I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 220 Entering the Tao

Wu Lang sighed in his heart. After a busy day, he also fully understood his true intention.

I was lazy after all.

He seems to be working overtime, but in fact he is lacking.

His overtime work was a kind of crazy improvement in his realm, but his artistic conception, Dharma, and foundation did not keep up with his realm quickly.

And his real path is not to learn from the skills of those players, but to open up a path for the people himself.

Hundreds of fields are opened up one after another, and naturally the understanding will be deepened and the meaning of the law will be clearly understood.

"After all, I was lazy before."

He shook his head and muttered in his mind, "As a working man, I still have to seriously follow the route of a working emperor. I still have to go out and practice hard in the cave, but I can't make any sense."

Even though there is some direction in the transformation stage, it is still difficult.

The next day.

A stall with candied haws as the center is very popular.

Countless monks and even local people came to support and lined up in a long queue.

Although it is not as delicious as yesterday, the recipe has been refined several times, and with a few vendors trying to get started, it is still an excellent delicacy.

And those vendors, whose faces were glowing now, tacitly agreed not to reveal the secret in their hearts, but yesterday they saw their idol, the young emperor who walked among the people, and was their hero. How could he leak his information? ?


“It’s simply delicious!”

“Exquisitely delicious!”

Even some high-level monks who were discussing Taoism in a restaurant saw this scene from the teahouse window and were happy to travel in the mortal world. They lined up to eat it and felt that the taste was indeed excellent.

However, most of their monks are only Nascent Soul at the highest level, and cannot detect the surprising and subtle changes in these mortals:

As they were cooking, it was as natural as refining medicine, very beautiful, and their realm was slowly rising, trying to break through to the first level of Qi training.

Only an ancient emperor who was passing by was carrying a chicken. He glanced at it inadvertently and stood in line with a smile. He soon carried a candied haws and said, "Look! They vendors are living and practicing."

Jing Ge and the others next to him looked a little surprised and confused, but they could only follow behind silently.

"This practice is not our practice."

"We practice in Gugao, in the mountains, far away from the world. They practice among the people, full of fireworks and folk customs. The immortals here are popular and interesting."

"We cultivate immortality, and they cultivate truth! This may be the philosophy of Xiaoleiyin Temple. All living beings can survive and strengthen themselves. I have seen the future. Daily practice is practice, and dreaming is cultivation."

"No matter how low your qualifications are, as long as you practice hard for fifty or sixty years, you can still have a foundation-building period and live for two hundred years."

The ancient emperor showed a bit of a smile: "People in ancient times lived a hundred years in spring and autumn, and lived to the end of their days. If this prosperous future really comes to an end, it may be a fairyland that surpasses the ancient fairyland. The civilization of Kyushu has arrived in Jingzhou. beginning."

"His law should be regarded as the great ancestral scripture."

Wu Lang's mind was peaceful.

He is a person with strong action ability. Once he has his own direction, he can't wait to continue executing it.

The main reason why he came to Jinghuang City was not to perform martial arts for the world, nor to participate in fights. His destiny was not to like fighting.

Can't you see it in the cave?

Why come in person and take a trip into the world?

Instead, find your own path.

The merchant who left appeared again in another corner of Jinghuang City.

On this day, he was working as an apprentice in a traditional tattoo shop to learn tattooing. After visiting the old master, Wu Lang realized that what he had learned had many flaws.

Experience, details, and style cannot be learned by working behind closed doors.

Thanks to the cabinet ministers of Jingzhou Imperial City, they worked hard to collect all kinds of extraordinary people from all over the world in Jingzhou Imperial City, and taught them not to treasure their unique knowledge.

This place is already a huge opportunity for Wu Lang.

He became a disciple of this master whose skills were astonishing and had been passed down for dozens of generations. He began to study seriously, starting from the most basic techniques of ink mixing and blending. In two days, he had mastered dozens of the skills of this master. Years of experience wasted.

The stunning craftsmanship attracted many people to watch.

This handsome monk even had many girls come to ogle him, and many of them even got various Buddhist tattoos. Apparently, at this time, Jingzhou was influenced by the Buddhist people and Buddhism was flourishing.

After leaving, Wu Lang also left behind a "Tattoo Totem Picture".

"Whole body drawing is an alternative formation?" The old master held a scroll in his hand, as if he had opened a new door to a prosperous age, and saw the true meaning of the world. The career he had pursued all his life had this incredible sublimation.

"That monk, he is the current Holy Master!" He quickly followed his footsteps and ran to the street outside the shop, but saw that the other party had disappeared.

He could only thank him profusely in the direction he was leaving, and silently go back to study this method.

In the blink of an eye, another store became popular in Jinghuang City.

Even many low-level monks in Jinghuang City came here to communicate and see the excitement.

However, Jinghuang City is too big.

At this time, there were more than 300 million people gathered, and there were countless shops for monks and mortals. It was a huge area that could be called a province, divided into more than ten rings.

At this time, the martial arts competition arena has not yet opened, but secretly countless monks are clashing and discussing Taoism every day, and the great geniuses are vying for excellence. The daily tea stall newspaper can fill up to three pages for the common people to observe, and some even Place your bet.

This small storm did not attract more attention.

Wu Lang continued to practice.

This half year may be enough for me to practice a hundred ways, and I can develop a Qigong method in a day or two.

He has accumulated a lot of knowledge, and the mutual influence of countless knowledge and accumulation has greatly improved his wisdom. Coupled with Hou Tu's assistance in calculation, the Qi refining period is already at his fingertips.

"If the Hundred Paths are opened, most of the people in the world will be able to practice to the Qi Refining stage, and Jingzhou will completely enter the era of all people cultivating immortals."

"Ten years have passed, and it's time to go down the mountain and fulfill the promise made to them as mortals."

he whispered.

He is not afraid of being like a mountain spirit, swallowing spiritual energy in a large amount.

Because humans and mountain spirits are different.

The higher the realm of living things, the lower the fertility rate. Even in the transformation stage and the integration stage, it takes hundreds of years of hard work to give birth to a child.

During the general Qi refining period, their fertility rate will drop significantly.

The lifespan of the Qi Refining Stage is one hundred and twenty years, which is equivalent to a 50% extension of the lifespan of a "mortal". The fertility rate has declined, but the proportion of human beings will still remain in a numerical balance.

Human beings have the ability to reproduce. It takes ten months to conceive, plus a long development cycle of more than ten years. It is simply impossible to drain Jingzhou's spiritual energy like a mountain spirit.

Another day.

The security agency of Jingzhou Imperial City has an additional police officer.

He became a mortal and did not use calculation skills. He followed the old man and began to investigate and investigate the case. Through clues, he tracked down the prisoner and started his own collection of detective stories.

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