I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 174 Coming in droves

The ocean is vast.

"It's the signal from Emperor Zheng!"

The sun shines on the sea, giving it a brilliant golden color.

A beautiful mermaid girl slowly emerged from the water, "Please, seniors, the battle for the destiny of the clan has already broken out."

Countless transparent bubbles are slowly surging on the seabed.

"we know."

An old mermaid overlord opened his eyes and stepped out of the sea step by step.

They slowly took the forbidden life medicine, and the aura of this powerful master in the integration stage slowly expanded, and it vaguely exploded to the level of the Great Emperor.

Poof! ! !

More than thirty false emperors cut their wrists, and the blood from their hearts flowed continuously, blending into the ocean, as if they were performing some ancient ocean sacrifice.


A gorgeous ripple slowly rippled and gradually spread.


Countless blood and the vitality of more than thirty mermaids and the pseudo-emperors gathered together to form an incomparably huge ocean giant, with a height of tens of thousands of meters like a mythical giant of the ancient ocean.


The mysterious ancient giant with a snake's tail swung its fish tail and slowly blew the bright red conch in his hand.


The sky suddenly became dark.

Countless clouds are gathering and rolling.

There was an intense dullness and depression in the air, as if on the eve of a storm.

In the distance, the sky gradually darkened.

Looking up again, it was not clouds at all, but a tens of thousands of meters of tsunami covering the sky, plunging the entire sky into endless darkness.


The huge tide carries the sad singing of the ancient sharks.

"O Ancient God, please pour the tide onto the earth, play the song of the Ancient God, and turn the world into our Sea Clan forest~"


Covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

It was as if a hole had opened in the sky, an ancient god poured down a basin of water, and the earth turned into a world of rapids and ocean.


A strong and tall shark man, holding a trident, rode the endless rolling waves and swept into Jingzhou.

Demonic disaster frontline base.

The sky was shaking violently, and the coast turned black.

The huge wall of shadow was approaching step by step. Everyone knew that it was not a wall, but a sea disaster.

Countless strong men in the Fusion Stage near the coast suddenly shook their bodies, as if they felt the strong humidity in the air.

Storm is coming.

The terrifying air pressure natural disaster was so heavy that everyone wanted to retreat, and it made them gasp for breath.

It was a horrific scene like the end of the world.

"Tsunami! It's a sea disaster!" A great demon in the combined stage spoke slowly, with uncontrollable shock in his voice. "They actually launched a sea disaster. It was so huge. Is it life-threatening? This can cover less than half of the world. Jingzhou, right?"

"Are they going to give a big gift to the Emperor of Jingzhou when he ascends the throne and destroy the human race?" A big demon looked at the sky with an expressionless face.

Jingzhou will become a vast ocean and a swamp basin.

"Then what should we do? Should we take advantage of the situation and attack together, go to Jinghuang City? Interrupt his ascension to the throne?" A voice asked: "That must be very interesting, and make them lose all their dignity."

"I won't go. I always feel something strange." A charming female demon adjusted her wings with her hands and sat motionless on the chair.

"Trash! You are like this and you still want to compete with me for the throne!"

A tall and evil demon said: "You're just a coward! I'm going to Jinghuang City. The Shark Tribe has sent a gift, so we demons must also send a gift."

The fight for the throne.

It's nothing more than an evaluation of how they fight against the merging-stage leaders of the human race's immortal sects in the midst of a demonic disaster, with their bravery and strategies.

They naturally have to strive for performance.

After all, most of the radical demons turned into a bloody light, rose into the sky, and charged towards Jinghuang City.

"Go to Jinghuang City and say congratulations! Give them some color to see!"

Since the sharks all offered congratulatory gifts, it would be too boring if they didn't take advantage of the victory and defeat Jinghuang City and give him a "big gift".

Jinghuang City.

Along with ancestor worship, pray.

There are fairies with solid luck in the void.

A fairy began to play music, draped in gauze and playing the harp, and the sound of the harp flowed from the rising and falling of her fingertips.

A fairy began to dance, her posture was as clear and ethereal as a spring dripping from a deep stream. A fairy began to ring bells and drums, like the rolling waves of the river and sea, sonorous and powerful.

This time he ascended the throne and his luck gathered, it was like a fairy scene.

A young emperor stood on the altar with a solemn posture and was still praying.

The entire Jingzhou Imperial City seemed to be unaware of what was going on outside. It was still very peaceful and quiet, and a ceremony was being held.

Many leaders of Jingzhou's major sects, who were hiding in the dark and watching the water mirror, showed surprise and even began to discuss it leisurely.

"He has indeed broken through the Nascent Soul stage. This aura is the Golden Elixir of Dharma, breaking out of his shell and transforming into the Nascent Soul." An old man in charge whispered with a smile on his face.

"A young emperor in the Nascent Soul stage?" Someone looked strange.

"He can really hide!" Master Daogu smiled.

"Can you hide? Otherwise, we would have found him long ago." The owner of Qianhua Pavilion, who is also a mature and beautiful woman, was also joking.

"Wait a minute, forget about the Nascent Soul stage, he can still mobilize the luck of the Human Emperor, has he practiced the Human Emperor Sutra?" Someone suddenly noticed something.

Everyone was confused.

"Before, he didn't use Baixiao's Fa Yi. Didn't he practice the Human Emperor's Fa Yuan at all? How could he use the luck-based Human Emperor technique?"

"With his hundreds of realms, is it possible that the Human Emperor is also one of the hundred?"

These people looked at each other and felt that their three views had been subverted.

They had a weird look on their face that said, "That's okay."

But anyway, they are united. We are all one of the Jingzhou sect forces, and we are sitting in the same boat, so we don't bother to pay attention to how outrageous he is.

Anyway, judging from the current situation, it seems that he is going to do something even more outrageous.

He dragged a great emperor who was in his prime to overcome the tribulation alone, and then gave them the breakthrough time to attain enlightenment and overcome the tribulation amidst the sea disaster.

"Anyway, this one said that if we can't hold back the Tribulation Emperor, we can stop and not go to prove the Emperor. Well, it seems that the last time, the two of you were told the same thing about the Three Blood Swordsmen, right?"

"Yes." Xuesandao nodded, "He said he would fight the first battle first to show his sincerity. At that time, I saw that he really succeeded and bullied the old emperor so badly that we joined."

They continued to watch silently, this rather majestic and solemn succession ceremony.


The sky is filled with golden clouds and mist.

The luck was completely condensed, and vaguely in the golden mist, there were actually eight human emperors, slowly arriving.

"Your Majesty has ascended the throne, and I'm here to congratulate you on your birthday!"

The eight emperors of various states, majestic and majestic, slowly walked out of their destiny.

The major leaders in Jingzhou could see this scene.

His expression suddenly became even weirder.

"Why are these eight human emperors here again?" The owner of Hundred Insect Island smiled bitterly and said speechlessly: "However, their plan has completely failed. They probably just came to congratulate them."

"The congratulations are in name only." Qianhua Pavilion Master sneered, "They are here to watch the show, join in the fun, and even come to make friends."

after all.

The other party didn’t know about Taoist Blood Skeleton. They were far away in various states, so it was impossible for them to be so well-informed and know such a secret:

Here, there is a Tribulation Emperor coming to attack, and the battle will begin today.

They arrived again with the help of "celebration", just to congratulate each other. They had no idea how deep the water was today.

"It's reasonable." Daogu Sect Leader said.

If someone has the opportunity to come over, they will definitely come. Whether it is to build a good relationship, obtain information, or simply watch the enthronement ceremony, there is no problem at all.

"Eight theatergoers are here!!"

Everyone in the Jingzhou Righteous Alliance looked at each other and couldn't help but feel worried. They looked at the enthronement ceremony of the Human Emperor of the Jingzhou Immortal Realm and said, "However, with all these coming, something big is really going to happen in this celebration."

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