I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 149 The calculation of the world, surviving the sea of ​​adversity

Let the common people develop their own exercises?

How can it be?

Several great emperors immediately felt that this was a fallacy!

This man is insane.

Does he want to teach mortals the ancestral scriptures?


Not to mention that after it is taught, they will also know the secret of the ancestral scripture.

Even after it is taught, how can these mortals develop their own techniques without sufficient cultivation and knowledge?

Their expressions changed slightly.

I don’t know what medicine the other party sells in his gourd.

As for this dead end, logically, the other party cannot avoid it no matter what.


They hesitated in their hearts.

This person is a miracle worker. Is it possible that there are some unexpected ways to turn decay into magic?

Can they break through their deadlock?

Wu Lang ignored them, secretly transmitted the message to the hundreds of craftsmen below, whispered to them, preached the Dharma for half an hour, and then let them leave.

"What's going on?"

A human emperor pretended to be curious, but felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"I didn't want to teach them a new template for construction craftsmen so quickly." Wu Lang glanced at them and said, "Since you have asked, it can be considered as an answer for the people of the world and to find an answer for the future."

The emperors changed their colors slightly.

Artisan template?

Could it be that this building allows people to develop their own exercises?

Wu Lang sat back down and said:

"Today, I have appointed a cabinet, built an imperial city, and even received the congratulations from the Eight Emperors. I should also preach to the people of Jingzhou and open the gate of immortality to all people in the world."

"Today's Tao should be the foundation for mortals to cultivate immortality and the beginning of self-reliance and self-improvement for all people."

"I hope that after the people of the world see the foundation of this great road, they will completely break away from the attachment of the Immortal Sect, become self-reliant, and perform their own Dharma without relying on heaven or earth."

"I hope the people of Jingzhou will get rid of the Immortal Sect and just go up. They don't have to listen to the words of some people who give up on themselves and expect the people to always be parasitic on the Human Emperor and the Immortal Sect."

"Those who can do things can do things, and those who can make a sound can speak out. There is a certain amount of heat and a certain amount of light. There is no need to wait for the torch. I hope that people in the world will have ambition and the common people will not rely on others."

Wu Lang finished speaking.

In the distance, there were hundreds of thousands of craftsmen rushing out of the door again.


They were pressed for time, and one person only built a new square brick. This square brick was bright red and very strange and complex.

Each craftsman started to forge a huge building one brick at a time, going back and forth.

"What are those red bricks?"

"Is it possible that this building can allow people to perform their own exercises and open up their own immortal gates?"

The great emperor asked slowly.

Wu Lang looked at them for a few times and then said: "Human computing power has its limits. Not to mention ordinary people, even the calculation sect that is famous for calculations will be affected by mentality, emotion, fatigue, etc., and even calculations will occur. errors."

"However, humans can invent the abacus, and ordinary people can also calculate addition and subtraction of dozens of digits."

“The history of human development is essentially a history of tool utilization.”

"It doesn't matter if it's magic spells! It doesn't matter if it's a sword! It doesn't matter if it's a physical medicine! It's all like that!"

"Humans are weak. The reason why we can compete with other races is that we know how to use tools. Except for technology, they are all such impure things."

"And I want to use craftsman's mechanism skills to let mortals become the foundation of heaven and become self-reliant and strong."

Wu Lang's voice was majestic and majestic, using dragon luck to tell the whole world that he was like an emperor sitting on the clouds, overlooking the entire Jingzhou city.


Amidst the changes in everyone's expressions.

I saw craftsmen stacking red square bricks one after another.


Gradually, a red rectangular abacus was formed, like an oversized piano or an oversized computer keyboard, standing on the ground.

Each of the blocks pushes itself, pulls the rod, and operates like a huge mechanical structure.

Looking at this vast behemoth, several great emperors could not help but ask: "This, what is this??"

They saw that this thing was very fragile and definitely not a battle magic weapon.

But very delicate.

"Redstone Technology."

Wu Lang said calmly: "The lineage of craftsmen is the ultimate knowledge."

"Tianjiang Creation" is a building system developed based on "Minecraft" as a template.

There are endless possibilities for people in it.

Construction, survival, planting, animal husbandry. How could it be possible that the most critical, most infinitely possible, and most attractive MC technology is missing from this: red stone technology.

Some big guys can use redstone technology to build music boxes, and even build a Snake game console in the MC world, and even build super-large computers.

In front of you.

The line of natural craftsmen has this aspect.

It's just that Wu Lang was too lazy to pass it on to them before.

After all, this red stone computer is too slim. No matter in terms of size, calculation power, or intelligence, it has long been eliminated by the "Fate Wheel AI".

AI without self-intelligence is really just an auxiliary low-level computer.

But for Wu Lang now, it is the key to breaking the situation.

At the very least, if redstone technology is given to them, the common people can help evolve most of the low-level areas on their own.

You can just evolve the core areas by yourself.

In this way, you don't have to worry about the ancestral scriptures being leaked. You can deduce a prototype for them and they can improve it themselves.

save time and energy.

And because this calculation power is too high, they can't calculate it and can't perfect it in a short time?

It's their own business.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish!

I've taught you everything, but if you can't open up your own business and become self-reliant, it's your problem.

The faces of the great emperors changed slightly, "This is a super-advanced large abacus?? Auxiliary calculation??"

Admittedly, this is like useless to them.

No matter how high the computing power is, it can't beat these powerful monks.

After all, just like when they saw the microscope before, they were just slightly surprised, feeling that this mortal great scholar could actually open up a way for mortals to see the blood around the world.

They themselves are humanoid microscopes, humanoid computers, humanoid airplanes, humanoid submarines, and humanoid missiles.

Naturally, I won’t be jealous.

A great emperor frowned and said: "If mortals can do this, even though our extremely low computing power is enough for them to help develop some low-level techniques at the Qi refining stage."

"Is it possible that mortals can really stand on their own feet?"

"Impossible! Can they, mortals, find some low-level ways by themselves?"

Just when they were surprised.

Buzz! !

The whole land shook slightly, like an earthquake.

The golden textures on countless red stones come together, and the entire red stone abacus magic weapon seems to dye the sky red.

"It's done!"

A craftsman shouted: "Your Majesty, God bless us mortals!"

The eight cabinet ministers behind them shouted: "God bless me as a mortal!"

"God bless me mortal!"

Countless people shouted fanatically.

Some people saw this super-large abacus and were surprised that those craftsmen could actually help them deduce the technique!

And they saw an extremely complicated scene.


As the abacus started, a huge golden shadow giant slowly gathered in the sky. Only half of its body was in the clouds. Looking down, it seemed as if the only platinum true god in the sky and the earth was slowly turning this huge abacus to calculate the heavens and the earth.

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