I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 117 Call for the sword of law to end justice in the world

The front line of demon disaster.

In a fairy boat hub to fight against evil disasters.

There were clouds and mist outside the window, and the commanders in the room were silent.

"Something happened in the rear. There are treasonous people who want to rob the law field, slap the face of our righteous alliance, and even kill the emperor. It's unbelievable." A man smiled and said, "The scene in the scroll that was clearly meant to show majesty to the world has actually changed. It becomes a battlefield.”

Everyone immediately watched the entire accident through the public projection of the scene of beheadings being paraded through the streets.

"The mountain spirit is an ancient human being in Jingzhou. Is it real or fake?" A female cultivator opened her lips, obviously shocked.

"Maybe? After all, they can really do such a thing." A sarcastic monk laughed.

Someone suddenly said: "Actually, the authenticity of this period of history doesn't matter, does it?"

They all know it.

History is written by the victors.

If the Human Emperor Sect wins, even if the history is true and the Mountain Spirit is an ancient human being, the public opinion will be controlled and said to be false.

If the other party wins, even if it is fake, it will become the real history of the Human Emperor Sect’s persecution of ancient mortals.

Does real history matter?

"Do you want to go back for help?" a cold woman asked.

"Can't make it in time."

"I'll make it if I have the chance." The woman hesitated to speak.

"I won't go either."

The other members of the Jingzhou Righteous Alliance fell into silence again.

The previous Human Emperor Sect was obviously bullying others. As the strongest sect in Jingzhou, it wanted to monopolize the interests of the Shanjing clan, and even prevented them from getting close to Jinghuang City this time, waiting for the other party to fall into the trap. Now that they have been counterattacked, why should they go? Firefighting?

At the same time, all other sects knew that if the current Human Emperor Sect fell, the old immortal that they feared would be gone, and other members of their Righteous Alliance could take the opportunity to carve it up.

Reality is so cruel.

No matter what kind of thoughts they had, for a while, no one talked about the topic of support in the past.

After all, if you choose one of the two, no one will reject a righteous, great Confucian sage who is moral, kind and brings benefit to the world.

The seventh peak of Huangquan.

Xing Hanhan and Li Qingrou both came here, and were in the courtyard under the tree, watching the terrifying scenes of the entire battlefield with their junior brother's body.

"Much better than me!" Even Xing Hanhan felt heavy and depressed when the battle broke out, making the whole courtyard feel dull.

"Junior brother took action to stir up the general trend of the world, seize power and usurp the throne, cut down the emperor, and let the two fused Dzogchen to attack and kill."

"Faith." Wu Lang said softly.

"Yes, among righteous monks, there will still be people who stand up for their ideals and the people." Xing Hanhan sighed in her heart. She felt quite complicated at this time.


A long sigh.

Wu Lang watched the battle with an unspeakable heaviness in his heart.

"I didn't expect that we would reach this point after all." He murmured. The plan was obviously made by himself, but looking at the roars and disregard of death of those heroes and martyrs, he always felt inexplicable guilt.

He is like a fake leader of change, blending in with a group of heroes who truly desire change and hope, fight for a future for their compatriots, and risk their lives.

Being familiar with history, I knew that the real hero of the era should be Mu Jiqiu, the empress who would rise in the future to fight against the evil disaster, but he stole her "grandfather" to pave the way for himself.

And to deal with Jing Ge?

Wu Lang has always been very clear about grievances and grievances.

You catch me parading in the street, I'll kill your father.

But no matter what, this time I was burdened with too much, so I had no choice but to go on.

Xing Hanhan looked at the battlefield for a while, and suddenly frowned and said: "But it's not enough. You have cut off his luck. He still has the dragon energy stored in the human emperor's seal, and he has the human magic weapon in his hand. It is still very effective to suppress two statues of the same level. I hope that even if these two figures are of the same level but not of ordinary combat power, go find Senior Po Meng!"

Wu Lang fell into silence as he looked at the battlefield in Jinghuang City.

Things were indeed beyond my expectation.

After knocking down the opponent's realm, his Taoist heart was greatly damaged, and his cultivation level plummeted. After being severely damaged, he was one against two in the same realm, and gained the upper hand.

After all, he is an emperor, and his trump card is terrifying.

But he was not the backstage, so Wu Lang did not hesitate and went directly down the mountain to find Po Meng.

Po Meng also smiled, "Very good, you did a good job. That person was indeed scary when he was young, but now he is too old. He was already sleeping and hanging on his head. He is holding on in front of him. He only needs the last straw to break the camel's back." .”

She didn't say much. After all, the situation was urgent and she directly threw out a secret book: "Take it and learn the secret of dragon veins in the secret book - the Law Sword. It's just right now."

"Thank you, Senior Meng Po."

Wu Lang didn't say much, thinking that Sister Meng was more reliable, so he directly picked up the secret technique and began to study it.


In Jingge City.

Above the sky, the old Human Emperor kept attacking, causing the two of them to retreat steadily.

The terrifying battle shattered the space slightly, and the terrifying pressure swept across the earth to form a huge wind, which cut off some of the surrounding peaks and woods.

The battle in this scene is beyond the imagination of ordinary monks.

On the other side, the dragon vein in the void, the golden little dragon, roared vaguely. Among them was a vague figure wearing a dragon robe cross-legged, and a dragon-patterned sword was vaguely gathered in his hand. The golden light was bright and majestic.

"The current emperor is tyrannical and unjust!"

A phantom was shrouded in golden flames and slowly spoke:

"Now, although I am not an emperor, I have gathered some luck. I am sitting in the temple of the world. I should hold the sword of law to kill the faint king at the top and the sycophant ministers at the bottom! Question the current tyrant! Take back the jade seal of the Human Emperor!"

"Now we have detailed three pieces of ironclad evidence, historical evidence, physical evidence, and personal evidence. Let the world make a decision!"

As the sound vibrated, it seemed to form a faint human hymn, forming like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, gathering the prayers of the people all over the world.

Countless local people witnessed this scene with their eyes wide open.

"Damn it! You sage. You sage." In the distance, the eyes of the old emperor who was really fighting were red, as if he had seen some bastard who was talking nonsense, and he was so angry and evil!

If you want to accuse someone, why bother? ? ?

The sword of law is to convene a public trial and listen to the public opinion of the world so that the people can carry out fair punishment. Voting is generally used to punish the emperor's relatives.

But in front of me, you actually used fake sins?

Forcibly put it on my head?

Put me on trial? You want to take away my magic weapon?

This old human emperor was stunned. He had lived for so many years, lived to the point of death, and depended on elixirs to hang himself. He had never seen such a serious person who confused right and wrong in his life. Is he really a sage?

However, Wu Lang looked calm and dignified, and pointed slowly towards the sky:

"Please give me the sword of law!"


The condensed golden hazy sword, following the people's will, gradually gathered in the public opinion, but it was one-sided.

"The people are fair and the crime is proven!"

A magic sword stared slowly and gathered in the void. The pure white beams of light condensed into a sharp sword, which penetrated the golden clouds of luck, bringing with it a white and sacred brilliance.

"What the sword points to is what the people want!"

Wu Lang stretched out his hand and said with a cold and ruthless expression, "Behead!"

The sword of justice, which was gathered from the golden dragon veins, gathered the hearts of the people of the world and slowly and secretly struck at the contemporary Emperor, cutting off his connection with the Emperor's Seal.


"Damn!!! Damn!! Damn it!!!"


The old man fought wildly with the two men, but a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

I don't know whether he was mad and possessed by anger, or whether he was completely possessed by the backlash of losing his magic weapon. It was as if the energy and spirit that had been stretched to the limit suddenly dispersed.


"Heaven is going to destroy my lineage!!" The old man's hair was disheveled and his body was stained with blood. He lost the protection of the Human Emperor Seal. He completely lost his roots. A complex and chaotic aura lingered all over his body. He was attacked crazily by two beings next to him. He was at the end of his strength. .

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