I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 116 This is the great world

"Some people practice to become masters."

"Some people practice so that no one can master them."

A gentle female voice was very tough, sharp and powerful.

In a steep cliff that towers into the clouds, the fairy spirit is lingering and the clouds are misty. The coffin has already been opened. A gentle and virtuous girl is sitting on the boulder, like an ordinary girl next door, with a gentle smile on her lips and keeps reading. Writing this book that has been spread all over the world.

"In this age of immortality, there really is an unimaginable great sage. He traveled all over the earth and mountains and rivers alone, and actually found an answer to liberation. It's no wonder that his appeal was enough to attract responses from all over Jingzhou."

"The ancient mountain spirits are human? Are mortals cultivating immortals? It has actually become possible."

"After all, some seemingly boring and lofty ideals can really be followed by some people as a lifelong belief."

The girl in the coffin has a gentle look and the temperament of a lady.

A middle-aged man behind her slowly hugged her from behind, his eyes dazed, "That's not important."

In the distance, the luck of Jinghuang City was rapidly diluting, and the vortex formed actually aroused the roar of the wind around the two of them, blowing their clothes and making a hunting sound.

"No, this is important."

"Go, the battlefield has been prepared for you, hope has appeared."

The girl gently caressed each other's head, full of love: "Sanlang, even if it is not for the world, it is for people like us. I hope that in the future of the world, couples like you and me will become history, and there will no longer be two immortals." In other words, innate qualifications and starting point are no longer barriers.”

"I'll wait for you to come back." The girl kissed the other person's lips gently.

a long time.

"Well, when I return from killing the emperor, I will enjoy the unprecedented glory of the entire Jingzhou and bring my skills to marry you, a mortal." The figure of the middle-aged swordsman slowly disappeared from the spot.


The moment he reappeared, he had already appeared in the sky of Jinghuang City.

Draw the knife.

The entire sky suddenly changed color.

The dazzling bloody light cut through the ground from the clouds, and the huge blood-red sword light slashed down Jinghuang City.

"Be bold!"

Two angry roars came, and you struggled to resist them.

"Two losers!!" The wild laughter resounded through the sky, and as the sword light fell, "The Human Emperor Sect has long been out of business. You two, second and third-level mercenaries, can't stop my sword! Call that old man The Emperor comes out to die!!"

The gentle swordsman in white smiled slightly and looked at the middle-aged decadent swordsman next to him, "I haven't seen you for two thousand years, and here you are. I thought you could no longer hold a sword."

"I'm just here by invitation." The swordsman snorted coldly, "Mingyu, I'm different from you. I don't care what that guy wants for peace and prosperity. I only care about his reward."


The ground shook.

It seemed as if some extremely terrifying ancient blue dragon had awakened in the depths of the void.

Just by turning his body, the entire Jinghuang City felt endless dragon power, and the endless golden electric light degraded and dissipated.


A voice seemed to come from the end of time, whispering in the vicissitudes of life.

With a crash, an old man in royal robes sleeping on the throne slowly appeared in the void, opened his old golden eyes, and suddenly spat out a mouthful of dirty black blood.

The dragon clouds in the sky slowly dissipated, and the golden dragon energy seemed to be tainted and polluted by the resentment contained in all the people. The gloomy and low dragon energy turned black and rolled non-stop, making the entire land breathless.

"The dynasty is at its end and the people have lost all their support."

However, the next second, the old man on the throne forcibly suppressed the inner demons and turmoil, revealing unimaginable terrifying pressure, as if an ancient catastrophe in the sky contained the ancient power of chaos.

A large amount of information poured in, and the ancient body quickly understood everything.


Prince Jingge stepped forward and knelt on one knee.

"It's not your fault, it's me who will be plotted against me. This plan is so unconstrained and interconnected that it can be called an ancient genius." A deep voice came slowly, without the anger and fear after waking up, with a sense of The heavy sense of vicissitudes of time.

"The realm is cut off."

"Inner demons breed."

Tap tap tap!

The old man walked out of the void step by step.

"Indeed, I am the only one left who has completed the integration stage. You are qualified to challenge!"

His eyes without joy or sorrow looked down at the two fighting beings in front of him, "Take away my dragon luck and usurp my throne, so what? I still have dragon luck stored in me!"

"It's been calculated, so what?"

The old man didn't have the royal power, his white hair was flying like flames, and he still had an indescribable majesty around him, and his words were full of domineering: "As long as I kill you two, I can still turn the tables and put down the chaos again. Bureau."

"Seal of the Human Emperor!" In an instant, the old emperor opened his palm, and a golden dragon seal slowly rose into the sky, and endless purple-gold light slowly rotated and shrouded it.

"You two young boys, I was invincible and invincible in my time." He suddenly murmured.

In an instant, the old man's eyes suddenly shined with light.

"I! Today I will quell the chaos and behead all of you rebels here!!!"

Buzz! !

Golden light shrouded the ground, and the ground shook slowly. The entire Jinghuang City seemed unable to withstand the huge pressure, and cracks appeared in the walls.

"Old immortal, please leave this era. Now it belongs to young people! I will use your blood to open the prelude to a new prosperous age!" With a burst of laughter, the three perfect beings in the integration stage finally collided together.


The sky is shaking.

At this moment, the entire Jingzhou watched everything here through the magic projection paraded through the streets.

Everyone knows that this is the final battle to attack the contemporary emperor.

This war is enough to affect the entire history of Jingzhou, and may even interfere with the future direction of all mortals.


The sky is falling and the earth is falling.

The sky suddenly became gloomy, intertwined with three kinds of light: gold, blood, and white, and the sky seemed to be cracking.

The entire Jinghuang City actually began to disintegrate and collapse during the battle above the three near emperors.

"Let's go!!" Countless powerful monks had already noticed this and began to flee with a large number of mortals. Even the monks of the Human Emperor Sect were unable to interfere. A huge difference in realm was a world of difference.

Even the two elders of the Human Emperor Sect who were on the second and third levels of the integration stage were severely injured with just one blow. They were seven or eight small realms short of being able to interfere in a battle near the emperor's realm.

Everyone knows that the entire thousand-year-old city is about to be destroyed.

Common people from all the cities in Jingzhou watched the mirror projection of the execution parade.

"Must win!"

"The tribulation field, the murderer king, opens the gate of immortality for me, a mortal in Jingzhou!"

Some roared, some roared, some had complicated eyes, and some clasped their hands in prayer.

In the darkness where the city collapsed, an old man with white hair holding a scroll pointed at the sky filled with meteor showers, as if standing on the front line of bombardment and shouted:

"Look, look!"

An unprecedented desire suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart, eager to record something.

He licked his brush, kept grinding the ink, and wanted to record all this with disheveled hair. He roared: "This will be the prelude to the era of us mortals. History will remember this moment. Look at this battlefield. The sun and moon are gone. The mountains are gone." The brilliance shines, and the imperial court collapses!"

"The yellow mist covers the mountains again, and the golden Leiyin Temple hits the immortal gate for the second time with its roar, penetrating the humane imperial court. Caused by the fire, the mountain mist returns, the afterglow restarts, and all laws dawn!"

He suddenly had the illusion that he was witnessing history! !


A large number of people and nearby monks were frantically fleeing Jinghuang City.

But a team was braving the flow of people and the howling wind, approaching Jingge City, the center of the war.

Mu Jiqiu rushed to the battlefield belatedly and looked at the terrifying shaking in the sky. "That's Master. He is using his last strength to clear the way for that sage."

His master, Mingyu Sword God, has been honest and kind throughout his life. He originally had hopes of entering the imperial realm, but unfortunately some accidents happened. Decades ago, he accompanied all the terrifying beings to encircle and suppress the Huangquan Sect and bring peace to the world. Unfortunately, he has returned. It was a miserable victory, and even his life span was running out, so he could only stay in deep sleep to extend his life.

However, even at the last moment of his life, Mingyu Sword God still burned out his life to benefit the common people.

"That's right, Master." Xu Xinying was also in the team, a little stunned, looking at the figure behind the scenes who controlled the mountain spirit.

Sure enough, he took action. He took action for the three people from Tai and Di. The master was not the kind of disciple who would give up on himself. This was a person from his seventh peak. Even the Human Emperor would kill him.

Mu Jiqiu also didn't know what Xu Xinying was thinking, but his face was heavy, "Fellow Taoists, the master said that if he wins, an unprecedented world will begin, and in this prosperous age, demonic disasters, mountain spirits, and turbulent winds will Many opportunities arise, and we can rise among them.”

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