I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 175 The young emperor of Jingzhou is as lucky as a dragon


The young emperor worshiped his ancestors and told the world.

The eight human emperors were watching the ceremony from the side, but he still ignored them.

"Ascending the throne in this life is not for the immortal sect, but for the common people."

A young man in white clothes burns incense and prays, with a pious face.

In front of a phantom that respects the destiny of the emperors of the past generations, he made great aspirations.

Great ambitions are promises made by emperors of all ages to the world, but they have always been empty in name and have become a hypocritical ritual that has never been realized.

But today, this Human Emperor doesn't think so.

He was burning incense, and the wisps of incense were steaming and floating in the sky:

"Ancestors of past generations, I don't know how many trillions of years this world has existed. The last era was the age of divine dragons. Perhaps they did not break through the development of their own race's immortal way. Because of the fall of a large meteorite, the common people were exterminated, and the human race was able to become the overlord today. .”

He talked eloquently, facing the golden shadows of his ancestors, as if he were talking to the martyrs of the past dynasties.

Let’s talk about the general trend of the world.

Let’s talk about the future of the human race.

“But from my perspective today, the humane civilization that has existed for hundreds of thousands of years is deformed.”

"It is a wrong path to save only one person but not the common people."

"The true prosperous age of immortality must be an upright and balanced one. Everyone in the world can practice it. Everyone is like a dragon. This is for the advancement of the entire human race and to make up for the shortcomings."

"This is a time when the stars are shining brightly."

"Everyone in the world today says that the most talented people in the world are not as good as their ancestors. There are no saints in this world, and no great man will be born."

"This is not something that saints and sages did not come up with, but something that did not come out of the times."

"The age of saints and sages was born along with new realms, for tens of thousands of years, because at this time the way of the ancients had matured and could not be opened up."


Everyone watched this incredible scene quietly.

Someone soon knew what he was going to do.

He is establishing his mind, making achievements, making words, and making great aspirations for the common people.

Throughout history, emperors have also been divided into categories: lewd emperors, tyrants, cowardly emperors, saintly emperors, wise emperors, wise emperors, and benevolent emperors.

He wants to take the rarest path of a holy king.

A living saint.

Contemporary emperor.

In the human race, only these two can win the hearts of the people and lead the way to the future. The saint is in the countryside at the bottom, and the emperor is in the highest temple. The two contradict each other, but they can be combined into one, and they are the saint king who is difficult to emerge in hundreds of thousands of years.

Either he doesn't take the throne.

If you want to take the throne, you have to be the strongest one.

It's already at this level, so why worry about more trouble?

Just hide a little deeper, that's all.

"Without a good soil, there is no way for seeds to grow into towering trees. In ancient times, mortals succeeded in the immortal way and failed in the immortal way. I hope that after today, Jingzhou will become the soil of free speech, and thousands of families will discuss the Tao."

"After I ascend the throne, I will not limit my words and cannot help but discuss. Let a hundred schools of thought contend and talk about their own way. The contention of a hundred schools of thought will guide the direction of humankind's progress and find the true meaning among the fierce schools."

"Our Jingzhou is different from other continents. We in Jingzhou cultivate the world of immortality and educate all kinds of people. The world will have medical, Confucian, scholarly, business, and craftsmanship."

"They travel across the land, each performing their own duties and discussing their own ways. This is a grand transformation in the world of immortality, and new blood and sprouts are emerging."

The golden clouds in the sky changed rapidly.

It seemed that every common person and every human race in the entire Jingzhou could hear this holy prayer and worship of ancestors. Everyone listened inexplicably and waited excitedly for the prologue of this era to truly arrive.

"He repairs swords, guns, swords and halberds, and I cultivate agriculture, industry and commerce."

He spoke.

The voice was cold and cold, like the sky hanging in the sky forever.


A great wish fell, and the entire ocean of luck was shaken!

The emperors of the past dynasties from the Taikoo era looked down, as if they were awakened. One beam, two beams of light, countless Taikoo emperors stood in the golden clouds, standing with their hands behind their hands, overlooking the world, and countless golden arcs in the clouds. Wandering among them.

"He cultivates self-exaltation, and I cultivate universal unity."

He looked up.

With a calm expression, neither humble nor arrogant, he quietly stared at the shadows of all the emperors of the past dynasties.

Countless human emperors spoke slowly, as if they were telling something. The voices of the human emperors were like an inexplicable hymn of humanity. The sound floated throughout the mountains, rivers, and countryside of Jingzhou, as if they were blessing the world with amnesty after ascending the throne. People from all over the world felt that their bodies were groaning a lot, and their old illnesses were gone.

"He practices Mahayana Buddhism, and I practice Hinayana Buddhism."

He spoke loudly.

The whole world was shaken.

The human emperors of the past generations in the golden sky seemed to be telling something, and they all opened their mouths. The invisible corners of their mouths were slightly raised, as if they were praising and blessing, sending the most pious gifts and prayers to this younger generation, and gradually dissipated with a satisfied smile. In the clouds.

There was a loud bang.

"Sacrifice to heaven, the ceremony is completed."

The young man in white gradually became filled with an artistic conception.

His natural imperial aura has been revealed, and his body is filled with the charm of profound knowledge and profound knowledge.

Gradually, he took on the appearance of a great scholar in white, and a golden dragon pattern appeared on his sleeves, gradually transforming into a gorgeous dragon robe.

He has transformed into a living emperor, wearing an imperial crown and a dragon robe. His handsome face reflects the morning light, with a god-like majesty and inherent nobility.

The young emperor turned around and no longer looked at the will of the emperors in heaven, but at the people of the earth:

He raised his arms and shouted:

"In the old days, there were less than fifty Dao in the world!"

"In today's world, we should also use it to complete ten thousand ways!"

Boom! !

The sky and the earth thundered.

He turned around and strode to sit on the throne.

"Today, our court will take steps towards the prosperous age of immortality, and will lead a group of explorers who are eager for the future. These scholars and Confucian scholars will pursue the great road."

That figure, shrouded in endless divine light, wearing a simple and elegant dragon robe and a dragon crown on his head, seemed to be burning with golden flames, covering the entire world, like a god descending from the sky. He was really the Tai Sui God on earth.

Countless rays of light fell on the throne, and golden light penetrated the void. The young emperor sat on the throne and said with a smile:

"Today I open up thousands of ways for the world. Before the common people, there is destined to be an ocean of truth!"


The entire destiny of humanity seems to have been touched in some mysterious way.

A new Jingzhou Emperor has completely appeared, and the destiny of the entire Jiuzhou has once again changed in the distribution of forces. At the same time, the overall destiny of the entire era seems to have been shaken, and new variables and vitality have appeared.

Wow! ! In the Forbidden Mountain of the ancient temple, a figure of a woman covered in pitch black tore apart the glaciers and rivers that restricted the source of the gods. She figured out the secret and slowly opened her bright red magic eyes.

Boom! ! In the Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness, deep in the spring, among the ruins of the ancient immortal world, the heart of an ancient white-haired old man slowly started to beat again, and he walked out of the palace. His white hair slowly fell from his shoulders, and his thick black hair slowly grew.

A great emperor ascends the throne.

Kyushu has begun a new myth!

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