I'm The Boss's Secretary?!

Chapter 94 - Gaze Of A Blade-III

She turned her eyes away and at the same time the car stopped. She looked up to see that they hadn't arrive at any where when her chin was pulled toward her right side. Jung Hwa has pulled her chin and lifted her face slightly so she could see his face better.

"Don't look away from me, I love to see you blush." he stated, pulling the word love low and high so her mind would be focus at the word which she did.

"I didn't blush." she defended herself and her hand touched her cheeks to move from him but as she had expected he didn't let go of her hand. His face had an expression of waiting. He was still waiting for her answer to his question he had asked earlier.

"I was only asking you don't have to answer." she whispered. Why was she whispering now? In the distance, she could see how her nose could touch and so did their lips. As looking directly to his eyes was a little too much for her, Seoyeon turned to look at anything at the lower half of his face only for her to stare at his red lips and flustered.

"Always taking one step forward and two step backward. You're not taking and advancement Seoyeon." he advised with a solemn tone that she thought she thought she didn't need now. "You don't have to be worried. I have a feeling that even if you turn wrinkly," his fingers moved to her cheeks and brushed the point where wrinkles could form, "or your hair to turn white, you wouldn't be ugly. Even if you did, I will continue to stay by your side. I will promise this to you. We could live together happily, with a dog or a child, and grow old just the way you did."

"If I turn wrinkly and you stay handsome, it wouldn't be a suitable picture, Hwa." she responded.

Jung Hwa drew his brows, "So much worry about being old and aging. Oh I know, you don't want to leave me alone because of age? Then we could turn you into a vampire. There, problem solved." he hummed. Which part had been solved?!

"I don't want to be a vampire."

"We could change your mind slowly." he responded coolly and she gave him a look. Feeling his hand loosing from her chin, she moved her back until she felt the cold window. "There is time for you to learn, make your mind, and change your mind. Don't be too hasty in replying my words Seoyeon, you wouldn't know when you would have to change the claims you made. It would be easier if you say nothing for now because changing words isn't as easy as you think." he smiled at her sweetly as his hand move to the steering wheel before his face turned.

What could made this pureblood vampire to be so confident that she would fall for him? She could sense his seriousness but at time such as this, Seoyeon couldn't help but think that she had been played by him for his excitement and happiness.

In the entire ride, Seoyeon didn't dare to say anything that could have her lacking from air in the car. She stared at the view and notice that at some point the uneasiness she felt earlier had been soothed by the conversation they had earlier. She stared at the reflection and as they passed by a more secluded place, she turned her head to look at him who was driving without moving his eyes. She looked at him for a couple of minute and realized that she had been staring at him for too long and tore her gaze from him but as if he had known her staring, before she could look away, he stared back at her black eyes.

A smile rose on his lips and she noticed he was not up to a good thing and spoke before him, "Is the Associates building still far?"

"No. We're here." He replied and his chin lifted slightly as if to point her to the large castle-like building which was built among the forest like path. The place was more secluded than she thought. The building was tall and large. And even when she was still far from the building she could feel the wideness of the place. Up above, she noticed the large cross and thought it was strange. Associates are group created to protect the Vampires' society from what Seoyeon heard from Jung Hwa but to see that the building was an old church, she didn't know what to feel. Perhaps vampires believe in the existence of God? But she doubted that in books it was often said that vampires didn't believe in God because they were being that goes against the creed of the living

But she had seen that there were many different things about the vampires she had read from books and the vampires she met.

After another three minutes ride, the car finally took a stop at the entrance of the building, There was a couple of men standing in front of the gate and when Jung Hwa's car stopped, he opened the window for the guards to see his face and looked behind toward Seoyeon. Although he only stared at her, she could feel that the person standing was not a human but vampire from their sharp gaze when looking at her.

"My acquaintance." Jung Hwa said and the man gave a bow for a greeting to step back and open the wide metal gate for the car to enter.

Seoyeon looked at the place to find how there were many cars coming to stop at the building and the cars were all luxurious. When a couple of people went down from the car, they were wearing clothes that look very fancy and wondered if they were holding a party inside because to her it looked like so.. There were people she often seen in TVs, some people she thought she have seen before and others she didn't know.

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