I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 78 - Hold My Hands-II

Deok Ji Hyeang came dashing to the room where he heard the loud sound was to see Jung Hwa standing alone with rubbles in front of him.

"What's wrong?" came Jung Hwa's clueless question. He didn't spare any thoughts on the people's stunned expression and said, "I smell blood, vampires, and humans. We have found them." and they did. The rest of the Associates came running inside the hole that Jung Hwa had made.

While the rest was in hurry to save their fellow vampires and the confused humans, Jung Hwa took a walk around the place his eyes fell on the ground of the far left corner of the place. There was a burnt ashes and bones which seemed as if it hadn't been burned well with scribbles of writings and drawings he assumed to be spells and candle sitting all around the drawings.

"Nasty. A horrid hobby." said Gu Man Yeong, arriving next to him looking at the ashes and splattered of bloods which seemed to still be fresh.

"Welcome to the witches world." replied Jung Hwa sarcastically. "This still counts as nothing to them. There are worse."

"They are worse than us." and Jung Hwa only grinned at his reply to move away from the man who continued to read the drawings and scribbles of spell with curiosity.

He walked alone to the desk which was placed near the corner of the wall. His red eyes stopped at a dusty book with a thick black cover, unlike the rest of the place which was filled with molds and dust the table on particular was free from any dust. It was clean and looked as if it was clean just a few hours ago and it made the book more suspicious. Taking the book, Jung Hwa slipped out of the place unnoticed by people that he was holding books as they were busy to help.

Once the investigation had ended and the lives of the people who was kept captive behind the wall was saved, Jung Hwa looked at the car which transported the kidnapped people and asked to Deok Ji Hyeang who had appeared subtly behind him. "Where will you be bringing them to?"

"First the Associates. We will be checking everything, their blood, tissues, and any problem in their healths. If they had been forced to drink potions or if the witches had done performed anything to them."

Jung Hwa crossed his arms, his grin still intact looking at the people to ask, "I can't see that they will answer everything truthfully. They have been threatened and seen people killed for the sake of their lives they would do anything to protect themself. Even to lie."

If one of the Associates asked if they had drank any potions of if the witches had performed a spell toward them, their first instinct would be to lie saying nothing happened to them and they had drank nothing in order for the Associates not to be suspicious of them.

Deok Ji Hyeang looked confident when the young pureblood asked and reply as he pushed his glass cheekily, "Not to worry, we have someone capable for that matter."

"What about the humans?" he added his question. The Associates were made to create peace but humans were loose mouthed and he knew plenty of them.

"There is also a way for that. I guess you didn't know yet, when you come with the girl," he meant Seoyeon, "you will know more." and Deok Ji Hyeang went out of the place instructing the people like what he was assigned to.

Once Jung Hwa was back at home, he pulled his necktie loose, his hand putting down the book he had taken secretly to the desk next to him.

"Finally came back! Your grandfather had been waiting here almost turning to a stone to wait you come back home." His grandfather said as he walked into his study room.

"How is your trip, grandfather?" Jung Hwa questioned, his eyes running down to his grandfather's flowery shirt and short brown pants while walking to take a blood drink.

"Fairly enjoyable. I've went there twenty eight times and seemed that everything keep changing. The world." shrugged his grandfather. "I heard from Lee Young you are hunting the witches."

"You should have hear the updates," Jung Hwa pulled a wide grin, his black hairs falling loose to his clear forehead. "I've caught them and their base."

"I know, you cheeky grandson," walking toward the seat across the desk which was placed parallel to the door, his grandfather eyed the expression Jung Hwa wore. His expression was lazy but there was happiness crinkling to his eyes or perhaps he should called it as amused. "You still is searching for them?"

"Who?" Jung Hwa queried, feigning a clueless expression that had his grandfather to frown.

"The person who killed your mother." he sighed, and then added, "Can't you leave this matter to Lee Young? There shouldn't be any need for you to get caught in this."

He walked toward his desk, his face looking out to window behind his desk and with the sky that was colored in a pitch black darkness, the reflection to the glass was his own face. He stared at the place a couple of second pulling a smirk. "She is my mother, grandfather and there is no one who would search for my mother's killer other than me." and it also include his grandfather who became silence once Jung Hwa spoke the words to him.

His mother had died and he knew for sure that his mother couldn't have killed herself but no one believes him. His grandfather thought it was time to move on which he did without solving the problem but knowing how the witch who had killed his mother was still alive and peachy didn't sit well to Jung Hwa.

There was the saying of eye for an eye and Jung Hwa agreed with the saying. For the witches who had killed his mother, he didn't see why he should keep living in the peace, agreeing to the Associates' words that his mother died of suicide. He wasn't a hypocrite.. Peace were short and seeing the incident today, it wouldn't be soon for vampires to have creatures greater than them.

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