been captured that would mean they have seen the witches or perhaps heard something about their conversation to help us-"

"I have said to read the documents first and you will find that the human was saved because she was about to be kidnapped only an hour before I came." Though Jung Hwa hasn't said a complete lie, he also didn't planned to say the entire truth.

First reason being that the person and the Associates were not able to be fully trusted on and the second being that he didn't want to involve Wan Seulgi who was Han Seoyeon's friend. Knowing the Associates, Wan Seulgi who was kept by the witchesses for a day would be deemed as she had known too much and the possibility that she and her entire family would be kill wasn't too far fetched.

The night creature always think the worst of the worst, twisting everything to their way and he had seen it with his own eyes thus why he had chose his own way to solve the problem.

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