I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 176 The Curiosity of the Human Emperors

After the ceremony, he ascended the throne.

At this time, in the imperial palace hall, the young emperor was sitting on the throne. Below him were eight cabinet ministers, with their backs straight and straight, standing quietly in the hall.

"Give me a seat."

The young man said: "It is Jingzhou's honor for the eight human emperors to witness this grand enthronement ceremony of Jingzhou's immortal world."

"Congratulations on your enthronement."

"Congratulations on your enthronement."

"Jingzhou has another human emperor, and the people of Jingzhou are blessed."

Next to them, the eight human emperors sat down one after another and said their usual congratulations.

They finally let out a long sigh and sat silently in the seats beside the throne.

Changes in the world began in Jingzhou. Even if they tried all their methods, they could not stop him. There were all kinds of miraculous means to resist it.

He is less than a hundred years old!

To the monks of Man Man Immortal Dao, he is just a weak young man.

It was as if a child emperor had emerged in a country of mortals who had ascended the throne at the age of seven or eight. At such an age, he had shown various miraculous means to quell the civil strife in the court. The ministers who wanted to seize power were eyeing the emperor and suppressing his ambition. All generations will be dealt with.

Counting all kinds of things, it’s really like a dream.

And today, they also know that the situation is now established, and no one can stop him. To set off a rolling wave, Jingzhou does not know how many heroes will be produced.

"What a prosperous time, celebrating with the sky."

At this time, the Qingzhou Emperor smiled and said: "The great ambitions made by Your Excellency and the direction of your rule after ascending the throne are indeed amazing. In history, almost only an emperor who ushered in an era and led a new era deserves this honor." He is a holy king, and you deserve it."

Wu Lang nodded and said calmly: "The ambition I set after ascending the throne is a spur to myself. I will do my best to develop Jingzhou, and it depends on them. I just teach people to fish, and others can't save them. People have to save themselves.”

"But it is."

A human emperor nodded, "Our tradition is that the immortal sect protects mortals who cannot cultivate, and they want to be worshiped. What you are doing now has overturned the traditional pattern of the entire world of immortal cultivation."

Another Human Emperor said: "Yes, their foundation has been destroyed from the root. Otherwise, some immortal sects would not be so radically opposed."

In fact, they are not opposed to the system.

Anyway, what is damaged is their foundation, what is damaged is the interests of the Immortal Sect, which is above, and I, the Imperial Sect, take advantage of this opportunity!

But their states are emperors, and they can't help themselves.

All the major immortal sects in their continent came to them for "negotiations" and had no choice but to take action against this fellow clan member.

"This is normal. Changes in an era always face resistance from the old era and harm their interests." Wu Lang said.

There are many such things in human history.

For example, when humans first invented electronic promotion, they faced resistance, assassinations, attacks, and various obstacles from many oil tycoons, which were ruining their jobs. For example, the heliocentric Copernicus and even Shang Yang's reform touched the interests of the nobles and eventually died from being torn apart by a chariot.

"At this time, the situation has become overwhelming. They are not in Jingzhou and are too far apart, so it is difficult to stop me." Wu Lang just said lightly.

"That's right." A human emperor nodded.

at this time.

They didn't know yet that a demon was coming, and the sea disaster had swept across the border of Jingzhou, rushing at an extremely fast speed.

after all.

This is meant to be secretive.

Even the local demons were shocked to discover that the sea disaster was happening just now. How did they know?

Now, they still think that the prosperous age is peaceful, they are chatting and congratulating, thinking that this will have a successful ending.

At this time, another Jizhou Human Emperor spoke: "When you become the Human Emperor of a continent, you will have golden words from now on. When the Human Emperor of the world speaks a thousand pieces of gold, you will never lie or lie. You must maintain the majesty of the Emperor, so as not to Bad luck."

He was reminding, hinting.

After becoming emperor, you should stop talking nonsense and making up history.

They've had enough of this kind of fanciful plan.

It simply subverted their three views and did not play according to common sense at all.

In their eyes, an upright sage and scholar is not difficult to deal with. After all, he abides by etiquette and is very upright. But the reason why the guy in front of them is difficult to deal with is because he does not play his cards according to common sense.

Even history can be made up!

And they, the Human Emperors, also abide by the golden words.

For example, the last time they attacked, they just played word games and made insinuations. After all, they had to honor what they said and couldn't talk nonsense.

"Since I have put on a dragon robe and taken off my scholar's white clothes, I should naturally abide by this etiquette." Wu Lang sat on the throne and started talking.

The Great Emperor of Kyushu seemed to be in a happy mood, getting to know each other very late, constantly communicating, and laughing heartily.

"By the way, I don't know what other programs are coming next?" At this time, the Yongzhou Human Emperor said.

In accordance with the traditional etiquette of the emperor's enthronement.

First, offer sacrifices to heaven and tell ancestors.

Second, ascend the throne and take the throne.

Third, hold a grand ceremony to celebrate the whole world, and hold various grand events. Some are held for three days, and some are held for three months, depending on the arrangements and circumstances of the emperor at that time.

They were looking forward to this coronation celebration.

You must know that the last time the imperial city was just built, it was already very grand. There was also a red stone abacus, which was an eye-opener for them.

Isn’t it bigger this time?

With his character, he must show something special to open their eyes and gain some information at the same time.

Wu Lang seemed to understand their thoughts, and smiled at the human emperors sitting next to him: "There is such a grand celebration to celebrate my accession to the throne. It will even last for three to five years, and the people all over the world will revel. .”


Several human emperors were curious.

"However, activating this divine code requires the luck of the Human Emperor. It is difficult for me to do it alone." Wu Lang pretended to hesitate, "After all, I am only at the Nascent Soul stage and my realm is not high. The luck of the Human Emperor is not very high. not much."

Several people looked shocked.

I suddenly became curious, it would take a huge human emperor's luck to activate it.

Could it be that he established a new destiny treasure used by a certain human emperor?

"If your luck is not good enough, we can help you," they said.

"Fellow Human Emperors, if I can use the power of your current incarnation of the Human Emperor, it will certainly be possible." This young emperor of Jingzhou pondered and said with some guilt, "However, isn't this not a good idea?"

"You can just use it."

Several human emperors smiled. I'm afraid that super large construction magic weapons such as "Red Abacus" will be activated again, so there is no harm in selling personal favors.

Besides, the last time I tried to trick him, I failed and got a lot of grudges. Since I couldn't stop his rise at all, this time, I might as well take the opportunity to make good friends and help him promote the magic weapon at this grand ceremony and let it go. Fireworks. After all, the purpose of cultivating immortals is not to fight and kill, but to be humane and wise.

"Everyone has also said that you have no joke."

Wu Lang nodded, stood up on the throne, and said to the people of the world: "Emperors, since you insist on seeing this celebration, then I will let you have a look, and use your magic power to set off a fireworks festival. !”

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