I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 77 - Hold My Hands-I

"Is that so." hummed Gu Man Yeong, he stood up from his place dusting his knees that had crouched down on the ground to smile wide at Jung Hwa. "I didn't have time to read the documents properly, I apologize if I had made you suspicious."

"No problem." Jung Hwa returned briefly. He could tell that Gu Man Yeong was serious with his words but he also knows that the man had asked him the question to test whether the files he had sent had truth in it or not.

"But there's a little stain of liquid over here, from the look, it seems to be very red in color. Did the witches used any potions here?"

Jung Hwa only sent once glance and reply, "Perhaps it's blood." Then he walked out of the cell to meet Deok Ji Hyeang who was talking with an associate member.

"... The rest should be kept in file and don't forget to examine the skeleton left in the sixth cell. It was left unattained when I saw earlier." the man bowed to show he had abide by his instruction and went to work.

"What was that?"

"The people who are responsible for remains, the forensic, they work under the police in the surface and participate in some of our investigation." Deok Ji Hyeang filled the blank and turned his eyes to his back. "No luck on you too?"

Jung Hwa shook his head, "They shouldn't be able to kill all the people they had kidnapped. We should keep an eye here more. I find that this place is deeper than I think." Deok Ji Hyeang agreed with a nod. "Unless there is another place they keep the people the hunted at. Not inside this building, perhaps somewhere further than here."

"That's thinkable. Speaking of that, I receive this from the people who cleaned the cells." Taking the paper, Jung Hwa narrowed his eyes at the scrambling writings to heard the half vampire says, "It seems that they hold this paper very tight even when the person had turned to bones. I will continue to find any clues around here."

"Okay." returned Jung Hwa briefly but when Deok Ji Hyeang had walked, he turned his body back to make a hesitant expression.

"I think I should tell you this now as this isn't a secret. For the woman that come with you, the human lady the Associates have sent a proper invitation to the lady. You should be careful and protect that girl well if you want to keep her alive in this world."

The youngest pureblood gave a wide smile. His eyes turned red with brimming confidence when he said, "Of course, I was the one who had pulled her to this world. Who else other than me would protect her?"

More than Deok Ji Hyeang had thought Jung Hwa seemed to be completely smitten by the human girl. "I hope you will be able to do that with all my heart." he reiterated to leave the room.

Jung Hwa knew why Deok Ji Hyeang had given the worries expression on his face but his worries come futile. He had learned how to protect his own life and his grandfather who was the only blood related family he had and it will kept on going so even with the new appearance of Han Seoyeon who had took a soft spot of his heart. He knew how to keep what belongs to him and treasured them without a harm.

He opened the paper that Deok Ji Hyeang gave earlier. The paper was crumpled and was covered by little splattered of blood that kept him from knowing what the scribbles were trying to tell him. Keeping the paper to his pocket, he stopped his feet once he arrived at the wall at the end of the corridor. His hand first stayed on one bricks, feeling the walls and the vibrations that he could feel inside the wall.

"Could people disappear all at once? Do witches also eat humans flesh?" commented Gu Man Yeong, walking out from the cell he was once at to see how Jung Hwa had stopped at the wall with his eyes staring back at the blank wall. "What's wrong?"

"Stand back." Jung Hwa stated. Gu Man Yeong wondered why but he had moved behind letting Jung Hwa to raise his hand and at once slammed his hand to the wall of bricks. A loud rambling sound as if a placed had been bombed thundered outside the whole building. Yu Sheen who had taken a rest jumped off his spot. His hair raise on his skin and with a surprised face he who could still feel the wall vibrating curse.

"The hell?! It sounded like a great chaos there!" he shouted to himself running quickly inside the building despite his fear of getting caught to debris and in the end die inside the building to be buried with wreckage. His mind was filled with nothing but bad thoughts that the building was detonated by witches and his final wishes that he should have bought a better house before dying when he arrived at the place where Jung Hwa and the other was at.

To his shock he didn't saw the ceiling fall down but he saw Jung Hwa standing there in the last wall of the corridor. His face looked tired but his red eyes glowed like burning ambers. He held his fist which was slightly red in color.

"What in the hell's name is going on here..." he whispered. Sure enough he could tell that Jung Hwa was the one who had punched the wall to create a hole. But he had never seen or heard a vampire who could do that. Then Yu Sheen began to regret a lot of things one of it being to ever met the pureblood named Jung Hwa because it was just the beginning of him to know of the pureblood's power.

"Found them.." Jung Hwa spoke, his words languidly spilling of his lips while he gestured others to come inside the hole.

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