I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 148 However, you can only refuse

High opinion, don't dare to take it seriously.

These human emperors looked indifferent.

When they witnessed the Emperor's Beheading, they had already spent more than a year working together to discuss how to lay out a plan to ambush and destroy the other party's people.

In fact, not all the Human Emperors present were of the same mind.

Some human emperors even prefer this sage, but they have to take action against him due to pressure from their own state.

Sitting on the seat, the Emperor sighed secretly: "Our Imperial Sect has been suppressed like this, let alone you? Not to mention you, a mortal sage, even if there are ten or eight, you can never change this muddy world. Get clear skies and clear water!"

Wu Lang sat there calmly, drinking tea silently, watching how the eight human emperors sitting at the table would make moves.

At this time, the Xuzhou Human Emperor slowly said: "This line of craftsmen must belong to Xuanqi, and they have opened spiritual roots for the people of the world."

He pretended to hesitate for a few seconds, "I just don't know when the next mortal spiritual root will be opened?"

"Yes, yes, yes."

An old white-haired Human Emperor had an air of immortality, "The lifespan of the people in Jingzhou is short. I don't know when another technique will be developed for the people of Jingzhou. The lifespan of the people is only a few decades." Can’t wait.”

Wu Lang's expression suddenly darkened.

As soon as they opened their mouths, they knew exactly what these old men were going to do.

And the people of Jingzhou all over the world seemed to have thought of something.


"I envy those craftsmen so much. I wonder when the next method will be opened?" Someone saw Jinghuang City and cherished their expectations.

"Ahahahaha!! Open mine first! I am a businessman and I have money! After practicing cultivation, I can bring prosperity to the people of the world!"

Some businessmen shouted happily.

"No, I am a doctor! I can help people in distress!" A doctor said, standing out from the crowd.

"Oh! I don't know what my fate is? I have a headache!"

"Don't panic, everyone. He is a little Leiyin Temple Buddha who helps people in need. He will definitely help people in need. Everyone has a share and a share!!"

Countless people started arguing, looking forward to it and extremely happy.

Several human emperors drank a cup of tea and showed a faint smile:

Don’t worry about scarcity, but worry about inequality!

The people of the world were not allowed to practice Buddhism before. Since everyone is equal, there will naturally be no unwillingness.

But what about now?

Your ordinary neighbor or friend on the street, who is just like you, suddenly wins the lottery, soars into the sky, embarks on the path of spiritual practice, and achieves immortality. How can you be willing to do so?

Inequality leads to huge jealousy!

And this jealousy will form resentment that persists. Why can my neighbor live forever, but I can't?

This is a fairly common psychological effect.

A human emperor smiled and said: "I don't know, when will you develop the next technique for the people of the world?"

Another human emperor spoke with kind eyes, "If you are unable to do so, you can share the ancestral scriptures with me and the human emperor, or we can work for you. Let's join hands to open a fairy gate for the people of the world."

The implication is quite obvious.

The second wave is to ask the ancestral scriptures directly.

They understand better that this time the other party will not be able to hand it over no matter what!

They didn't intend to succeed, they were just using this method to create a gap in the hearts of the people of Jingzhou.

As it is now.

The public opinion of the people in the world has changed somewhat after watching the opening ceremony of the projection construction in Jinghuang City.

"Yes, we are alone after all. When will it be our turn?"

"I don't want to die of old age!"

"I see that the eight Human Emperors have always been very kind. They have been praising the power of this technique and they are also good people. Why don't we let them help?"

"Would this be too much trouble for the other party?"

This is human nature.

Anyone else would think that he could become an immortal next.

At this time, several Human Emperors around them had deep smiles on their lips.

"Originally, you were the only one who developed the technique. No matter how slow you were, everyone accepted it. Although they would have the idea of ​​'Why do you develop his technique and not mine?', they would still accept it because everyone knew it. , times don’t happen overnight.”

"They will choose to obey the arrangements from above, and some will accept their own death."

"After all, the people will also know how to measure you. You are alone and cannot control the world. But when we come, the situation has changed. The eight of us have come across continents to help you."

"In the eyes of the people, you have a choice."

"But now you can only refuse our help! You don't appreciate it!"

"In this case, your current situation will inevitably degenerate into a lonely and selfish image that does not accept the kind help from other Human Emperors and cannot open up quickly by yourself."

Their minds are calm and they drink tea gently.

Is this operation simple?

Very simple operation!

But just this small operation can make a huge difference and subvert your image among the people.

But so.

People's hearts began to be divided.

Their plan is quite obvious.

In the first ring, take the opponent's [Celestial Craftsman's Creation] and let the opponent spend most of his life.

The second link is to alienate the other party's people, creating a gap between the people of Jingzhou and preventing them from developing.

Two waves come down like this.

When they arrived after spending 20 to 30 years, Jingzhou was still in troubled times, the other party was unpopular, and even the civilization was regressing. Naturally, they could deal with the other party and find their true identity!

Wu Lang glanced at them and thought to himself: "Does this mean he has defeated me? Logically speaking, he has indeed defeated me."

His heart was cold:

After all, you can only perform one skill at a normal speed.

"It's impossible for me to use all the hundreds of exercises. That would be a huge problem for me!"

"Predict the future? A time traveler? I didn't develop this technique? With such a flaw, even Po Meng would arrest me and parade me through the streets!"


Wu Lang glanced at them lightly and said slowly: "Let me give you the ancestral scriptures and open them together? I refuse!"

Several great emperors raised smiles on their lips.

He really had no choice but to refuse and fell into their trap.

"However, I refuse you, not because I am selfish, but because mortals need to be self-reliant and do not need the help of superior immortals."

"You people from the old era are not in line with our ideals of cultivating immortals as mortals, and you cannot board my ship of the new era!"

Wu Lang suddenly stood up and whispered softly: "Fellow Taoists who have come from afar, don't you remember the philosophy of my Little Leiyin Temple?"

"Of course I remember!"

The great emperors spoke slowly, slightly angry at being scolded like this.

Mahayana Buddhism allows one person to practice and build a Mahayana boat of suffering to protect all living beings and cross the sea.

Hinayana Buddhism allows sentient beings to cultivate themselves, build their own Hinayana boat of suffering, and let them cross the sea of ​​suffering on their own.

"Who said that I alone can open the gate of immortality for all the people in the world?"

"I don't open it for them, they open it themselves!!"

Wu Lang stood up, glanced at them coldly, stood up, and without giving them any face, changed the structure of the bench, sat at the head of the eight of them, and said:

"The people of Jingzhou don't need your help, or even my help. People all over the world can develop their own techniques."

“It is better to teach people how to swim than to give them a boat.”

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